Learn to speak Tamil methodically and quickly, in the form of audio lessons. Each lesson gives space to repeat new words and conjunctions, building up your conf...
We try the future tense in different ways with using to 'to go', and words that we already went through like 'bus' as well as reviewing the 'TMP' structure.
Lesson 3.02.B: Simple Future Tense
We practice 'to go' in the future with words like 'tomorrow' in all the person perspectives, and try to make double sentences.
Lesson 3.02.A: Simple Future Tense
We learn the structure of the simple future tense as 'will go' and get introduced to the colloquial form of 'to go'.
Lesson 3.01.K: Future Tense
We learn to construct sentences like 'going to use...' adding words 'for this' and 'computer' and 'washing / laundry machine' and 'Monday'
Lesson 3.01.J: Future Tense
We continue to learn to construct new sentences using words like 'electricity', with verbs like 'to use' adding words like 'a lot / too much' and 'Tuesday' in the future tense.
Learn to speak Tamil methodically and quickly, in the form of audio lessons. Each lesson gives space to repeat new words and conjunctions, building up your confidence and understanding of the Tamil language in a comprehensive way. The type of Tamil taught in these lessons is the most versatile form of Tamil, recognised as the international Tamil form. This form of Tamil is the most broadly understood amongst Tamil speakers around the globe, and also maintains original as well as popular vocabulary and form.