Hey, it's me Lisa O'Neill. Welcome to my podcast. Welcome to Offstage where I will be sharing some recommendations, some realizations and ramblings of my world....
Morning Meeting with Myself | Flying by the seat of my ass
Just wrapped up our final energy festival in the gorgeous Wairarapa—dancing on lawns, meditating under trees, and celebrating brave souls who showed up solo (which I totally admire). Had a classic Lisa moment booking a rental car in Scotland instead of New Zealand (ADHD strikes again!), turning a simple trip into a five-hour adventure. Now I'm off to Melbourne for International Women's Day (please, no more cupcakes—give us equal pay!), then prepping for Shanghai in May. The energy festivals are done, but Energy Club is about to go next level! Come join us for exclusive content at just $25 a month if you're craving more of this beautiful chaos. x
Standing Observations | Mind Diet
We often talk about what goes into our bodies and we're conscious of our physical diet, but I don't think enough of us are conscious of a head diet or a mind diet.
Energy Club | The Power of Breathing
Breathing is one of the things that will impact your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy all at the same time. When my head and my heart can't agree, I give myself the space to just breathe.The Energy Club is for anyone who wants to take responsibility for their energy. People who want support, accountability and inspiration. Join me at lisaoneill.co.nz
Morning Meeting with Myself | Consolidation Week
There is no point working hard, saving money just to die. The whole point of life is to enjoy it and have experiences. Every now and then, one must have a consolidation week where you just have to do the mercy of all the shit you haven't been doing.
Standing Observations | We Are Not Born New
We are not born new. We are born renewed, rested and restored from our previous battles, but scarred nonetheless.
Hey, it's me Lisa O'Neill. Welcome to my podcast. Welcome to Offstage where I will be sharing some recommendations, some realizations and ramblings of my world. So if you haven't come across me before, I am a maximalist. I believe that red and pink always go together. I believe we create the worlds we live in and that our beliefs control our reality. I think the potential is accessed through our action and all of us have unlimited possibilities. I think that when we do what we want it leads us to what we need and that energy is everything. I love the idea that freedom comes from liberating ourselves from conditioning and limitations and that magnificent lives are lived by people who love themselves and the life that they lead. So if you want to follow me on that journey, I would love to have you on my podcast. See you soon.