Has your child ever been so angry that they wanted to smoosh something? Have they ever been scared of the babysitter? Have they ever had a hard time calming dow...
Today Princess Donnasaurus, Macho Supreme, and Alakazambra are answering questions from our friends Jori, Levi, Margot, and Wesley . . . although it's a little hard to hear them over all that noise in the Neighborhood! It is the Burn Voyage blasting Cannonballs? Is it the Kaiju coming early for her cardboard feast? Is it the latest drop from the Dreadnoughts? We may not find out today, but in the meantime we've got replies, ridiculousness, and a royal introduction to a brand new friend!Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.orgFriend and follow us!FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOU TUBE
Royal Rotation
Today, Macho Supreme is headed to Princess Donnasaurus's place to perform an act of kindness . . . or is he? Last summer Macho rotated PD's castle out of the sun every day, and he's planning to do it again. But does PD want her castle rotated this year? Making sure our kind acts feel kind to the person we want to be kind to is the kindest thing of all!Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.orgFriend and follow us!FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOU TUBE
The Power of Yet!
It's pool-party time at Alakazambra's house and everyone's invited. Even Preston Change-o is there! But when AllyK asks him to fill the empty pool using his new water spell, he starts to feel nervous. It's difficult, and Preston keeps making mistakes. He's getting really frustrated and is about ready to give up when Alakazambra teaches him the most powerful spell of all—one that even mere mortals can use!You say you don't know the spell? . . .You don't know it - YET!Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.orgFriend and follow us!FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOU TUBE
Feelin' Groovy: Ragtime Grooves
Today Princess Donnasaurus and Macho Supreme are playing one of the Neighborhood's favorite games—“Feelin' Groovy!” You play by listening to a song together, then you share all the different emotions it makes you feel, and the different things it makes you think about! It's a fun way to learn about your friends, and to find out about cool music. And the best part about playing “Feelin' Groovy” is that there are no wrong answers and everybody wins!Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.orgFriend and follow us!FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOU TUBE
Don't Yuck My Yum!
Best friends Princess Donnasaurus and Doctor Apocalypso love to spend time together, and today they're heading to the amusement park to ride the best rides, play the greatest games, and eat the tastiest treats! But what happens when besties don’t agree on what is best? Things will get a little sticky at first, but in the end PD and Doc will learn that being friends is about how much you like each other—not how much you like other things. And that being kind means letting people like whatever they like, and to not yuck their yums!Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.orgFriend and follow us!FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOU TUBE
Has your child ever been so angry that they wanted to smoosh something? Have they ever been scared of the babysitter? Have they ever had a hard time calming down? The Imagine Neighborhood is the show for your family.
Each episode tells a story that’s amazing, fantastical, and maybe a little bananas, while it tackles the big feelings that come with growing up. And The Imagine Neighborhood gives you and your kids fun activities to do at home, in the car, or anywhere you talk to each other.