"Deep into the Pages" dives into the heart of recently published books. Each week, we explore a new title, unpacking its core themes through engaging conversati...
Dive into Yuval Noah Harari's "Nexus" with us as we explore the intricate connections between information, power, and wisdom. We discuss democracy in the age of AI, the dangers of unchecked technology, and the potential for a "silicon curtain." Join us for a thought-provoking journey into the future and our role in shaping it.与我们一起深入探讨Yuval Noah Harari的《Nexus》,探索信息、权力和智慧之间错综复杂的联系。 我们讨论人工智能时代民主的挑战、不受控制的技术的危险以及“硅幕”的可能性。 加入我们,踏上发人深省的未来之旅,以及我们在塑造未来中的作用。
EP10:Deep Into - The Worlds I See
The discussion delves into Fei-Fei Li’s book The Worlds I See, tracing her journey from childhood curiosity to AI leadership. It intertwines personal narratives with AI evolution, highlighting ImageNet’s role in deep learning breakthroughs, ethical challenges, and healthcare applications. Li advocates for human-centered AI, urging collective responsibility to shape technology aligned with societal values.对话深入探讨李飞飞著作《The Worlds I See》,回顾其从童年对宇宙的探索到推动AI发展的历程。书中融合个人经历与AI演进,涵盖ImageNet的创立、深度学习突破及AI伦理思考,强调以人为中心的技术发展,呼吁各界共同塑造负责任的AI未来。
EP09:Deep Into - The DOSE Effect
This episode dives deep into TJ Power's new book, "The DOSE Effect," unveiling the "DOSE" formula—dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins—and how these four brain chemicals impact our mood, motivation, and relationships. We'll explore science-backed methods to boost these "happiness chemicals" and emphasize starting small for gradual change. From "slow dopamine" to "dose stacking," this episode provides practical tools and strategies to unlock happiness and embark on a healthier, more fulfilling life.本期节目深入探讨了TJ Power的新书《The DOSE Effect》,揭秘“DOSE”公式——多巴胺、催产素、血清素和内啡肽这四大脑内化学物质如何影响我们的情绪、动机和人际关系。节目不仅分享了如何通过科学的方法提升这四种幸福化学物质,还强调了从小处着手、逐步改变的重要性。从“slow dopamine”到“dose stacking”,本期节目为你提供了一系列实用的工具和策略,助你掌握幸福的密码,开启更健康、更快乐的人生。
[New Year Edition]EP08:Deep Into - The Ritual Effect
Happy Chinese New Year, everyone!This conversation explores the psychology of rituals, differentiating them from habits. Rituals, enhanced by effort, provide meaning and control in our lives, and can be small, personal practices or shared traditions. They help us navigate change, connect with others, and even adapt to the digital age. While rituals can be beneficial, they should not control us. Mindfulness, flexibility, and intention are key to ensuring rituals serve our well-being.这段对话探讨了仪式感的心理学,并将其与习惯区分开来。仪式感,因努力而增强,为我们的生活提供意义和控制,可以是小的个人行为或共享的传统。它们帮助我们应对变化,与他人建立联系,甚至适应数字时代。虽然仪式感有益,但我们不应受其控制。正念、灵活性和意图是确保仪式感为我们服务的关键。祝大家新年快乐!
EP07:Deep Into - Gambling Man
Dive deep into the captivating life of Masayoshi Son and the rise of SoftBank in this podcast episode. Explore Son's early struggles, his audacious gambles, and his visionary leadership that shaped the tech landscape. Uncover the forces behind his relentless drive, from his family history to his near-death experience, and examine his impact on both global technology and society. From the dot-com bubble to the Vision Fund, this is a comprehensive look at a true tech titan.在本期播客节目中,深入探索孙正义的传奇人生和软银的崛起。了解孙正义早年的奋斗、大胆的冒险和塑造科技格局的远见卓识。揭示他无情的动力背后的力量,从他的家庭历史到他的濒死经历,并审视他对全球科技和社会的影响。从互联网泡沫到愿景基金,这是一次对真正科技巨头的全面剖析。
"Deep into the Pages" dives into the heart of recently published books. Each week, we explore a new title, unpacking its core themes through engaging conversation. We go beyond plot summaries, sparking critical thinking and connecting stories to your world. Join our weekly book club-style chats for a deeper literary experience. Tune in and let's explore together!