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// DEEPER with Sjors Boelaars | 1:1 mentorship on Intimacy, Emotions and Purpose

Podcast // DEEPER with Sjors Boelaars | 1:1 mentorship on Intimacy, Emotions and Purpose
Sjors Boelaars
I help conscious leaders to step into their full power and deepen their Intimacy, Emotions and Purpose. I work with Shadow Work, breathwork and wilderness imme...

Available Episodes

5 of 16
  • Deeper Dialogues #6 // Van rockster naar medicijnman // over de zweethut en het medicijnwiel als pad naar heling // met Jorn Vetter
    Jorn Vetter is een man die het leven met volle teugen geproefd heeft. Als onbesuisde twintiger opzoek naar een vol leven kwam hij als zanger van een hardrock band in contact met drugs. Hij was jaren verslaafd tot hij zijn weg terug naar zichzelf begon te vinden via zweethut ceremonies.  Na 10 jaar studie met verschillende leraren geeft hij nu wildernis tochten, ceremonies en coaching aan de hand van het medicijn wiel en de zweethut. Hij heeft zijn eigen plek gecreëerd in de Zweedse westkust en woont daar met zijn vriendin en kind. Vanuit daar organiseert hij tochten met zijn organisatie www.mountainmedicine.eu In dit gesprek: Wat is het medicijnwiel (de 4 windrichtingen als model van het leven) Hoe het medicijnwiel  te gebruiken als pad naar heling Hoe dit toe te passen in je eigen leven Over Sjors In mijn werk als coach, schaduwwerktherapeut en wildernisgids begeleid ik bewuste leiders naar meer diepgang in hun seksualiteit, emoties en relaties. De centrale vraag die ik stel is: wie ben je in je kern? Los van de façade, voorbij je conditioneringen. De programma's die ik ontwikkel brengen je in contact met die kern en geven je de tools om je leven vanuit deze authentieke plek vorm te geven. Ik werk 1-op-1 met diepgaande schaduwwerkcoaching, ben mede-oprichter van de wildernisretreats ⁠The Heroes Journey⁠ en geef leiderschapstrainingen aan executive teams. Voor meer informatie over mijn werk, bezoek: ⁠www.sjorsboelaars.nl⁠. WIL JE ZELF ERVAREN HOE HET MEDICIJNWIEL VOOR JOU KAN WERKEN? Je kan nu mee op reis met Jorn en Sjors: 4 - 9 Mei 2025 // SHADOW ISLAND  kayak expeditie in de Zweedse archipelago Een week lang trekken we met kayaks de zweedse archipel in. We reizen deze expeditie fysiek door het medicijnwiel. We zullen 4 eilanden aandoen, voor elke windrichting een. We onderzoeken de kwaliteiten van deze windrichting, en de schaduwkanten.  Reserveringen zijn nu open. Voor meer info zie hier. 
  • Deeper Dialogue #5 // Trauma therapy, Poetry & the Israel - Gaza conflict // with Daniel Rosenberg
    How your trauma isn’t a problem to be solved, but your accesspiont to your particular way of loving the world. A poetry infused exploration of two therapist diving into the beauty and limitations of trauma work. Topics in this interview: What is trauma therapy in general & Somatic Experiencing in particular? How to embrace your trauma, and not get lost in an addiction to fix it. How do the current crisises of the world (ecological, political, social) signal a deep unresolved stack of trauma, and how to heal this from the core (spoiler: it’s by trauma work) How accessing grief is a curcial step in processing collective and individual trauma How to create rituals for grief, and how this actually impacts the collective state of the world (yep, it’s all connected) About Daniel Rosenberg Daniel has pursued an unconventional education by immersing himself in the natural world, spending thousands of hours wandering through wild landscapes. He views trauma healing as a necessary step towards exploring the deeper levels of the self, rather than an end in itself. He draws inspiration from Bill Plotkin's Soulcraft™ practices and is committed to guiding modern folks back to soul. In addition to the SE™ training, Daniel has also been trained in dreamwork as well as deep imagination work and utilizes these modalities to help folks connect with Self. With personal experience that includes spending 40 days in solitary ceremony in the wilderness, enacting multiple solo wilderness fasts, and living off the land with only basic equipment in the jungle, Daniel seeks to apprentice himself to all that is wild, authentic, and free. He believes in the potential of Somatic Experiencing® to help people rediscover their human birthright of wild authenticity. To work with Daniel in therapeutic context (also online): https://wildsoulcounseling.com For his writings, see: https://danielrosenberg.substack.com About Sjors Boelaars In my work as a coach and therapist I guide conscious leaders to deepen their sex, emotions, purpose and relationships. See here for more info about my signature 1:1 Program 'Deeper'. I hold a master in Philosophy and am a certified 'Feeding your Demons' therapist (by Lama Tsultrim Allione). I combine modern tantric methods (based on Osho as though by Centre for Tantra in Amsterdam) with classical linneage practices (mainly Kaula Trika linneague) as thought by my main teacher Hareesh Christopher Wallis. More info about me and my work: ⁠www.sjorsboelaars.nl⁠ Insta: ⁠@sjorsboelaars⁠
  • Deeper Dialogues #4 // A spiritual journey from East to West // Bridging Buddhism & Christianity // In conversation with Father Brendan Ellis Williams, CMR
    In this episode we discover the multifaceted spiritual journey of an experienced teacher who will always be a scholar. An inspiringly optimistic soul despite his comprehensive awareness of darkness and chaos. We discuss his journey becoming the one giving spiritual direction through many years of practice, study, formation, and ascetical discipline as well as his callings on disparate steps on his way. We dive deeper into the differences and similarities between Indian, Tibetan and the Catholic Christian disciplines where we discover the fullness of authenticity of contemporary practice with nuanced cultural context of ancient practice. A deeply motivational acquaintance. “If I didn’t take the radical leap, then I probably wouldn’t make it all the way. I felt that strongly from early adolescence. I felt this drive. If I don’t really discipline myself and don’t really make sacrifices and push myself, I’m not gonna get there” - Father Brendan Ellis Williams, CMR About Father Brendan Ellis Williams, CMR Father Brendan Ellis Williams, CMR is a priest, monastic, yogī, spiritual director, writer, artisan, scholar and teacher of religion, Eastern and Western esoteric traditions, meditation and contemplative spirituality: chanting old rebel tales; tracing back song-streams of ancient wisdom; ferrying souls on the mythic riverways of human transformation; guiding folk from all walks of life back to their birthright of wholeness and freedom in unitive awareness. The central aim of his work, in all its iterations, is to help restore individuals and communities to wholeness: to facilitate a felt experience of reciprocal blessing and conscious interbeing in the great family of Nature, toward the one most needful end of the liberative awakening of all sentient beings. If you are seeking real depth and transformation in this life, It’s his honor and calling to share this knowledge with you. Read more and get in touch with him through his website: www.brendanelliswilliams.com And Father Brendan shares beautiful musings on Instagram. @brendan.ellis.williams About Sjors Boelaars In my work as a coach and therapist I guide conscious leaders to deepen their sex, emotions, purpose and relationships. See here for more info about my signature 1:1 Program 'Deeper'. I hold a master in Philosophy and am a certified 'Feeding your Demons' therapist (by Lama Tsultrim Allione). I combine modern tantric methods (based on Osho as though by Centre for Tantra in Amsterdam) with classical linneage practices (mainly Kaula Trika linneague) as thought by my main teacher Hareesh Christopher Wallis. More info about me and my work: www.sjorsboelaars.nl Insta: @sjorsboelaars
  • Deeper Dialogues #3 // Tibbe de Raat (Bosbeweging) - de wijsheid van vision quests
    Tibbe is een van de centrale mannen van De Bosbeweging, een school waar je kunt ervaren hoe het is om op een primitieve, inheemse manier te leven.  Tibbe is door en door een bos man. Hij woont met zijn vrouw en dochter in een yurt in de achterhoek, en onderzoekt hoe hij door een simpel leven dicht bij de natuur voller in contact kan staan met dat wat waardevol voor hem is. Een van de dingen die ik van Tibbe geleerd heb is hoe ik echt in verbinding kan zijn met de natuur, ver weg in de wildernis, maar vooral gewoon hier in Nederland. In dit gesprek hebben we het over zijn pad. Vragen die aan bod komen: Wat is een vision quest en wat heb je er aan? Wat brengt hem dat precies? Leven in het bos met niets dan een pannetje en een mes?  Waarom is er tegenwoordig zoveel vraag naar programma's waar mensen zich kunnen herverbinden met de natuur? Waarom is zijn in de natuur zo’n geschikte plek voor schaduw werk (answer: je komt jezelf, en elkaar tegen) Hoe begin ik hiermee? Op een meer bewuste, vertraagde manier in de natuur zijn?  Tibbe en ik geven 5 - 9 juli ‘De Kracht van de Schaduw’ een 5 daagse deepdive in jezelf met daarin een mini quest (1 nacht alleen in het bos). Wat zijn je schaduwkanten en wat is je rol in de tribe? Wat heb jij van het bos te leren? Welke kanten vind je lastig te accepteren in jezelf?  Over Sjors BoelaarsIn my work as a coach and therapist I guide conscious leaders to deepen their sex, emotions, purpose and relationships. See here for more info about my signature 1:1 Program 'Deeper'. I hold a master in Philosophy and am a certified 'Feeding your Demons' therapist (by Lama Tsultrim Allione). I combine modern tantric methods (based on Osho as though by Centre for Tantra in Amsterdam) with classical linneage practices (mainly Kaula Trika linneague) as thought by my main teacher Hareesh Christopher Wallis. More info about me and my work: ⁠www.sjorsboelaars.nl⁠ Insta: ⁠@sjorsboelaars⁠ “In de natuur zijn is thuiskomen voor me. Alle complexiteit valt van me af en even ben ik in heel direct contact met het leven om me heen.Het leven wordt even heel simpel: we zoeken een plek om te slapen, maken vuur, zorgen dat er te eten is. In deze simpliciteit krijgt het leven de kans zich in haar volle schoonheid te laten zien.” — SJORS Over Tibbe Zie De Bosbeweging #naturequest  #visionquest #nativewisdom #bushcraft  #soulcraft  
  • Deeper Dialogues #2 // 'Pitfalls on the path of meditation' // Interview with Lama Rigdzin Yudron
    In this deep and powerful conversation with Lama Rigdzin Yudron we discuss the benefits and potential pitfalls on the path of meditation. How is it possible that so many people meditate, but we don't process process the all dark stuff? In her 30 years of Buddhist practice she has encountered many of the pitfalls you will encounter when you engage a meditation practice. Lama Rigdzin is a resident lama (priest) at the Tibetan Buddhist monestary Dag Shang Kaygu in the Spanish Pyrenees. She went through a rigorous ten year meditation training in Nepal to become a lama. Her experience includes an individual meditation retreat of 3 years, 3 months and 3 days, in which, for the record, she did not sleep. Questions covered in this interview: What are the benefits and pitfalls on the path of meditation? How to meditate? What phases are there? When am I ready for more advanced practices? What is the role of a teacher on the spiritual path, and how does that stabilize your practice? How is it possible that so many people meditate, but still after decades are struggling with the same things? (answer: spiritual bypassing) How to not get crazy along the way? “Meditation is not about trying to feel better” -- Lama Rigdzin About Lama Rigdzin Lama Rigdzin got on the spiritual path by accident. She and her newly wed husband didn't know where to go and ended up in India. There she met an Indian sage, a holy man, who asked her the question: are you really happy? This question rattled her bones and got her on the path of searching for true liberation. 30 years of dedicated Buddhist practice later she is now one of the resident lama's Tibetan Buddhist monestary Dag Shang Kaygu in the Spanish Pyrenees. She went through a rigorous ten year meditation training in Nepal to become a lama. If you have any questions about your meditation practice, you can contact lama Rigdzin here. About Sjors Boelaars In my work as a coach and therapist I guide conscious leaders to deepen their sex, emotions, purpose and relationships. See here for more info about my signature ⁠1:1 Program 'Deeper⁠'.  I hold a master in Philosophy and am a certified 'Feeding your Demons' therapist (by Lama Tsultrim Allione). I combine modern tantric methods (based on Osho as though by ⁠Centre for Tantra in Amsterdam⁠) with classical linneage practices (mainly Kaula Trika linneague) as thought by my main teacher ⁠Hareesh Christopher Wallis⁠.  More info about me and my work: ⁠www.sjorsboelaars.nl⁠ Insta: ⁠@sjorsboelaars⁠ Feeding your Demons Both Lama Rigdzin and me, Sjors, are certified Feeding your Demons counsellors. Feeding your demons is a shadow work practice in which you invite a part that is in pain (like a part of yourself that is afraid, angry, jealous etc) to explain what it really needs. Feeding your Demons combines ancient buddhist wisdom with contemporay western psychotherapy (Gestalt Therapy). We both give Feeding your Demons sessions, if you are curious, please reach out.

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About // DEEPER with Sjors Boelaars | 1:1 mentorship on Intimacy, Emotions and Purpose

I help conscious leaders to step into their full power and deepen their Intimacy, Emotions and Purpose. I work with Shadow Work, breathwork and wilderness immersions to find out what it means to truly live. On this channel I share practices and conversations with inspiring people I meet on the path. Want to work together? Check www.sjorsboelaars.nl for my programs and 1:1 mentorship.
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