Discover a Christianity that actually works. These powerful sermons delivered by Pastor Eric Ludy will awaken you to the majesty of true Christianity. God desig...
This is a message at the very heart of our Ellerslie Training. The Five Fingers is an illustration that is often used in our teaching to explain the most central, salient, and foundational Truths that make up the Christian life. These are the five points that we as believers unite on and separate over. This is what Christianity is all about. Hint: It all has to do with Jesus.
The Romance of Tribulation
There are things in life that are naturally attractive to us as humans (ie. flowers, sunsets, and poetry). Tribulation is definitely not on that list. In fact, we will go to great lengths to avoid it. But, as believers in Christ, it is essential that we recalibrate our thinking regarding this very important thing known as tribulation. Because according to God’s Word, tribulation is the Holy Spirit’s primary tool used to fashion the saints of God into Christ-showcasing men and women.------------» Take these messages deeper and be discipled in person by Eric, Leslie, Nathan, and the team at Ellerslie in one of our upcoming discipleship programs – learn more at:» Receive our free “Five Keys to Walking Through Difficulty” PDF by going to:» If you have been blessed by Ellerslie, consider partnering with the ministry by donating at:» Discover more resources, books, and sermons from Eric Ludy by going to:
Small and Great
The average human when given a choice between becoming a small or a great person, without hesitation, would select great. Why not? Isn’t it the goal of life on this earth to become someone special? But, when you contrast that native instinct for the “great” life against the Christ model—there is a stark difference seen. Christ, when He came to this earth, chose the small life, the small things, and the small people to pour Himself into and out for—and in so doing, made the greatest impact any life has ever made. It appears that God's recipe for accomplishing great things on this earth is through the surrendered embrace of the small.
Potato Country
Potato farming demands faith. The potato farmer needs to trust that the potato is actually growing though he can’t see it growing underneath all the dirt. Most of us steer clear of this sort of faith. We prefer things we can see, smell, hear, and touch. But, God is in the business of potato farming faith. And it is this sort of faith that Eric is charging the Church of Jesus Christ to return to full force. We’ve been twiddling our thumbs long enough in the land of mediocrity. It’s time to venture into the land of the impossible—believing that our God intends to do amazing, miraculous things on this earth. He’s simply waiting for His Church to start thinking and living like He is indeed the Almighty Sovereign King of Kings. // NOTE: This message is an amalgamation of quite a few Ludy sermons from the past on the theme of revival. Because of this, it's possible that some of the attributions were lost in translation. So, it's only appropriate to give special thanks to the classic books on revival that were potentially paraphrased and unwittingly partially quoted without attribution. Where would we be without all the examples of heroic faith that have gone before us?
Leveling Up
The Christian life is impossible to live. But that doesn’t mean we aren't intended by God to live it. The secret is in gaining the supernatural help to pull it off. Baked into the design of the strong Christian life is something that Eric refers to as “leveling up.” It’s when God calls the Christian to a higher degree of difficulty in their walk and supplies them heavenly grace in order to pull off the greater challenge. Most of us kind of wish that there wasn’t a need for leveling up. But without it, there isn’t growth.
About Eric Ludy Sermon Podcast: Church at Ellerslie
Discover a Christianity that actually works. These powerful sermons delivered by Pastor Eric Ludy will awaken you to the majesty of true Christianity. God designed Christianity not to be mere theory but a life empowered by His grace, built unshakable upon truth, centered upon Jesus Christ, and poured out for His glory. It is more than academic head-knowledge, it is practical living grounded in the Word of God. These sermons are delivered with soul-stirring passion that will ignite your spiritual fire. Eric Ludy's sermons are a ministry outreach of Ellerslie Mission Society. If you have been blessed by these messages and would like to support this work with a gift, you can do so here.
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