This Podcast will simply put you on the path of learning the Arabic language in English! You will discover how easy and fulfilling it will be to communicate in ...
How to Get Information from your Audience (Part Two)
Episode 05
Welcome to the second part of Arabic key questions.
How to get information?
Where is....?
How much is it?
بكم هذا؟
Who is he?
من هو؟
What is he?
ما شغله؟
How is the weather?
كيف الطقس؟
Why are you here?
لماذا أنت هنا؟
Are you busy?
هل أنت مشغول؟
How can I get to...?
كيف يمكن الذهاب إلى...؟
Remember that there is difference between masculine and feminine pronouns and we'll cover it in the near future.
Let's practice what you have learned.
Episode 4 - How to Get Information from your Audience (Part One)
Episode 04
· How to get information and how to know more about whom you`re talking to?
· So, you have to know how to ask. Now, we`re learning key question words in Arabic.
· You may want to ask about someone`s personal information,
· Please be aware that it is not right to focus on grammar or translation issue in this level. But I insist, focusing on the pronunciation and do your best to repeat and imitate the sentences.
· Let`s get started with today`s sentences;
What`s your name?
ما ﭐسمك؟
Where are you from?
ما جنسيتك؟
Mobile No.
What`s your mobile number?
ما رقم هاتفك؟
What is your address?
ما عنوانك؟
What is your major?
ما فرعك الدراسي؟
Birth Place
Where were you born?
أين ولدت؟
Birth Date
When were you born?
متی ولدت؟
Now, let`s practice,
إسمي محمد
ما ﭐسمك؟
أنا باکستاني/مصري
ما جنسيتك؟
ما رقم هاتفك؟
عنواني 10، شارع النيل، القاهرة
ما عنوانك؟ - أین تسکن؟
أنا أدرس التاریخ
ما فرعك الدراسي؟
أنا ولدت في باریس
أين ولدت؟
أنا ولدت في عام 1980
متی ولدت؟
Let`s make use of it!
Let`s make use of what you have learned up to now!
You will listen to a conversation.
Concentrate and drill!
Good Luck and Ma`assalama!
Arabic Greetings - (2nd Episode)
Episode 03
Welcome to the second part of “Arabic Greetings”.
We almost have covered the greetings to start and finish a conversation. I mean we learned; how to say “Hi” and “Goodbye” in Arabic.
But! What are the expressions to be used during a day or conversation?
1- Day and Night
A) At morning
صباح الخیر (صباح النور)
B) During the day
طاب نهارکم
C) During the night
مساء الخیر
D) When want to go to bed
تصبحون علیالخير
E) Common way that attributes to all moments of 24 hours, means:
I always wish you a good time.
طابت اوقاتکم بکل خير
2- How to pray for your audience
F) May God give you the best living
حياك الله
G) May God give you peace and security
الله یعطیك العافية >> الله یعافیك
H) May God help you
الله یساعدك
3- How to Say “Excuse me”
I) I Apologize.
أعتذر (أعتذر للتأخير)
J) Forgive me. (Sorry for Inconveniency)
عفواً (عفواً للإزعاج)
4- How to Say “Thank you”
K) Thank you
شکراً >>> عفواً
5- How to Say “Please”
L) Please...
من فضلك... (أين المطعم؟)
M) If Possible
إذا ممکن.... (دلني علی هذا العنوان)
6- How to Say Happy New Year
N) Happy New Year
کل عام و انتم بخیر>> کل عام و انتم بخیر
أيامکم سعيدة>> أيامکم سعيدة
7- Before you Say Goodbye
O) This is my pleasure to have you here!
تشرفنا >>> الشرف لي
P) I had a very interesting time because of your presence
فرصة سعيدة >>> فرصة طيبة
This is the end of this episode. Good Luck
مع السلامة
How to Say "Hi" and "Goodbye" in Arabic? (Part one)
1- How to Say “Hi”?
What are the most common sentences or expressions, when you see a person for the first time or want to start a conversation?
1-1- Islamic greeting; السلام عليكم (و علیکم السلام), you may hear it in most of Arabic countries, specially in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
We can also say سلام علیکم instead of السلام علیکم
1-2- Normal and common greeting; أهلاً و سهلاً (أهلا بك)which means “regards”, or you may say “مرحبة” (مراحب) , “greetings”.
2- How to say “How Are You?”
1-3- The most common expression is: کیف الحال؟ means: How is it going? or کیف أنت؟ means “How are you?”
1-4- For replying we could use the following sentences: الحمدالله (Thanks God) – شکراً (Thanks) – أنا بخیر (I’m doing well, I’m ok)
3- Other Common Expressions
تحية مباركة
تحية طيبة
تحياتي واشواقي
4- How to say “Goodbye”?
a. Islamic greeting; السلام عليكم
b. Normal and common greeting; إلی اللقاء > I wish I see you again. في أمان الله means: God may protect you.
This Podcast will simply put you on the path of learning the Arabic language in English! You will discover how easy and fulfilling it will be to communicate in this amazing language. Don’t miss this opportunity to progress your learning of the Arabic language!