Soil series names hold invaluable information that can inform land use and agricultural practices. Join us as we explore soil series and their characteristics, featuring insights on collecting data, understanding soil maps, and highlighting the significance of favorite series like Fargo and Williams. • Soil series names relate to specific regions and provide insight into soil characteristics • The importance of five soil-forming factors in classification • How to access soil survey data for informed land management decisions • The relevance of local soil characteristics in agriculture and farming • Engaging with soil series can lead to deeper insights about land and environmental qualityCLORPT: Climate, organisms, relief, parent material, timeNRCS Web Soil Survey: App for Android: App for Apple: of SoilWeb for use in Google Earth: Series Data Explorer (where you can pop in the name of a soil series and get information about that soil):
24.Special End of Season 1: A Fireside Chat with GK Technology, Inc.
Back in July, Sarah and Jodi sat down with the whole GK Technology, Inc. team at the annual GK Tech summer retreat. In the discussion that follows, we celebrate growth, innovation, and camaraderie. Listen to hear Darin's reflections on founding the company, Kelly's pivotal role in boosting sales, Cheryl's witty take on finance, and more. We share how GK has expanded our available data library storage to over a petabyte, moving from USB thumb drives to hot server rooms.We also explore the transformative power of precision agriculture, from boosting yields to advancements in watershed modeling and herbicide optimization. Join us for a look at how teamwork, creativity, and innovation drive GK Technology's mission to revolutionize agriculture (and join is for a few laughs along the way, too!) This is the official end of season one after a short break; join us next week for the beginning of season 2!
23.5 Tiny Bytes: AGS Year in Review
Join us as we celebrate a year of the Ag Geek Speak podcast. Journey with us through the highlights of our first year, from the launch of the Tiny Bytes segment and launch of the GK Field Mapper app. We extend our heartfelt thanks and holiday wishes, and are eagerly looking forward to bringing you more insightful conversations and fresh content ideas in the new year.Google/YouTube Ag Geek Speak Podcast Feed: Mentioned: Digging Deep into Soil Science with Professor Emeritus R. Jay Goos: Deep into Soil Science Part 2 with Professor Emeritus R. Jay Goos: Johnson and Kelly Sharpe - Pioneering Precision Agriculture Johnson and Kelly Sharpe Part 2 - Starting an Ag Software Company Art of Crop Planning with Josh Stutrud Part 1 The Art of Crop Planning with Josh Stutrud Part 2 Water Flow with Paul Fuller Part 1 Water Flow with Paul Fuller Part 2 Wilderness to Sky: Clint Streeter's Path to Aerial Imagery Excellence Out About Aerial and Satellite Imagery with Clint Streeter Man Behind the Curtain: Travis Yeik pt. 1 AI with The Man Behind the Curtain: Travis Yeik pt. 2 Bytes: Introducing GK Field Mapper: We Have an App for That! for Field Variability with Dr. Dave Franzen Zones Happen with Dr. Dave Franzen the Landscape with Dr. Tom DeSutter pt. 1 Science of the Landscape with Dr. Tom DeSutter pt. 2's in a Soil Test? Getting the Answers with John Breker Pt. 1, pH, and Precision Soil Sampling: John Breker Pt. 2 Bytes: GNSS? GPS? What's the Difference? Bytes: Raster Monster! Field Mapper App: Google Play: Store: will be back with new episodes in the New Year!
23. Talking AI with The Man Behind the Curtain: Travis Yeik pt. 2
In this episode, we explore the cutting-edge innovations shaping precision agriculture. We dive deeper into ADMS with software developer Travis Yeik, talk turning digital signals into hydraulic actions, and dive deep into artificial intelligence (AI).
22.5 Tiny Bytes: GNSS? GPS? What's the Difference?
Our latest episode of Tiny Bytes dives into the fascinating world of satellite navigation. Discover the differences between GPS and GNSS, learn how satellite triangulation ensures precise positioning, and explore the transformative role of differential systems like WAAS and RTK in precision agriculture. With practical insights into multi-system receivers and the science behind satellite signals, this episode equips you with knowledge to navigate both the tech and trivia of satellite systems. Perfect for enthusiasts and professionals alike, tune in to elevate your understanding of the technology guiding our world! GK Technology, Inc.: