A podcast about The Otherworld, and the people who engage it. A journey through conversations with a wide array of thinkers, practitioners and writers. Join us ...
Fire-in-Water, Fire in the Head with Briar of The Greene Chapel
Today on the one year anniversary of Radical Elphame, we invite back the guest who helped us kick off this peculiar experiment: the delightful Briar of The Greene Chapel. We explore a recent essay she published on her Greene Chapel site: "The Lady with a Mead Cup," which dives into the primordial image of a virginal Cup Bearer, and how this mythopoetics relates to divinely inspired poetic inspiration and prophecy as a sacred ritual. We untangle the labyrinthian mystery of the Celtic "imbas forosnai," and its relationship to the lady of the day: Brighid. We do some UPG mind melding as well, exploring the relationship between Brighid and her theorized Mothers: The Morrigan AND Boann. It was such a blast reconnecting with Briar, and getting to celebrate Imbolc with someone who can capture and crystalize the essence of Brighid better than anyone. SHOW NOTES: The Greene Chapel - https://www.greenechapel.com Briar's Patreon: Briar of the Greene Chapel Briar's Chapbook: The Beheading Game Briar's Course: Working With Joan of Arc as Saint of the French Fairy Faith Briar's IG: greene_chapel MUSIC: "Stormy Point / Back of Beyond / The Seamstress" off the album Fable & Fire by Andrew Marlin - https://www.andrewmarlin.com
Scryers Circle with Rose Auroras, B. Key, & Sfinga
We welcome back to the show the seership super group that is Rose Auroras, B. Key and Sfinga for a scryers round table: Unsolved Mysteries edition. We chat about the philosophy behind the practice of scrying, and what it's like to teach the technique to others. We also go through a greatest hits of the weirdest shit they've ever scryed — from Unsolved Mysteries, to paranormal hotspots and infamous people — and what insights they were able to glean. We also chat horror movies, cursed films, and summon good ol' Bobby Eggnog. SHOW NOTES: Sfinga and Key's website: With Cunning and Command Website Sfinga and Key's Podcast: The Frightful Howls You May Hear Rose's Website: Readings with Rose Salem Witchfest: All of our guests today will be presenting in 2025 Sfinga's IG: Dragoncunning B. Key's IG: Barnowl.key Rose's IG: RoseAuroras Horror Film Recommendation: In the Tall Grass (2019) MUSIC: "Stormy Point / Back of Beyond / The Seamstress" off the album Fable & Fire by Andrew Marlin - https://www.andrewmarlin.com
Magic Terroir with C.R. Sanders
Today we welcome back my friend C.R. Sanders to the show for the first in person recording! We have a freewheelin' chat about CR's recent travels to Glastonbury, the mysterious nature of our human interactions with the numinous, and the magical sense of place we can uncover when we engage deeply with the land and culture of a given local. It was great getting to catch up and shoot the shit under the shadow of Mount Shasta. SHOW NOTES: C.R.'s Website: https://lalanomicon.com/ Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction: HBO MAX MUSIC: "Stormy Point / Back of Beyond / The Seamstress" off the album Fable & Fire by Andrew Marlin - https://www.andrewmarlin.com
Fine Fae Propaganda with Morgan Daimler
For the last show of the year, we're joined by the legendary Morgan Daimler. Morgan is a writer, a teacher of esoteric subjects, and a practitioner very well acquainted with the Othercrowd. We explore two of her most recent non-fiction books: Fairy: The Otherworld by Many Names, and Celtic Fairies in North America — both fascinating reads that feel very much of a piece to me. We dive into some of the more "thought experiment" approaches Morgan employs in these books that tug at the evergreen mystery: what is the nature of fairy? We also chat about a tagline of Morgan's own Feed the Fairies podcast: "Fae Propaganda," and what the implications of promoting engagement with the folklorically feared Othercrowd means. I'm so grateful to close out the year with such a great chat. SHOW NOTES: Morgan's Books: Author Page Feed the Fairies Podcast: Spotify Link Morgan's Patheos Blog: Patheos Pagan Morgan's Classes: Irish Pagan School Morgan's Instagram: @morgandaimler MUSIC: "Stormy Point / Back of Beyond / The Seamstress" off the album Fable & Fire by Andrew Marlin - https://www.andrewmarlin.com
Myth Magic with Chaise Levy
Today on the show we chat with Chaise Levy of Northern Spirit House podcast. Chaise is a father, husband and storytelling sorcerer based in Northern California. We talk about the ideas and approaches behind his workshop with the School of Mythopoetics on Skaldskapr (Poetic Story Magic) — from historiola to engaging the mythic. We also explore the complex reality of engaging with a magical practice while parenting a young family — the difficulties, the inspiration, and the unexpected insights. To wrap up, Chaise shares a bit about a new workshop he's working on around our animistic relationship with Amanita Muscaria, the Fly Agaric mushroom of lore. SHOW NOTES: Chaise's Website: chaiselevy.com Northern Spirit House Podcast: Spotify Link Northern Spirit House Substack: Substack Skaldskapr Course: School of Mythopoetics Chaise's Instagram: @telluric_tounges MUSIC: "Stormy Point / Back of Beyond / The Seamstress" off the album Fable & Fire by Andrew Marlin - https://www.andrewmarlin.com
A podcast about The Otherworld, and the people who engage it. A journey through conversations with a wide array of thinkers, practitioners and writers. Join us as we delve into folklore, consciousness, witchcraft, and all the perennial mysteries that haunt and inspire us.