Be inspired by positive birth stories from parents across NZ who've used hypnobirthing to help them have a relaxed, calm, confident and empowered birth regardle...
#122. Rosie's induction and C-Section to Rayla at 43 weeks
Excited and free of fear, Rosie waited for her baby to arrive, and waited and waited.... At some stage around 42 weeks she had to make the decision that if this baby did not come on her own terms she would have to undergo an induction.
Which is what happened at 43 weeks (or 44 weeks depending on what scan they wanted to go by).
Following a day of induction with misoprostal, Rosie shares with us how labour started, how she coped and what happened as she finally had to let go of her idea of how she wanted her birth to go and accept that a C Section was the best option.
She shares how she is proud of how she handled everything despite not achieving the birth she would have liked.
You can learn more about preparing for your positive birth at
#121. Eliza's birthcentre waterbirth (with GD) to Georgiana
What happens when you get a Gestational Diabetes (GD) diagnosis in pregnancy? How do you say no to an induction?
Navigating a “failed” glucose tolerance test, Eliza was labelled with GD – which meant a lot of extra monitoring, testing, scans, and being constantly threatened with induction.
Eliza shares her journey through all of this - how she was told her baby might die if she wasn’t induced at 39 weeks, even though her baby was tracking “perfectly average” and how her mama’s instinct knew that everything would be just fine to let her arrive at her own time.
Informed, empowered and knowing she had the right to make her own decisions about her baby, her body and her birth, Eliza (with support of her midwife) decided to stick to her original plan of a waterbirth at a birthing centre.
Spoiler alert – she gets exactly what she wants.
Eliza shares what she did, what helped her along the way, and how baby Georgiana arrived “perfectly.”
If you too would like to learn information, skills, tools and techniques for you and your partner check out the range of options at
#120. Eleni's 4 positive births (1 at home, 3 homebirths)
Eleni speaks about her journey of her 4 positive births (one in hospital and 3 at home) including a discussion around anxiety and depression she experienced around the time of her 3rd baby Felix.
We chat about her healing through extreme anxiety, what helped her - with a short mention of looking into gut health and mineral deficiencies – which are very important factors!
Eleni shares how she felt about the hypnotherapy we did for some fear / anxiety release around pregnancy & birth, how this made her feel and then her incredible journey through her 4th pregnancy with Bjorn – completely anxiety free!
She waited until 42+2 to meet baby Bjorn – proof that all babies come in their own time.
First baby Ava arrived at 39 weeks, second baby Noah arrived at 37 weeks, third baby Felix arrived at 40+2 and Bjorn at 42+2.
This episode is highly recommended for any mums who have been dealing with depression or anxiety, you may relate to what Eleni shares about her experience.
If you’d like to find out more about the hypnotherapy techniques I use to support mothers struggling with depression and anxiety please feel free to reach out with an email at [email protected]
For more information on hypnobirthing options head to
#119. Emma's hospital VBAC to Daisy
Another positive VBAC story with Emma sharing her experience of her relatively positive C Section 3 years ago to Harley followed by her very positive VBAC to baby Daisy just a couple of months ago.
Emma explains what she did to prepare, which for her was largely around releasing fear of the transfer to hospital and arriving into hospital feeling supported. We did some work together in her pregnancy to make sure her mind was in the right space for dealing with this stage of the game…and it worked! We hear about her experience of meeting Daisy, a smooth no intervention birth, followed by a little curveball of a 3rd degree tear requiring an epidural for repair.
If you too would like professional support to help you feel calm, confident and prepared for your birth, check out all your options at
#118. Kiki's HBACx2 (homebirth after 2 c-sections) to Lara
In her midwife’s words “that was a textbook f***ing birth”. This is a powerful story from a courgeous, fearless Kiki who was exceptionally determined to have her HBACx2 (home birth after 2 c sections) and she did!
To put her story into perspective we hear about her first traumatic birth, a crash c section in an Australian hospital (skip this part if you don’t feel up to hearing anything traumatic), her following elective c-section and then why it felt so important to claim her power to achieve a homebirth.
We cover her hunt for a midwife, her realisation and then ability to say “No” and the resulting increasing pressure and challenges as a result of not fully complying. Kiki shares how the more research she did the more empowered she felt, this lead to increased confidence and trust in her body and baby.
There were some hard conversations with husband Adam about what she wanted to do, how she managed to get him on board and onto the same page. Then at 38 weeks something big happened where Kiki found herself without a midwife. But as one door shut on her a whole number of windows opened and here we find ourselves listening to Kiki talk about the most wonderful collective of wise women who gathered around and held her and I want you to hear what happens after that…
Spoiler alert she gets exactly the birth she wants…… This is an exceptionally epic, powerful, incredible, uplifting story. Truly a story for ALL mothers to hear whether you’re having your first baby or your last. A story of one mother standing up for not only herself but all women who also want a peaceful homebirth surrounded with love and support.
Resources mentioned in this episode
Carla Sargent:
Sara Wickham, Rachel Reed, Sarah J Buckley, The Maternity Services Consumer Council
Documentary: Born at Home
Documentary: Birthtime
If you'd like to learn the skills Kiki and Adam learnt in their hypnobirthing course, check out all your options at
Be inspired by positive birth stories from parents across NZ who've used hypnobirthing to help them have a relaxed, calm, confident and empowered birth regardless of the circumstances they navigated. A range of stories exploring what helped birthing parents, what they achieved and what they would do differently if they could do it all again.
To buy the book or check out our classes see
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