an you lose your salvation? | The Gospel & God's logic
I forgot to give the context of Hebrews 6:4-6: The author is speaking specifically to the Hebrew people, who are at the time having trouble accepting Jesus as the only way to heaven ( which you can read about throughout the book of Acts), so the writer needs to address this specific issue with them and give a different approach. That's why Hebrews might be a difficult book for us ( gentiles) to understand. The author through the majority of the book focuses one only one sin- not accepting Jesus as Savior. That context is very important to understand chapter 6. With that understanding, you can see how the author is not speaking on saved people losing salvation, but rather those people never accepting it to begin with.KEY VERSES: Proverbs 2:6Matthew 5:27Matthew 15:11Isaiah 51:2Romans 6:23Romans 5:12John 3:15Romans 10:9Ephesians 2:1Matthew 13:11Ephesians 1:17Ephesians 1:13-14Romans 11:29Ephesians 2:8 2Corinthians 11:12-14Email: [email protected] Bali Women Retreat Info:
Stop saying you're too young to follow God! | Kingdom vs. Culture ft. Victoria Baldwin
The devil created rom-coms | Kingdom vs Culture
Episode 2 of Amani and Victoria's mini-series of "Kingdom vs. Culture" is all about our modern relationships, the lies we need to dispel and the God's truth we need to adopt.
Does modesty matter? | Kingdom vs. Culture
Amani Talks Podcast: What has God done for you in 2024 | ft. Victoria Baldwin