靈感來源是英文有首兒歌叫Slippery Fish. Mother goose rhymes. Five little ducklings. Five little monkeys. 鄭秀文的熱愛島😝
Pout Pout Fish 扁嘴魚翻譯
海底有條扁嘴嘅魚,個個都叫佢開心的。根據英文嘅Pout Pout Fish翻譯出嚟。
Mother Goose Rhymes in Cantonese 英國童謠廣東版
Here are a few rhymes I translated into Cantonese. I kept the rhythm and rhyming patterns. The words are kind of gibberish, like the original ones in English.
Listen to Cantonese Stories with Star’s mommy 廣東話星星媽咪講故事, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast and many other podcasts from around the world with the radio.net app