If you are tired of riding the endless circle, or you're struggling to find inspiration for your riding each week, this is the podcast for you.
The Daily S...
Getting Back in the Saddle: Overcoming Mental Blocks & Old Identities
50+ Ideas to do With Your Horse in 15 Minutes or Less HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 Riders stop riding for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, it's a conscious choice; an injury, a change in circumstances, or a loss of confidence for example. Other times, life simply gets in the way. But whatever the reason, it doesn’t have to define your riding journey going forward. You're maybe like many other riders, the reason that you've stopped was just a season of life—a temporary chapter, not the whole story. And yet, it’s easy to take that reason and make it mean something about who you are. You, intentionally or not, weave it into your entire identity, convincing yourself that you're no longer a “real rider.” But here’s the truth: “The reason you stopped riding is just that—a reason, not a definition. It's a chapter that's now ending - not the whole story! Getting back in the saddle can feel uncomfortable, even when you want it more than anything. And I'm not just talking about physical discomfort. Often the mental challenges are even more real. This can be because your mind has grown used to its old story. The one where riding is no longer a part of your life. But that story isn’t set in stone. You can rewrite it—starting today... Read More & Listen to Episode HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1354-getting-back-in-the-saddle-overcoming-mental-blocks-and-old-identities The Energy Connection Webinar If you want to go deeper with this for you and your horse, register for my upcoming free live training on how you can use your presence and energy to move both you and your horse from tension to trust. This is a great, practical training you can use to help you get back in the saddle after a break. I will give you 3 specific exercises you can use the next time you're with your horse to connect with him or her on a deeper level. You can find all of the details about The Energy Connection Webinar HERE at https://stridesforsuccess.com/energy 50+ Ideas for 15 Minutes or Less Make the most of those small but plentiful chunks of time when you're with your horse or around the yard with this handy, free list of ideas that will inspire you. https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 Online Training to Help Your Riding Returning to Riding Program Waitlist Daily Strides Premium – Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Pivo Motion Tracking Software (*affiliate link for 10% off your purchase) Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
Enjoyment v's Perfection; Release the Pressure!
50+ Ideas for when You've 15 Minutes or Less with Your Horse FREE HERE Have you been allowing your goal of 'doing things right' to suck the joy and fun out of horse riding for you? Maybe you've been wanting to get back into riding after a long break, but you stop yourself because things are not 100% perfect. There's a time and a place for perfection. Every single moment that you're interacting with your horse is NOT that time! Today, I want to encourage you to let go of perfection. Release the pressure you're putting on yourself and your horse for everything to be amazing. And just be present and enjoy the moment - warts and all! Have you ever watched children playing and noticed how much pure fun they usually have? They are not worried about 'playing the correct way' or 'doing it the right way'. They are simply there, at the moment, enjoying it as it all unfolds before them. Here's how to begin approaching your riding and interactions with your horse the same way... Read the Full Article & Access All Links HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1353-enjoyment-vs-perfection-release-the-pressure Online Training to Help Your Riding Daily Strides Premium – Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Pivo Motion Tracking Software (*affiliate link for 10% off your purchase) Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
Has Tension Been Holding You Back in Your Riding?
50+ Ideas for 15 Minutes or Less with Your Horse - Download for Free HERE As riders, we can often have a very negative association with tension. Yet, without it, neither you nor your horse would remain upright! Take away the tension and both of you will go limp and become a 'dead weight' immediately. So, instead of seeing tension as the enemy - it's key to begin reshaping your understanding and your 'practice' of tension. You must begin managing your tension. Tension is absolutely 100% essential for both you and your horse. It's the presence of too much or excessive tension that causes the issues... Tension management is often called relaxation when it is related to horses and riding. And, just like tension, many riders don't really understand the concept of relaxation as it pertains to riding and training horses. I don't want to go too deep into relaxation today (there is a previous post and episode on that HERE). What's important to understand about tension and relaxation is that it's not just about the horse. This principle is equally as important for the rider to understand and develop throughout their own body. In this episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, I will help you to begin developing more tension management throughout your body by beginning with creating 'calm' for both you and your horse. You will do this through your own actions and thoughts while working with your horse. Read Full Article & All Links HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1352-has-tension-been-holding-you-back-in-your-riding The Energy Connection There are so many different ways and exercises you can use to help develop a more positive energetic connection with your horse. If you're keen to find out more, join me for this free online training where I will give you exact exercises you can use to develop this with your horse. You can register for free for The Energy Connection Webinar HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/energy And, until then, take the time to 'feel' into your body. It will guide you as to where you are holding onto too much. Your intention will help you to release it - for both you and your horse. Happy Riding Lorna Online Training to Help Your Riding Daily Strides Premium – Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Pivo Motion Tracking Software (*affiliate link for 10% off your purchase) Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
15 Minutes or Less with Your Horse... For 90 Days?
Get the 50+ Inspiring Ideas to do with your horse when you find yourself with a small gap of time HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 Are you guilty of only looking for longer gaps of time to work with your horse? I mean, what could you possibly do in 15 minutes or less to move things forward, right?! If this has been your thinking up to now, you're not alone. I was guilty of this... To be honest, I think we have all been there. However, once I began to reframe what those smaller chunks of time could be, everything changed! What would happen if you began seeing the value in finding small gaps of time to connect with your horse? Using short, focused time periods—15 minutes or less—can be a game changer for you, your riding, and your partnership with your horse. Here's why becoming more intentional (and excited) about the odd 15 minutes or so a few times a week can transform everything for both of you. Read the full article HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1351-15-minutes-or-less-with-your-horse-for-90-days Your 15 Minutes or Less List Having a list of potential activities is a great way to get started with making the most of those smaller pockets of time. I've created one for you that you can download HERE for free. My suggestion is to print it off and then add to it over the coming weeks and months. https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 When you begin to see the benefits of intentionally connecting with your horse during those smaller 15 minutes or less time pockets, you will actively begin searching for them in your week! Happy Riding Lorna Online Training to Help Your Riding Daily Strides Premium - Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Pivo Motion Tracking Software (*affiliate link for 10% off your purchase) Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
5 Reasons You're Struggling with Lunging - Part 2 Your Horse
Get the FREE audio guide to help you and your horse successfully lunge in 3 days or less HERE If lunging is just not working for you and your horse, there is a whole element that you are missing out on when it comes to your training and your work together. In the previous Daily Strides Podcast episode and post, I spoke about 5 ways that you, the person lunging, might be struggling. In this post, I want to explore this from your horse's perspective. Riding is a team sport, lunging is the same. If your horse does not understand the concept, the questions, or the expectations around lunging, he will struggle... And you will most likely as well! Here are 10 reasons that your horse might be struggling with lunging and why this is blocking any progress for you both in using this method in your work together. Read the Full Article HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1350-5-reasons-youre-struggling-with-lunging-part-2 Help Your Horse Enjoy Lunging Our horses can't 'talk' to us. They often communicate through their behaviors. It's important to take the time to try and understand why your horse is reacting or responding the way he is. When you can figure out what's going on, you can help him to understand lunging. Addressing any of the struggles that show up will require clear, consistent communication, patience, and commitment with time to building your horse’s confidence and understanding. This way, lunging can become a really helpful part of both of your journeys. Get Started with this FREE training Today HERE Happy Riding Lorna Online Training to Help Your Riding Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Pivo Motion Tracking Software (*affiliate link for 10% off your purchase) Daily Strides Premium Connection – Private Online Coaching for Equestrians Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
If you are tired of riding the endless circle, or you're struggling to find inspiration for your riding each week, this is the podcast for you.
The Daily Strides Podcast is for equestrians wanting to learn more, stay inspired, and continue to move the conversation between horse and rider forward.
Each episode provides step by step guided instruction on different aspects of riding, groundwork, and lunging your horse or pony.
All episodes have a full blog post published at https://StridesForSuccess.com. New episodes are published every Monday.
Say goodbye to the endless circle and hello to intentional interaction with your horse in a way that you both enjoy, that you both benefit from, by subscribing to the Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians today and
Let's Make Every Ride Great