考级英语听力材料(专四)22 短文
0:00 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文11:07 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文22:49 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文32012年英语专业四级听力 短文1If you are a resident, you will find it useful to open a bank account.居民在银行开户其实很有用。All the large banks have a network of breaches across the country, and all offer similar services.所有大型银行都有遍布全国的支行网络,都提供类似的服务。A visit to any one of them will be a friendly experience.去任何一个支行都能体验到友好的服务。However,to open an account, you have to be prepared to prove your identity in a number of ways.然而,要开户,你必须准备好以多种方式证明你的身份。You will find your passport useful, but the bank will also want to see some form of proof that you are living where you say you are.你会用到护照,但是银行也想要看到你能用某种形式证明你生活在某个地方。This can be proved by a housing rent book, a tax form, water or electricity bill for the property, as long as it is in your name.这可以通过房屋租赁书、税务表格、水电费账单来证明,只要是你本人的。In the bank and elsewhere, you may hear the term "utility bill", this simply refers to bills relating to the provision of services to your home, such as electricity, gas, water and telephone.在银行等地方,你可能会听到“费用单”这个词,它是指与家庭服务供应有关的账单,如电力、煤气、水和电话。There are other local facilities, such as post offices, where you can save your money and have access to affordable low cost loans.还有邮局等其他地方设施,你可以存钱,还可以获得便宜的低成本贷款。Where'd they exist in your local area?你所在的地方这些设施分布在哪里?Contact details can be obtained from the Citizens Advice Bureau.联络资料可从市民谘询处索取。2012年英语专业四级听力 短文2Life is very stressful nowadays, so it is useful for us to talk about how to cope with stress.现在人们的生活压力很大,所以讨论一下如何应对压力其实很有用。If you want to reduce some stress, you can reduce this by the word: s-t-r-e-s-s;that's stress.如果你想减轻压力,你可以用“s-t-r-e-s-s”的方法;就是压力这个词。Let's begin with the "s". "S" is that you can have the scheduling.我们先说说“s”。“S”是关于安排日程的。For example, you do not have to schedule too many things in your day, and if you feel you are too busy, you can cut out an activity or two.例如,你没必要在一天中安排太多的事情,如果你觉得自己太忙,可以减少一两个活动。And"t"is treat your body well, because experts say that exercise can reduce stress.“t”是善待身体,因为专家说运动可以减轻压力。And also if you eat healthy food, then your brain and your body get the nourishment they need.如果你能保持饮食健康,大脑和身体就可以得到所需的营养。The next letter is "r". "R" means relax.下一个字母是“r”。“R”是指放松。You can do an activity you enjoy or that relaxes you.你可以进行一项你喜欢或能让你放松的活动。Maybe you can read a book or learn a new hobby and even spend time with your pet.你可以读书或者学习新的爱好,甚至可以和宠物在一起玩。And that could make a difference.这可能会很有用。And the next letter is "e". "E" is about expectations.下一个字母是“e”。“E”是指期待。This means be realistic about yourself and other.这意味着对自己和他人的期待都要符合现实。So you can just do your best and do not try to be perfect.所以你可以尽你所能,不要试图做到完美。And do not expect others to be too.也不要期望别人完美。That will release and reduce a lot of stress for you and the people around you.这样可以减轻你和周围人的压力。And the next letter is "s". "S" stands for sleep. If you get agood night sleep, then it will keep your mind and your body in shape.下一个字母是“s”。S代表睡眠,如果你能睡个好觉,大脑和身体就会保持健康状态。And the last letter is "s" again, which means smile.最后一个字母又是“s”,意思是微笑。If you smile and have confidence, you will think in a more positive way.如果你微笑并且有自信,你会以一种更积极的方式思考问题。And then you will feel more comfortable when you're coping with the stress.面对压力时,你会感觉更舒服。2012年英语专业四级听力 短文3New words enter the English language all the time.新词汇一直源源不断地进入英语。In fact, English has always been in a state of evolution.事实上,英语一直处于进化的状态。And in recent years, more and more words and phrases have entered the language.近年来,越来越多的单词和短语进入了英语。But where do all these new words come from?但是这些新词是从哪里来的呢?Words come out of the culture that they represent and they describe.词汇来自于他们所表示和描述的文化。So if you've got a new development in medicine, for example, bird flu, then you'll get a new word coming out of that.所以如果医学上有了新进展,比如禽流感,那么我们就能从中得到一个新词汇。If there is a military conflict, that may well bring all sorts of new words to the fore.如果出现军事冲突,那很可能会出现各种各样的新词。Going back in time, the First and Second World Wars were times of great creativity of language because people from different countries met each other and exchanged their words and words developed from there.回望历史,两次世界大战期间,语言展现了其伟大的创造力,因为不同国家的人们相遇并交换了彼此的词汇,新词由此出现。So,words come from the playground.所以,词汇来源于运动场。They come from politics.词汇来源于政治。They come from any area of life, because every area of life is changing from day today.词汇来自生活的各个领域,因为生活的每个领域都在不断变化。And does English have more words than any other language?英语词汇是不是比其他语言多?It certainly has more than other European languages and probably more than any other language in the world.一定比其他欧洲语言词汇要多,而且可能比世界上任何其他语言都要多。English is put together from so many different bits.英语是由许多不同的部分拼凑而成的。Originally,it was a Germanic language.最初,它是日耳曼语。And then after the Norman conquest in 1066, there was enormous influx of French words.1066年诺曼征服之后,大量的法语词汇涌入。And it comes from a country, the United Kingdom, which was quite an expansive trading colonial power in the past.它是联合王国语言,而过去联合王国是一个非常庞大的贸易殖民大国。And all these have brought all sorts of other new words into the language.所有这些都催生了各种各样的新词。