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Speak Japanese Naturally Podcast

Podcast Speak Japanese Naturally Podcast
This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese who want to immerse themselves in Japanese. I always listen to podcasts while cooking or driv...

Available Episodes

5 of 6
  • 「節分」今年は2月2日です! #6 | 日本語ポッドキャスト
    Would you like to have online lessons with me? I teach my Premium Plan members! What’s the Premium Plan? It’s a yearly subscription course that focuses on improving how you sound by learning Japanese phonetics. It includes 34 video lessons on Japanese phonetics, 9 conversation practice videos (currently ongoing), and 11 listening practice videos. You’ll learn about Japanese pronunciation, rhythm, pitch accent, and intonation, then practice with me. I’ll give you thorough feedback during private lessons. This plan includes two 45-minute lessons. If you’re not ready for live lessons but would still like to get feedback from me, how about joining the Standard Plan? It’s a monthly subscription plan where you can watch the same videos as Premium Plan members. You can also participate in the monthly Pronunciation Challenge, and I’ll provide personalized feedback via video! https://www.speakjapanesenaturally.com/ Hope to see you in my course! 😄 みなさん、「節分」ってきいたことはありますか? 今年は、2月2日が節分です。 節分がなんなのか、 節分になにをするのか お話しします。 「おに」がでてきますよ〜😄 節分:せつぶん 今年:ことし 2日:ふつか お話しします:おはなしします
  • 「山火事」近所の山で火事がありました #5 | 日本語ポッドキャスト
    #日本語podcast #japanesepodcast Would you like to have online lessons with me? I teach my Premium Plan members! What’s the Premium Plan? It’s a yearly subscription course that focuses on improving how you sound by learning Japanese phonetics. It includes 34 video lessons on Japanese phonetics, 9 conversation practice videos (currently ongoing), and 11 listening practice videos. You’ll learn about Japanese pronunciation, rhythm, pitch accent, and intonation, then practice with me. I’ll give you thorough feedback during private lessons. This plan includes two 45-minute lessons. If you’re not ready for live lessons but would still like to get feedback from me, how about joining the Standard Plan? It’s a monthly subscription plan where you can watch the same videos as Premium Plan members. You can also participate in the monthly Pronunciation Challenge, and I’ll provide personalized feedback via video! https://www.speakjapanesenaturally.com/ Hope to see you in my course! 😄 近所の山で、山火事がありました。 火を消すのに、4日かかりました。 ヘリコプターがずっと飛んでいました。 …という話です! 近所:きんじょ 山火事:やまかじ 火を消す:ひをけす 飛んで:とんで 話:はなし
  • 「共通テスト」1月17、18日はだいじな日 #4 | 日本語ポッドキャスト
    #日本語podcast #japanesepodcast Would you like to have online lessons with me? I teach my Premium Plan members! What’s the Premium Plan? It’s a yearly subscription course that focuses on improving how you sound by learning Japanese phonetics. It includes 34 video lessons on Japanese phonetics, 9 conversation practice videos (currently ongoing), and 11 listening practice videos. You’ll learn about Japanese pronunciation, rhythm, pitch accent, and intonation, then practice with me. I’ll give you thorough feedback during private lessons. This plan includes two 45-minute lessons. If you’re not ready for live lessons but would still like to get feedback from me, how about joining the Standard Plan? It’s a monthly subscription plan where you can watch the same videos as Premium Plan members. You can also participate in the monthly Pronunciation Challenge, and I’ll provide personalized feedback via video! https://www.speakjapanesenaturally.com/ Hope to see you in my course! 😄 今週の土日は、「共通テスト」があります。 大学のそばで、そのテストを受けにいく人たちを見るかもしれません。 大学を受験する人にとって、だいじなテストです。 それがどんなテストなのか、お話しします😊 今週:こんしゅう 土日:どにち 共通:きょうつう 大学:だいがく 受けに:うけに 人:ひと 見る:みる 受験:じゅけん
  • 「成人式」1月11〜13日のどこか #3 | 日本語ポッドキャスト
    Would you like to have online lessons with me? I teach my Premium Plan members! What’s the Premium Plan? It’s a yearly subscription course that focuses on improving how you sound by learning Japanese phonetics. It includes 34 video lessons on Japanese phonetics, 9 conversation practice videos (currently ongoing), and 11 listening practice videos. You’ll learn about Japanese pronunciation, rhythm, pitch accent, and intonation, then practice with me. I’ll give you thorough feedback during private lessons. This plan includes two 45-minute lessons. If you’re not ready for live lessons but would still like to get feedback from me, how about joining the Standard Plan? It’s a monthly subscription plan where you can watch the same videos as Premium Plan members. You can also participate in the monthly Pronunciation Challenge, and I’ll provide personalized feedback via video! https://www.speakjapanesenaturally.com/ Hope to see you in my course! 😄 みなさん、こんにちは✨ 「成人式」という言葉、聞いたことはありますか? 1月の第2月曜日は、「成人の日」で、国民の祝日です。 つまり、今週末の三連休のどこかで「成人式」が行われます。 日本に住んでいるみなさんは、着物をきた20歳ぐらいの女の人を何人をみるかもしれません。その人たちは成人式に行く人たちです。 私の娘も今年、成人式に出ます。 なので、そんな話もしています。ぜひ聴いてください😊 成人式:せいじんしき 言葉:ことば 聞いた:きいた 1月:いちがつ 第2月曜日:だいにげつようび 成人の日:せいじんのひ 国民:こくみん 祝日:しゅくじつ 今週末:こんしゅうまつ 三連休:さんれんきゅう 20歳:はたち、にじゅっさい 娘:むすめ 今年:ことし 出ます:でます 話:はなし 聴いて:きいて Hello, everyone! ✨ Have you ever heard of the word “Seijinshiki” (Coming-of-Age Ceremony)? The second Monday of January is “Coming-of-Age Day,” a national holiday in Japan. The Seijinshiki ceremonies are held sometime during the three-day weekend, which is this weekend! If you’re living in Japan, you might see several young women dressed in kimono around that time. These are the people attending the Seijinshiki. My daughter is also participating in the Seijinshiki this year. So, I’ll be talking about that as well. Please give it a listen! 😊
  • 「新年の抱負」2025年にやりたいこと
    みなさん、あけましておめでとうございます!✨ 今年(ことし)もよろしくお願(ねが)いします! 「新年の抱負」という言葉、きいたことはありますか? 新しい年のはじめに立てる目標のようなものです。 こんな1年にしたい、こんなことをしたい、ということを考えます。 このエピソードでは、私の2025年の新年の抱負について話しました。 掃除やお料理、運動や、運転しながら、ぜひ聞いてみてください! 新年:しんねん 抱負:ほうふ 言葉:ことば 新しい:あたらしい 年:とし 立てる:たてる 1年:いちねん 目標:もくひょう 掃除:そうじ 料理:りょうり 運動:うんどう 運転:うんてん

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About Speak Japanese Naturally Podcast

This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese who want to immerse themselves in Japanese. I always listen to podcasts while cooking or driving, and I hope my podcast can accompany you in your daily activities, too! I really want to help Japanese learners speak more fluently. That’s why I created a course to help you improve your pronunciation, rhythm, pitch accent, and intonation. If you feel you need more confidence when speaking with Japanese people, please check out my subscription course. https://www.speakjapanesenaturally.com/ I’d be happy to see you there too!
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Speak Japanese Naturally Podcast: Podcasts in Family

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