Tune in each week as wildlife advocates Samantha Miller and Mark Surls deliver the top 4 wildlife stories making waves across the U.S. and chat with humans maki...
Join Mark and Sam for the top four news stories of the week including:
River otters can be trapped for damage in Wyoming
Wally the beaver saved by advocates
Travel to the Savannah Wildlife Refuge
Wolf pups could be on the way in Colorado
Then, Scott Wilson, Wild Horse Photojournalist and 2022 Sony World Photography Awards Winner joins the pod to discuss wild horses, how we "manage" them, sterilization solutions, and how you can get involved in wild horse solutions.
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Episode 9, State of the coyote with Renee Seacor
Join Mark and Sam for the top four wildlife news stories of the week, including:
Nutria nuggets?
Super pods of dolphins
UK beaver reintroductions
11 raptors poached in Beaver County, UT
Then, Renee Seacor, carnivore conservation director for Project Coyote, joins the pod to discuss the state of coyotes in 2025 legislative sessions across the United States.
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Episode 8: Wolves and war with Nat Geo photographer Jad Davenport
Join Mark and Sam for the top four wildlife news stories of the week, including:
Mysterious illness is sickening Florida Panthers
Wildlife crossings for red wolves
DOGE goes after the NPS
Then, Jad Davenport talks about his storied career, from local foxes to war zones, and photographing wolves and polar bears with Nat Geo.
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Episode 7: Wildlife management language with Mandy Culbertson of Wildlife for All
Join Mark and Sam for the top four wildlife news stories of the week, including:
Buffalo Restoration with the Tanka Fund
Former Wyoming Game and Fish director nominated by Trump to serve as the director of USFWS
Maybe dogs didn't need us at all to domesticate themselves
Snow fox: enjoy 17 seconds of pure bliss with a gorgeous video of red fox in winter
Then, Mandy Culbertson, communications director for Wildlife for All, joins the pod to discuss why the language we use when discussing wildlife "management" matters. Words matter document.
Frequently, wildlife managers sanitize language when discussing wild animals and during this episode we discuss frequently used words and what we should use instead to shift the narrative around wild animals.
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Episode 6, "Preventative" lethal control and Northern Rockies wolves with Carter Niemeyer
Join Mark and Sam for the top three wildlife news stories of the week, including:
Is otter trapping in Wyoming's future?
Avian flu is spreading, affecting wild birds the most
Two right whales make a baffling trip along the US Gulf Coast
Then, Carter Niemeyer joins the pod for an eye opening conversation. From his early years as a paid government trapper to his leadership in Yellowstone wolf reintroduction, Carter Niemeyer reveals how the government kills wild animals for livestock producers and how he turned from a trapper - a killer - into a champion of wolves.
Carter's new book, "The Other Ten Wolves: A Yellowstone Backstory" is coming to brick and mortar and online bookstores soon!
Tune in each week as wildlife advocates Samantha Miller and Mark Surls deliver the top 4 wildlife stories making waves across the U.S. and chat with humans making a difference for wild animals. From Florida panthers to Washington orcas and Colorado wolves to Montana grizzlies, Wildlife Wire is your go-to podcast for wildlife news and the humans who care about animals.