d6min - e132 - The Right Size of Resin Printers for Beginners and The Min Number of Games
Happy New Year! As we prepare our year retro, we talk about the Right Size of Resin Printers for Beginners, and the Minimum Number of Games per month we want to play in 2025
e132 - Dropfleet Commander 2.0 First Impressions
In this episode of Dice Over Everything, we talk about the new version of Dropfleet Commander, Dropfleet 2.0 - Our history with the game, and the new, good, bad and what we think after trying it out.
d6min - e131 - Dropfleet 2.0 and Throwing Out New Rulebooks
In this episode of D6 Minutes, the companion podcast to Dice Over Everything, we talk about the release of Dropfleet 2.0, and when you should throw out new rulebooks.
e131 - Frostgrave Campaigns
In this episode of Dice Over Everything, we talk about Long Frostgrave Campaigns - which are the best? For beginners? Experts? And more. We deep dive all 3 of Frostgraves long campaigns, and give you our thoughts having played them all.
d6min - e130 - AOS Spearhead Thoughts
In this episode of d6 minutes (the companion podcast for Dice Over Everything), we talk about what we've been working on, and what army we might choose if we decide to go into Age of Sigmar Spearhead.