Timothy Shanahan is a renowned expert on the teaching of literacy. This podcast addresses practical issues in teaching students to read and to read better.
Is Print Awareness Part of the Science of Reading?
This podcast explores the role that print awareness plays in learning to read. It sorts out the skills that matter from those that do not and explains how the essential ones can be best taught.
My Problem with Teaching Text Organization
There is strong research that supports the idea of teaching students to recognize and use text structure to understand and remember the information from text. Accordingly, reading comprehension lessons often focus on teaching story structure and multiple expository text structures, too. But are those really always the best organizational plans to focus on. This podcast argues for some more content focused approaches.
8 Ways to Help Kids Read Complex Text
For years, teachers were told to teach reading at children's "instructional levels." However, research has not been especially kind to this idea, showing either that this adjustment provides no benefit or that it actually is harmful. So teachers are increasingly trying to teach students to read with grade level text. This podcast provides some useful advice on how to do that successfully.
Are We Getting the Right Information When It Comes to the Science of Reading?
Recently, the press has exercised great influence over reading education reform. Radio documentaries have revealed the neglect of key aspects of reading instruction. Although journalists have often been criticized by educators for not knowing enough to determine how reading should be taught, this is not a reasonable demand -- journalists are responsible for identifying problems, not for solving them. However, one wonders if standard journalistic approaches may mislead. This podcast explores some of these problems.
'Tis the Season of Test Prep: Bah Humbug!
School districts want higher test scores. Each year they promote programs of test preparation. Teachers are required to reduce the amount of reading instruction that they provide in the hopes that these efforts will make everybody look good whether the kids can read well or not. This podcast explores what it would take to end up with higher scores which reflect improved reading ability.
Timothy Shanahan is a renowned expert on the teaching of literacy. This podcast addresses practical issues in teaching students to read and to read better.