Deepen your friendship with God through informative conversation and personal spiritual disciplines. Each episode focuses on a different topic and how we can ap...
Galatians 2:20 – “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.”1 Corinthians 6:17 – “But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 – This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”These verses, along with many others in the Bible, paint a part of the picture of what happens as a result of salvation. And if we’re honest, I think it’s a part of the picture we tend to look past. When we think about salvation, our minds typically go to the part that is easier to understand: we will not go to hell, we will go to heaven. “I go here, not there, I get that.” But the picture of salvation in Scripture is so, so much more rich than that. In fact, as the verses I just read highlight, salvation makes us a new creation – and not just that but it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me. The Bible paints a truly beautiful picture of oneness – it often uses the terms “in Christ” or “in him” or “united with Christ.” And again, speaking from a place of honesty, this is something I hadn’t spent too much time thinking about in my life – and I think many of us are this way. We move past it either as a truth that doesn’t seem to pertinent to the way I live every day, or too complex that we just add it to the list of mysteries of the faith. In this series we will explore some of the mysteries of the faith we tend to move past. I want to name them, examine them from different perspectives, and talk about who these mysteries can actually have profound effects on how we approach our personal walk with Jesus. This first episode is on what it means to be in union with Christ. To help navigate us through this is Dr. Clive Bowsher. Dr. Bowsher is provost of Union School of Theology and author of the books Life in the Son and One: Being United to Jesus Changes Everything.Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 400 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Related to This Episode: Doable Discipleship Episodes:Living Hope with Phil Wickham - for Joy with Alastair Sterne -, Story, and Experience with Luke Smallbone - the Bible: Genesis - Out of Overflow - with Hope in the Midst of Struggle -
Navigating the Bible: 2 Kings
“Fifty men from the group of prophets also went and watched from a distance as Elijah and Elisha stopped beside the Jordan River. Then Elijah folded his cloak together and struck the water with it. The river divided, and the two of them went across on dry ground. When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away.” And Elisha replied, “Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit and become your successor.” - 2 Kings 2:7-9The book of 2 Kings picks up right where 1 Kings left off. The kingdom of Israel is divided into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah, and the prospects for God’s people seem to wax and wane on the different leaders to come to power in each of these regions. Let’s be clear, most of the leaders are, to put it mildly, not good. But there are a few bright spots too. In 2 Kings we also see Elijah taken to heaven and ascension of Elisha as we heard in the passage I read at the beginning of this episode. Trust me, you’ll want to stay tuned later in the episode when we talk about Elisha – he’s such a fun, interesting figure in the Bible. 2 Kings is fascinating because it toggles back and forth from Israel to Judah and back, all the while pointing us to a God who remains sovereign even when the kings of this earth turn away from him. To help us navigate the book of 2 Kings is Dr. Philip Ryken. Dr. Ryken is the president of Wheaton College and author of a commentary on the book of 2 Kings. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 400 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Related to This Episode: to the Doable Discipleship podcast at Apple Podcasts ( or Spotify ( Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: 1 Kings - the Bible: 2 Samuel - the Bible: 1 Samuel - the Bible: Rute - the Bible: Judges - the Bible: Joshua - the Bible: Deuteronomy - the Bible: Numbers - the Bible: Leviticus - the Bible: Exodus - the Bible: Genesis - Dreams by Keys of Moon | promoted by Commons CC BY 4.0
Delighting in Jesus with Asheritah Ciuciu
There’s a question at the heart of the new book “Delighting in Jesus” that caught my attention: it says, “I know I should read by Bible and pray every day, but I’m just not consistent. For many Christians, ‘daily devotions’ and ‘spiritual disciplines’ strike guilt and shame in our hearts. But what if we got it all wrong? What if our Christian experience hinges not on perfect spiritual disciplines, but on the perfect love of a Father who delights in us?” This has been a topic I’ve been interested in for a while now: what does relationship with Jesus really mean. And now there’s a new word entering the conversation: delight. We often talk about joy or happiness, but I’m so grateful to my guest today, Asheritah Ciuciu, for focusing in on the word delight. Asheritah is the host of the Prayers of Rest Podcast and author of many books including Full, Bible & Breakfast, Walking with God, and her latest, Delighting in Jesus. In this conversation, Asheritah and I talk about why “delight” is an important word when thinking about our relationship with Jesus, why we don’t need to be afraid of being broken, how to build your joy center in your brain, and much more. I want to note too, in the show notes for episode you’ll find links to purchase Delighting in Jesus (which I highly recommend) and also a link to a devotional personality quiz that will help you understand better how God created you to feel most connected to him. I hope you enjoy both of these resources. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 400 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Related to This Episode: Personality Quiz - Doable Discipleship Episodes: Living Hope with Phil Wickham - for Joy with Alastair Sterne -, Story, and Experience with Luke Smallbone - the Bible: Genesis - Out of Overflow - it Looks Like to Give God All My Worship - with Hope in the Midst of Struggle -
Navigating the Bible: 1 Kings
“Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, ‘How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!’ But the people were completely silent.” – 1 Kings 18:21The book of 1 Kings marks the transition from the reign of King David to the reign of Solomon. The nation of Israel is now firmly in the age of monarchy and Solomon is ready to not just take over his father’s mantle but also to build the temple his father had wanted to build. However, as is usually the case, things do not go smoothly and Solomon’s reign ends up being a rollercoaster ride. 1 Kings also introduces us to Elijah, one of the most fascinating prophets in the Bible. This book, full of accounts of Solomon’s wisdom, Solomon’s palace, the ark of the covenant, the Queen of Sheba, Elijah’s miracles and his defeat of the prophets of Baal, this full and robust book, is at its heart a book about God – who the one true God is. To help us navigate the book of 1 Kings is Dr. Iain Provan, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Regent College and author of the Understanding the Bible Commentary on 1 & 2 Kings. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 400 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Related to This Episode: to the Doable Discipleship podcast at Apple Podcasts ( or Spotify ( Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: 2 Samuel - the Bible: 1 Samuel - the Bible: Rute - the Bible: Judges - the Bible: Joshua - the Bible: Deuteronomy - the Bible: Numbers - the Bible: Leviticus - the Bible: Exodus - the Bible: Genesis - Dreams by Keys of Moon | promoted by Commons CC BY 4.0
Living Hope with Phil Wickham
“The cross has spoken, I am forgivenThe king of kings calls me His ownBeautiful savior, I'm Yours foreverJesus Christ, my living hope”These lyrics are some of countless others written by Phil Wickham sung at church services across the world every weekend. Ever since his first album released in 2003, Phil’s songs have become part of the catalog for Christian worship, with popular songs including House of the Lord, Battle Belongs, I Believe, Living Hope, Sunday is Coming, and This is Amazing Grace. What I wanted to know is where do these songs come from? What goes into writing a song that resonates with a generation? In today’s episode, I talk with Phil about how he finds inspiration for songs, his process in songwriting, what his quiet times look like, parenthood, lessons he’s learned, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 400 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Related to This Episode: Doable Discipleship Episodes: Music, Story, and Experience with Luke Smallbone - the Bible: Genesis - Out of Overflow - it Looks Like to Give God All My Worship - with Hope in the Midst of Struggle -
Deepen your friendship with God through informative conversation and personal spiritual disciplines. Each episode focuses on a different topic and how we can approach it from a spiritual growth perspective. Whether it's talking about relationships, the Bible, prayer, cultural issues, anxiety, or anything else related to your life, this podcast looks at how we can live as disciples of Jesus. Episodes feature conversations with authors, professors, or pastors.
Brought to you by Saddleback Church. Hosted by Jason Wieland.