"Deep into the Pages" dives into the heart of recently published books. Each week, we explore a new title, unpacking its core themes through engaging conversati...
Dive into a new definition of wealth! We're unpacking Sahil Bloom's "The 5 Types of Wealth," exploring time, social connections, mental & physical well-being, & a reframed view of finances. Discover how to cultivate a truly fulfilling life beyond just money, guided by wisdom beyond the traditional measures of success.重新定义财富! 本期将解读 Sahil Bloom 的“The 5 Types of Wealth”,探索时间、社交、精神与身体健康,以及重构的金钱观。 探索超越金钱,如何打造真正充实的生活,不再以传统成功标准衡量人生的智慧.
EP18:Deep Into - Outlive
This episode, we dive deep into Peter Attia's Outlive, a revolutionary guide to longevity. Forget just lifespan—Attia focuses on healthspan, maximizing years of vitality. We explore his "Medicine 3.0" approach, the power of exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional wellbeing, and even groundbreaking molecules. Discover how Outlive challenges us to proactively design a healthier, longer, and more meaningful life. Tune in!本期节目深度探讨Peter Attia的《Outlive》。这本书颠覆了传统“活得长”的理念,强调“健康寿命”,即充满活力的岁月。我们将探索他的“Medicine 3.0”方法,以及运动、营养、睡眠、情感健康,甚至突破性分子对长寿的影响。 了解《Outlive》如何激励我们主动设计更健康、更长寿、更有意义的生活。不要错过!
EP17:Deep Into - The Anxious Generation
Dive into Jonathan Haidt's "The Anxious Generation," exploring the digital age's impact on youth mental health. We'll dissect the root causes of rising anxiety and depression among teens, examining the potential harms of a "phone-based childhood." Let's discuss raising healthy children in the digital era, offering actionable solutions for parents, educators, and communities to tackle this challenge collectively.本期节目将聚焦Jonathan Haidt的著作《The Anxious Generation》,探讨数字时代对青少年心理健康的影响。节目将剖析青少年焦虑和抑郁激增的根本原因,并深入探讨“手机童年”的潜在危害。和大家一起探讨如何在数字时代养育身心健康的孩子,并提供实际可行的解决方案,帮助家长、教育工作者和社会各界共同应对这一挑战。
EP16:Deep Into - Flip Thinking
Dive into the world of "Flip Thinking" with us! We explore Berthold Gunster's revolutionary approach to problem-solving, turning challenges into opportunities with creativity and playful twists. Discover how to slay the "yes but" dragon and embrace the "yes and" mindset, using Gunster's 7 principles and 11 strategies to transform frustration into innovation. Get ready to redefine problems, embrace stress, and amplify what's working!一起深入探索“Flip Thinking”!我们探索 Berthold Gunster 革命性的问题解决之道,以创造力和趣味将挑战转化为机遇。学习如何战胜“是,但是”的阻碍,拥抱“是,而且”的思维模式,运用 Gunster 的 7 大原则和 11 条策略,将挫折转化为创新。准备好重新定义问题、拥抱压力并放大优势吧!
EP15:Deep Into - How to Be Datable
This episode dives deep into "How to Be Datable" by Julie Kraftcheck, decoding the modern dating scene and helping you navigate the "love crisis." We'll explore five dating archetypes, uncover common traps, and offer a practical five-step framework to reshape your approach to love, embrace authenticity, and design the happy relationship you deserve.本期节目深入探讨 Julie Kraftcheck 的《How to Be Datable》,揭秘现代约会难题,助你摆脱“恋爱危机”。节目将分析五种约会人格,揭示约会陷阱,提供实用的五步框架,助你重塑爱情观,活出真我,最终设计专属的幸福爱情。
"Deep into the Pages" dives into the heart of recently published books. Each week, we explore a new title, unpacking its core themes through engaging conversation. We go beyond plot summaries, sparking critical thinking and connecting stories to your world. Join our weekly book club-style chats for a deeper literary experience. Tune in and let's explore together!