ADHD with Confidence | ADHD in Women, How to Build Confidence, ADHD Consistency, RSD & ADHD Perfectionism
Kelsey Spronk
Strategies to help women with ADHD understand and work with their ADHD brains, and build their confidence on the foundation that they are unconditionally loved ...
41 // Boost Your Mood in ADHD | 3 Tips to Increase Dopamine Naturally
Do you struggle with feeling tired, moody, anxious, hopeless and depressed? Lower baseline levels of dopamine in ADHD could be to blame.
In today’s episode, I will give you 3 simple ways you can start to boost your dopamine levels today.
40 // 9 Myths About ADHD in Women
There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings around ADHD in women, and ADHD in general.
This can be incredibly frustrating if you have ADHD!
Feeling misunderstood, no matter how hard you try to explain yourself and your condition, can feel hopeless and discouraging and can lead to things like masking.
In today's episode, I will go over 9 Myths people believe about ADHD in women and the truths to negate the myths!
I hope you enjoy today's episode - I'll meet you in there!
39 // Why Am I So Exhausted? | ADHD Masking Could Be to Blame
Trying to be someone you're not, or trying to hide parts of who you are, is exhausting!
In today's episode, we will talk about:
What is ADHD masking?
Why do we mask?
What does masking look like in women with ADHD?
How does masking affect women with ADHD?
ADHD masking burnout
What can we do about it?
I hope you learn something new or find something helpful in today's episode. I'll meet you in there!
38 // How to Build Confidence in ADHD on a Solid Foundation
As women with ADHD, we've tried it all… the quick fixes, the shiny objects, the big promises… and sometimes we feel better. At least for a little bit.
But the truth is, none of it is going to matter if we don’t have a solid foundation for our confidence in the first place.
In today’s episode, I want to go back to the basics and to help you find peace as you build a solid foundation of confidence.
37 // 6 Daily Truths to Improve Your Self Esteem with ADHD
ADHD can be so insanely difficult! Honestly, sometimes it just makes me want to scream (or actually scream).
During those hard moments, when I am angry about the way my ADHD brain works, I remind myself of these 6 truths. And, while it doesn’t take away the difficulty, it helps me to be confident and remember my worth in the midst of the challenges.
Because confidence is KEY. To our relationships, our success, our parenting, our work, and everything in between. So join me in building God-centered confidence in this podcast!
About ADHD with Confidence | ADHD in Women, How to Build Confidence, ADHD Consistency, RSD & ADHD Perfectionism
Strategies to help women with ADHD understand and work with their ADHD brains, and build their confidence on the foundation that they are unconditionally loved and accepted.
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