31 // ADHD and Indecisiveness | 12 Simple Steps to Become More Decisive
ADHD in women can lead to indecisiveness. Why? Turns out, lots of reasons!
Join me in today's episode to learn why it's so hard to be decisive if you are a woman with ADHD, and how to become more decisive in 12 simple steps.
If you're frustrated with not being confident in your decision-making abilities, and you're ready to grow in confidence, jump in today's episode and let's get started!
30 // Are You Missing This Key Ingredient to Gain Confidence With ADHD? (Most Of Us Are!)
Do you ever feel trapped in anger about something someone said or did? Like you're stuck in a downward, ruminating spiral?
You are not alone. These can be common struggles for women with ADHD, especially due to the challenges we experience with emotional dysregulation and Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. Not to mention that we are incredibly perceptive to what's going on around us!
Today, we are going to talk about the key ingredient in "how to gain self confidence with adhd" that you might be missing (psst, it will help you to have less of these downward spirals!)
29 // 6 Things You Need to Let Go of to Build Confidence with ADHD
Do you struggle with things like perfectionism, imposter syndrome, rejection sensitivity dysphoria, negative self-talk and catastrophizing?
These are common ADHD symptoms in women, and they all make it more difficult to build confidence with ADHD.
Today we are going to address these 6 toxic things we need to let go of in order to gain self-confidence.
If you’re ready to build confidence so you can experience success with ADHD in all areas of your life, let’s get started!
28 // 3 Unconventional ADHD Hacks to Improve Productivity
Do you struggle to start tasks, stay on task, finish tasks or be on time? Although these are common ADHD symptoms in women, it doesn’t make them any less frustrating!
Today we’ll go over 3 unconventional ADHD hacks that will help you get things done, so you can start what you’ve been avoiding, finish what you hate doing, and show up on time (or less late) for your commitments.
If you’re ready to gain self-confidence by learning how to stop avoiding certain tasks, start getting things done and start being on time, let’s get started!
Frustrated by inconsistency in ADHD? Try these 5 easy scheduling tips to help you stay on track and live the life you actually want to!
In today's episode, we'll go through a daily ADHD planner and a yearly ADHD planner, as well as practical tips that will help you put your values and priorities first.
We will talk about how to figure out what matters MOST to you, and how to make sure you have time for those things (and people).
I hope you enjoy today's episode and enjoy being more consistent and intentional as a result!
*FREE Resources*
Daily ADHD Planner
Yearly ADHD Planner 2025
Listen to ADHD with Confidence | ADHD for Women, How to Build Confidence, ADHD in Adult Women, Keep The Change and many other podcasts from around the world with the radio.net app