In the Gaming Hut beloved Patreon backer Tom Abella seeks tips on compiling historical reading lists to players. We don elaborate ruffs in the Tradecraft Hut to profile Jacobean spymaster Robert Cecil. Today we look at them as soulful giants of the sea, but to the medieval mind whales were terrifying, diabolical beasts worthy of […]
Episode 634: Jurisdiction Over Pretend Securities
In the Gaming Hut beloved Patreon backer Joshua Randall seeks tips on setting up a new campaign for success. Our latest Ken and/or Robin Talk to Someone Else segment features Ken’s chat with Daniel Harms, author of The Encyclopedia Cthulhiana and editor of the definitive edition of the 19th century American grimoire The Long-Lost Friend. […]
Episode 633: Barrel Full of Outlaw
In the Gaming Hut, beloved Patreon backer Jörgen Blomberg suggests that there’s something F20 games handle even worse than falling damage—injuries from exposure. We brave the chill with our thoughts on the subject. Not all western folk heroes became folk heroes. The Crime Blotter looks at the case of robber and ambusher Big Nose George […]
Episode 632: An American is Being Wrong
At the behest of beloved Patreon backer Charles Picard, the Gaming Hut ponders cultural diaspora in F20 settings. The Archaeology Hut looks at a recent discovery in Denmark, an Iron Age house built on a foundation of weapons and armor. Ken and/or Robin Talk to Someone Else features our chat with Nerdburger Games’ Craig Campbell, […]
Episode 631: A Vestigial Nub
In the Gaming Hut Robin discusses his recently concluded Golden Age DC superheroes versus the Cthulhu mythos game. Travel Advisory recalls our visit to the British Museum’s current Silk Roads exhibition. If we’re thinking about stuff that happened while we were in London, longtime listeners know what that means: Ken’s Bookshelf lovingly lists the purchases […]