Every two weeks, wehorse team member Danielle Crowell sits down with trainers, industry experts, and horse people from all over the world to talk about everythi...
#72 Approaching hoofcare from a holistic perspective with Beccy Smith
Beccy Smith is the CEO and founder of Holistic Reflections CIC & Holistic Equine. She is an independent equine podiatrist and barefoot trimmer, equine body worker, consultant, therapist, wellness coach, equine facilitated learning practitioner, Reiki master, and healer.
Beccy has over 30 years of equine industry professional experience and is a highly proficient and respected holistic equine podiatrist. She is qualified in advanced equine podiatry and her body work qualifications include being a SCENAR-cosmodic therapist, Equine Sports Massage therapist, a Heart Math Coach, and Lazaris Nerve Release Method Practitioner, and she considers herself an independent lifelong pupil of the horse.
Connect with Beccy:
Website: https://www.holisticequine.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beccyatholisticequine
#71 Making Dressage Accessible for Everyone with Amelia Newcomb
Amelia Newcomb is a USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist. She has trained and competed close to 50 horses in almost 500 competitions, and has trained several horses that she started as youngsters all the way up to the Grand Prix.
Her online platform, Amelia Newcomb Dressage helps to develop a trusting and confident relationship between horse and rider. Using elements from both natural horsemanship and classical dressage, Amelia creates a holistic approach to dressage training that adapts to fit the needs of each individual horse and rider. Starting with basic groundwork and progressing to the Grand Prix, Amelia emphasizes trust, understanding, and relaxation for both horse and rider.
Connect with Amelia:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amelianewcombdressage/
Website: https://amelianewcombdressage.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AmeliaNewcombDressage
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ameliasdressageclub
#70 A Holistic Approach to Soundness with Steffi Spielhaupter
Steffi Spielhaupter is an Equine Scientist and Holistic Horsewoman.
With a Bachelor's and Master's in Equine Science, Steffi has dedicated her life to helping horses and their humans build deeper, more meaningful connections. Her goal is to support you on your individual journey of conscious horse-human connection and personal growth, training your eye for the subtle shifts in not only your horse’s, but also your own, state.
Steffi’s passion is working with the fine nuances of your horse's soundness (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states) and helping you distinguish between them, always considering the health of your horse's nervous system in the process.
Since founding Science for Soundness in 2014, Steffi has worked with horse enthusiasts across the globe, using science and heart to guide them out of survival mode and into a space of trust, safety, and genuine partnership with their horses.
Connect with Steffi:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scienceforsoundness
Website: https://scienceforsoundness.com/
Inner Circle Membership: https://scienceforsoundness.thinkific.com/bundles/innercircle
#69 How horse trainers can work less and make more profit with Baylee Summer
Baylee Summer is a marketing and business strategist expert, dedicated to helping the equestrian industry. She works with ethical horse trainers and helps them create, launch, and sell out online programs, so they can work less while making more profit and impact. Her goal is to help them create profitable businesses by leveraging social media.
In this episode, we discuss what horse trainers are missing with their marketing, why leaving social media or outsourcing it to someone else isn’t always a good idea, why large followings aren’t important, what to do when you don’t know what to post, and so much more.
PS: Baylee created a FREE download for you to kickstart your 2025 social media marketing! Download it here: https://baylee-summer.mykajabi.com/ultimate-guide-to-social-media-marketing
Connect with Baylee:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bayleejoysummer/
Baylee’s coaching program, Ethical Trainer Alchemy: https://baylee-summer.mykajabi.com/eta-609553a3-5234-4d1e-a2bb-8c746f04010b
#68 The Importance of Saddle Fit for Horse AND Rider with Jochen Schleese
Jochen Schleese, the founder of the internationally recognized saddle company, Schleese.
Jochen is a former member of the German young rider’s 3-Day Event team, and qualified for the European Championships in 1984. Unfortunately, he had to retire his horse due to lameness, which abruptly ended his riding career. Years later, through research Jochen discovered his horse’s lameness was caused by damage to the scapular cartilage from an ill-fitting saddle. This was the catalyst for Jochen’s life-long mission to prevent saddle related damage for all horses.
In 1985, Jochen became a certified Master Saddler, and throughout his work, he later discovered that many female riders struggle with pain and health issues from riding in saddles designed for male riders (due to pelvic and anatomical differences).
Now, Schleese Saddlery Service is the world leader in anatomically appropriate saddles, which can be fit and adjusted according to the biomechanics of movement and the development of the horse, through personal on-site or online saddle fit evaluations.
Connect with Schleese:
Website: https://schleese.com/
Saddlefit 4 Life: https://saddlefit4lifeacademy.com/
Every two weeks, wehorse team member Danielle Crowell sits down with trainers, industry experts, and horse people from all over the world to talk about everything related to horses and the equine industry so we can learn and do better as horse-first equestrians.