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Pineland Underground

Podcast Pineland Underground
USAJFKSWCS, Ash Holzmann, Derek Riley, Jason Gambardella
The official podcast of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. SGM Riley and MAJ Holzmann embark on a ...

Available Episodes

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  • Down the Rabbit Hole | The History of PSYOP with Dr. Tracy
    Did you know we can trace the Psychological Operations Regiment to a single person?Did you know PSYOP played a role in the Office of Strategic Services?They were there at the landings of Normandy, in the planning for Desert Storm, and remain a critical component to military victory in the modern age.Join us as we host Dr. Jared Tracy, the Army Special Operations Forces' Deputy Command Historian, as he dives deep with us on the nuances and facts of the PSYOP Regiment and its history. About the guest:Dr. Jared M. Tracy, PhD served six years in the U.S. Army, and became a historian at the US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) in December 2010. He earned an MA in History from Virginia Commonwealth University, an MDiv in Theology from Liberty University, and a PhD in History from Kansas State University. Dr. Tracy is now the deputy command historian for USASOC at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. He previously concentrated on PSYOP history, but now he researches and writes on a wide range of ARSOF-related topics. His writing has appeared in Military Review, NCO Journal, Southern Historian, and Veritas: Journal of Army Special Operations History. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research misinformation.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Victory Through Influence (Dr. Tracy's first book):https://www.tamupress.com/book/9781648430343/victory-through-influence/The ARSOC History website:https://arsof-history.org/about.html#tracyDr. Tracy's dissertation is publicly available here:https://krex.k-state.edu/items/333a90d2-6c98-4ac2-aa90-0e33a46c9e3fHis writing on the history of PSYOP and PSYWAR has even been posted to the main army website:https://www.army.mil/article/199431/100_years_of_subterfuge_the_history_of_army_psychological_operations Article on rebuilding the PSYWAR capability:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v7n2_intro_page_1.htmlIs Taylor Swift a PSYOP (featuring Dr. Tracy)?https://www.wired.com/story/taylor-swift-psyop-conspiracy/The Guardian article referenced about Panama (featuring Dr. Tracy):https://www.theguardian.com/music/audio/2021/feb/03/reverberate-episode-2-rick-astley-versus-the-dictator-of-panama-podcastWhat did PSYOP do during Operation Just Cause in Panama. Ash disappointedly was not able to find the interview of the captain, but the ARSOF Historians have covered this exact operation in detail:https://arsof-history.org/articles/21feb_psyop_just_cause_page_1.htmlFrom that article:"Then, LTG Stiner (with Thurman’s approval) ordered a PSYOP-led “sound barrier” around the Nunciature after Christmas to prevent media eavesdropping on negotiations between MG Marc A. Cisneros, Commander, USARSO, and José Sebastían Laboa, the Papal Nuncio (Vatican diplomatic representative). Deafening, round-the-clock music from cassette tapes and local radio stations blared through 450-watt loudspeakers mounted on HMMWVs."The art and science of PSYOP has been written about at length:https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA030140Heber Blankenhorn's story is even more interesting in detail:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1540-6563.1983.tb01579.xThe ARSOF Historian's office has also covered multiple articles that mention Blankenhorn:https://arsof-history.org/icons/blankenhorn.htmlThe Committee on Public Information (CPI) is a rabbit hole unto itself:https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/the-great-war-master-of-american-propaganda/Lippmann wrote the first book on Public Opinion:https://www.amazon.com/Public-Opinion-Walter-Lippmann/dp/B099G6S24P/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uCSJpfoI3vI2Iv8MR449ZCjuaVyRTA3QZ-grEOo-5EOiZYbL8mci1OiMEfmyOzPHFC6acuxTTevKTq2jjgkeGWXccFMnkYkRIHJEOyJOR6OGTB4x9r0YHHP5CjNSJzgHhkQDDHzHOJOIRwlXyZhFPGROmrUxCD-aKDmRwK0SdzQoBq-9vRTUhziliA6pq0OvmaG-bHwQBnBlWyaTUjORLX4SFN-Tizrr5V8c_vWKqd8.5U0CbgjyyhXy9E5E_bJnGfS21HAxqUiQwc-I-2W6NDU&dib_tag=se&keywords=public+opinion&qid=1729801247&sr=8-3Bernays re-wrote the book on Public Opinion:https://www.amazon.com/Crystallizing-Public-Opinion-Edward-Bernays/dp/107827326X/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uCSJpfoI3vI2Iv8MR449ZCjuaVyRTA3QZ-grEOo-5EOiZYbL8mci1OiMEfmyOzPHFC6acuxTTevKTq2jjgkeGWXccFMnkYkRIHJEOyJOR6OGTB4x9r0YHHP5CjNSJzgHhkQDDHzHOJOIRwlXyZhFPGROmrUxCD-aKDmRwK0SdzQoBq-9vRTUhziliA6pq0OvmaG-bHwQBnBlWyaTUjORLX4SFN-Tizrr5V8c_vWKqd8.5U0CbgjyyhXy9E5E_bJnGfS21HAxqUiQwc-I-2W6NDU&dib_tag=se&keywords=public+opinion&qid=1729801247&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1Book - The Averaged American:https://www.hup.harvard.edu/books/9780674027428The modern definition of PSYOP:https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/specialty-careers/special-ops/psychological-operationsThe Smith-Mundt Act:https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5736Morale Operations within the Office of Strategic Services (OSS):https://arsof-history.org/articles/v3n4_oss_primer_page_1.htmlPublic Records on the Office of War Information:https://www.archives.gov/research/foreign-policy/related-records/rg-208Declassified records regarding The Psychological Warfare Division of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (PWD SHAEF) from the CIA's website:https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78-01634R000400120001-4.pdfThe First Motion Picture Unit:https://www.archives.gov/files/calendar/know-your-records/handouts-presentations/sept19-presentation.pdfRazzle Dazzles ships:https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/episode-65-razzle-dazzle/The Ghost Army of World War II:https://ghostarmy.org/A book on the history of the Information Control Division:https://nonstopsystems.com/radio/pdf-hell/article-hell-rwnlst.pdfThe United States Information Agency:https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/united-states-information-agencyGen Schwarzkopf and PSYOP:https://arsof-history.org/articles/21oct_psyop_in_operation_ds_pt1_page_1.html Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page (soc.mil)https://www.soc.mil/USASOCHQ/recruiting.html GoArmySOF Site:https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/ The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at:https://www.facebook.com/jfkcenterandschoolhttps://www.instagram.com/u.s.armyswcs/https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videosPlease like, subscribe, and leave a review! If you enjoyed this, join the underground by sharing it with someone else. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
  • Professionals Talk Logistics | Logistics and Special Operations
    "Without sustainment, you're just camping with guns."Did you know it takes quite a lot to sustain an organization like the Special Warfare Center & School? Join us as we discuss sustainment for the organization, sustainment for Special Operations, and how logistics wins wars. About the guest:Lt. Col. Pete Van Howe served as the G4 for SWCS and previously served as executive officer of the 407th BSB, 82nd Airborne Division. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University and a master’s degree from Troy University. He is a graduate of the Theater Sustainment Planner’s Course, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Action Officer and Support Personnel Courses, Air Assault School, and Jumpmaster School. He is the current Brigade Support Battalion Commander within the 3rd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. Bull Halsey quote (on page 16):https://www.moore.army.mil/infantry/magazine/issues/2005/SEP-OCT/pdfs/SEP-OCT2005.pdfBaltimore Bridge Collapse:https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/26/us/key-bridge-collapse-baltimore-what-to-know.htmlShip stuck in the Panama Canal:https://www.businessinsider.com/traffic-jam-outside-panama-canal-hundreds-ships-2023-8The cost of the Suez Canal obstruction in 2021:https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56559073Setting a Theater: https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/English-Edition-Archives/May-June-2018/Setting-the-Theater-Effective-Resourcing-at-the-Theater-Army-Level/Talent management for Special Operations logistics:https://www.army.mil/article/179943/joint_special_operations_forces_logistics_talent_management Additional Reading:Lt. Col. Van Howe has been previously published (page 51):https://alu.army.mil/alog/ARCHIVE/PB700201902FULL.pdf Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page (soc.mil)https://www.soc.mil/USASOCHQ/recruiting.html GoArmySOF Site:https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/ The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at:https://www.facebook.com/jfkcenterandschoolhttps://www.instagram.com/u.s.armyswcs/https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videosPlease like, subscribe, and leave a review! If you enjoyed this, join the underground by sharing it with someone else. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
  • The History of Special Forces; Origins, Misconceptions, and Facts | Dr. Sacquety returns!
    Did you know the Special Forces Operation Detachment Alpha hasn't always had twelve people in it?Did you know only 1% of the first official Special Forces organization was made up of members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)?The history of Special Forces is a tapestry, weaving together organizations like Merrill’s Marauders (or Unit Galahad), the Philippine resistance movements in WWII, the original PSYWAR School, and the Ranger Regiment's early days.Join us as we host Dr. Troy J. Sacquety, the Army Special Operations Forces' Command Historian, as he dives deep with us on the nuances and facts of the impetus and history of the Special Forces Regiment.And listen through the end to hear the controversial history of the green beret! About the guest:Dr. Sacquety earned an MA from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and a PhD in Military History from Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the USASOC History Office staff in August 2006, he worked several years for the Central Intelligence Agency. His research interests include Army and Office of Strategic Services special operations during World War II, and U.S. Army Civil Affairs. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Brief biography of Brig. Gen. Evans Carlson:https://www.usmcu.edu/Research/Marine-Corps-History-Division/People/Whos-Who-in-Marine-Corps-History/Abrell-Cushman/Brigadier-General-Evans-F-Carlson/All Special Forces Groups in the 1st Special Forces Regiment trace their official U.S. Army lineage and honors to the FSSF activation on 9 July 1942:https://arsof-history.org/first_special_service_force/legacy.htmlThe Coordinator of Information (COI), which became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS):https://www.soc.mil/OSS/the-beginning.htmlThe origins of the OSS and its relationship with modern Army Special Operations:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v3n4_oss_primer_page_1.htmlBritish Special Operations Executive:https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/SOEThe French Bureau Central de Renseignements et d’Action (BCRA):https://www.cheminsdememoire.gouv.fr/en/bcra-dgseThe OSS also required immense amounts of coordination and logistics to be successful:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v3n1_supplying_resistance_page_1.htmlJedburghs (including their epically great patch):https://www.soc.mil/OSS/jedburghs.htmlThe Green Berets, written by Robin Moore, was the book mentioned from the Vietnam era: https://www.specialforceshistory.info/books/the-green-berets-robin-moore.htmlDetachment 101:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v4n3_myitkyina_part_2_page_1.htmlSpecial Forces in the Korean War:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v2n2_catch_as_catch_page_1.htmlSpecial Operations in the Korean War:https://www.army.mil/article/268487/army_special_operations_in_the_forgotten_war_commemorating_the_70th_anniversary_of_the_korean_armisticeThe Alamo Scouts:https://www.army.mil/article/214389/the_alamo_scoutsThe Alamo Scouts have been recognized as Distinguished Members of the Special Forces Regiment:https://www.swcs.mil/Portals/111/sf_alamo-scouts.pdfA diary of the Alamo Scouts:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v4n3_alamo_scouts_page_1.html Maj. Gen. McClure:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v7n2_mcclure_page_1.htmlBrig. Gen. Russel Volckmann:https://arsof-history.org/icons/volckmann.htmlCol. Wendell Fertig:https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/MR-Book-Reviews/January-2017/Book-Review-011/Lt. Col. Melvin R. Blair:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v7n1_smoke_bomb_hill_page_1.htmlLt. Martin Waters:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v4n1_myitkyina_part_1_page_1.htmlCol. Aaron Bank:https://arsof-history.org/icons/bank.htmlColombian Lanceros:https://arsof-history.org/articles/pdf/v2n4_colombian_sof.pdf8240:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v3n3_wolfpack_donkeys_page_1.htmlFormation of the Rangers:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v2n3_rangers_wwii_page_1.htmlThe history of Special Operations Command (not to be confused with 1st SOCOM):https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/Story/Article/1800521/The history of 1st SOCOM:https://arsof-history.org/1stsocom/index.htmlThe Lodge Act:https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP57-00384R001000010010-1.pdfProgram of Instruction (POI) is essentially the syllabus for Army instruction.The Special Forces tab was approved in 1983:https://web.archive.org/web/20000510192433/http://www.qmmuseum.lee.army.mil/airborne/sf_tab.htmHistory of the ODA and its size over time:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v19n1_evolution_of_the_special_forces_oda_page_1.htmlThe history of the green beret:https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2023/10/10/how-the-green-beret-became-the-symbol-of-us-army-special-forces/Edson Raff's involvement:https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-mar-22-me-passings22.1-story.html95th Civil Affairs patch:https://www.shopmyexchange.com/army-unit-patch-95th-civil-affairs-brigade-ocp-/7048045Want a deeper dive on the conflict in Burma? Dr. Sacquety did another interview at the following link:https://www.fpri.org/multimedia/2024/06/an-american-irregular-warfare-success-story-oss-detachment-101-in-burma-during-wwii/Detachment 101 and John Ford:http://www.easaul.com/oss-detachment-101.htmlThe Range of Military Operations (ROMO): https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/concepts/joc_deterrence.pdf?ver=2017-12-28-162015-337 Recommended Civil Affairs reading:The Hunt Report:https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/post/2018/05/08/civil-affairs-centennial-ca100-the-hunt-reportCivil Affairs articles from the ARSOF Historian's Office:https://arsof-history.org/pdf/handbook_civil_affairs.pdf Recommended Special Forces reading from the episode:The Green Berets by Robin Moore:https://www.amazon.com/Green-Berets-Robin-Moore/dp/0312984928From OSS to Green Berets:https://www.amazon.com/Oss-Green-Berets-Special-Forces/dp/0891412719Dr. Sacquety is also the author of the book The OSS in Burma: Jungle War against the Japanese:https://us.amazon.com/OSS-Burma-against-Japanese-Studies/dp/0700619097/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page (soc.mil)https://www.soc.mil/USASOCHQ/recruiting.html GoArmySOF Site:https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/ The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at:https://www.facebook.com/jfkcenterandschoolhttps://www.instagram.com/u.s.armyswcs/https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videosPlease like, subscribe, and leave a review! If you enjoyed this, join the underground by sharing it with someone else. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
  • Morale; Retention; Recruitment; Leadership | We speak with Author Corie Weathers
    Corie Weathers is a licensed professional counselor, speaker, consultant, and author focusing her career for the last 20 years as a clinician specializing in marriage, military and first responders, the service culture, and its impact on families. We sat down with her to speak about the challenges of communication within military families and relationships, returning home after conflict, retention, recruitment, and more. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Ms. Corrie Weathers has been featured on a variety of media platforms. You can learn more about her work by visiting her website:https://www.corieweathers.com/The Socrates quote mentioned: (469–399 B.C. ) "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households."The quote, "was crafted by a student, Kenneth John Freeman, for his Cambridge dissertation published in 1907." You can read more about it here: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/01/misbehave/Most service members are the children of veterans:https://download.militaryonesource.mil/12038/MOS/Reports/2022-demographics-report.pdf  Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page (soc.mil)https://www.soc.mil/USASOCHQ/recruiting.html GoArmySOF Site:https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/ The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at:https://www.facebook.com/jfkcenterandschoolhttps://www.instagram.com/u.s.armyswcs/https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videosPlease like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
  • What Does it Take to Win a War? | The History of the Civil Affairs Regiment
    Did you know Civil Affairs Soldiers were on the beaches of Normandy and tasked with addressing the cattle killed from the combat operations so that disease outbreaks could be mitigated? Or that Civil Affairs prevented cholera outbreaks during the Korean War?Combat is only one aspect of conflict and war.We dive deep in this episode where we cover the history of Civil Affairs.The Civil Affairs Branch predates the Psychological Operations and Special Forces branches, and even predates the Army Aviation and Military Intelligence branches. The history of Civil Affairs is important for Special Operations practitioners and leaders throughout the military to learn.Join us as we host Dr. Troy J. Sacquety, the Army Special Operations Forces' Command Historian, and recently named Honorary Member of the Civil Affairs Regiment. About the guest:Dr. Sacquety earned an MA from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and a PhD in Military History from Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the USASOC History Office staff in August 2006, he worked several years for the Central Intelligence Agency. His research interests include Army and Office of Strategic Services special operations during World War II, and U.S. Army Civil Affairs. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Brief biography of Col. Irwin L. Hunt, author of the Hunt Report:https://arsof-history.org/icons/hunt.htmlDerek mentioned the famous General, Gen. Lucius D. Clay:https://www.army.mil/article/216006/gen_lucius_d_clay_a_brilliant_administratorInformation on the European Civil Affairs Division and Civil Affairs history:https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GOVPUB-D101-PURL-gpo128986/pdf/GOVPUB-D101-PURL-gpo128986.pdfCol. Charles R. Munske, who began his career as Coast Artillery:https://arsof-history.org/icons/munske.html Brigadier General Crawford F. Sams:https://arsof-history.org/articles/v6n1_crawford_sams_page_1.htmlCORDS:https://www.archives.gov/research/military/vietnam-war/civil-operations.htmlThe Ring Road of Afghanistan:https://www.vox.com/world/2018/1/11/16878056/afghanistan-us-fail-war-taliban Recommended reading from the episode:The Hunt Report:https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/post/2018/05/08/civil-affairs-centennial-ca100-the-hunt-reportAmerican Military Government of Occupied Germany:https://arsof-history.org/icons/pdf/american_military_government_of_occupied_germany_1918-1920.pdfDr. Sacquety is also the author of the book The OSS in Burma: Jungle War against the Japanese:https://us.amazon.com/OSS-Burma-against-Japanese-Studies/dp/0700619097/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page (soc.mil)https://www.soc.mil/USASOCHQ/recruiting.html GoArmySOF Site:https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/ The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at:https://www.facebook.com/jfkcenterandschoolhttps://www.instagram.com/u.s.armyswcs/https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videosPlease like, subscribe, and leave a review! If you enjoyed this, join the underground by sharing it with someone else. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.

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About Pineland Underground

The official podcast of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. SGM Riley and MAJ Holzmann embark on a journey to provide the best podcast in the military with bi-monthly relentless awesomeness. Real. Bold. Un-restricted.
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