Find adventure, fun, and music in Wildwood! Journey into an exciting world where the truths of God's Word are shared by a cast of lovable animal characters and ...
C.J. befriends a group of weak and pitiful creatures. He gets the surprise of his life when he discovers they don't want his help! Meanwhile, Tiffany learns that she has a terrible illness that can only be cured if she changes who she is from the inside out!View this week's Tools for Parents: "Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go"
The Captain of My Destiny
Staci welcomes a new arrival to Wildwood and her whole world is turned upside down! Eunice McGruff convinces Staci that if you want anything in this world, you have to make it happen for yourself. Staci likes what she hears, but is that what God tells us to do?View this week's Tools for Parents: "The Captain of My Destiny"
I’m Achan All Over
Ol’ Gus tells the Bible story of Achan, a man who disobeyed God and suffered for it. Meanwhile, Marsha’s food and blanket drive for the needy in Wildwood is coming together nicely. But when Marsha falls to temptation, she finds herself in Achan’s place!
The Story of Esther, Part 3
Haman’s plan to kill all of the Jews is made into law, and no one - not even the king can stop him. As Haman’s pride swells, Esther is certain that God’s plan for her life is “for such a time as this.” God uses Esther in a mighty way and shows His sovereignty, in a thrilling conclusion that is celebrated by Jews even today.
The Story of Esther, Part 2
Esther’s friends beg her to consider competing to become queen. If she doesn’t, they say, the wicked Mahnoosh may win the crown and all of the girls in the harem will suffer. Esther realizes that God may have placed her in the palace for this very reason. But God’s plan for Esther extends far beyond reigning beside the king. When Esther learns that the evil prince, Haman is plotting to kill Mordecai and all of the Jews, she must decide if she will risk her own life to save her people.
Find adventure, fun, and music in Wildwood! Journey into an exciting world where the truths of God's Word are shared by a cast of lovable animal characters and the lessons learned are entertaining and life-changing. On the radio each week or in your podcast player app, Paws & Tales helps children grasp essential life lessons in a fun and memorable way.