Welcome to Darkroom, where we explore the big questions about God, religion, and faith. Go online to darkroomfaith.com for access to our free 14-episode video d...
In the Darkroom Supernatural episode, Cody attends the wake of an older friend who meant the world to him. As Cody rolls up in his wheelchair, the most extraordinary things begin to occur. Debi Foley, a student minister from Katy, TX joins us to discuss the supernatural aspects of God and why Christians think Jesus is God. For more free resources, go to www.darkroomfaith.com.
Mission - Naomi Gets Whiplash
In the Darkroom Mission episode, when a college rejection letter arrives, the plan Naomi had for her life turns upside down. Unsure of her next steps, her mission is redirected into uncharted territory. Debi Foley, a youth pastor from Katy, TX joins us to discuss what it means to be on mission for God and some of the questions that arise when we are unsure of the big picture and what path we should be following. For more free resources, go to darkroomfaith.com.
Afterlife - Sadie Wants To Go To Hell
In a dark alley, Quinton’s friend Sadie tells him she actually wants to go to Hell. He doesn’t know what to say until he finds out why she feels that way. Join us as we discuss the tough questions surrounding heaven and hell raised in the Darkroom episode 12, Afterlife. For more free resources to dig deeper on faith questions, go to www.darkroomfaith.com.
Justice - It Felt Good Punching You In The Face
Homecoming is so messed up. Reality hits Camilla and her friends in the face as they realize how unfair the world really is. Join us as we discuss the questions raised in the Justice Darkroom video and the Biblical concept of Justice. For more free resources on exploring questions about God and faith, go to www.darkroomfaith.com.
Identity - Rosalyn Goes To Therapy
Roslyn really wants to fit in, but forming meaningful relationships has been hard for her. When she expresses her anxiety to her therapist, it dawns on her that maybe she’s underestimating an important relationship that she already has. Join us as we discuss questions of identity and relationship with God and others. Explore more free resources on God and faith at www.darkroomfaith.com.
Welcome to Darkroom, where we explore the big questions about God, religion, and faith. Go online to darkroomfaith.com for access to our free 14-episode video drama series and more free resources that help you dig deeper into your faith.