Crrow777 has been filming and questioning space, the moon and our sun for many years and has many thousands of hours of observation and filming time through lar...
611- Leaving Hollywood for Community Support, End Times of the Old World (Free)
The end is near. This has been said many times – to no account. But now, the end is, in fact, near. Not just near but well underway. Though not planned, the episode number (611) truly fits the episode. For this number in its many encodings stands as the fingerprint for the new world currently (more...)
610- The Beach is Permanently Open – Wannabe Autocrats get Schooled (Free)
This 1-hour episode is a follow up on the progress of a living woman who stood up against tyranny in her hometown. Following the illegal actions of her local government during Covidius Minimus, she has defended the rights of the many for 4 + years now. It looks like an end is in sight, but (more...)
609- Nature-Based Consciousness is the Rule, Not the Exception – A New Era (Free)
Here we are at the civil new year. Don’t get me started on the problems with our calendar, but it is a tool used to control people and separate spirits from the truth and cycles existing solely in Nature. A life well synced in natural cycles resides close to truth and within the Creation provided (more...)
608- Secret Societies, the Sun & Rising Consciousness in the New Era (Free)
We are currently experiencing solar maximum. This relates to a supposed 11-year cycle that focuses on solar magnetism. During solar max, the sun’s activity increases, to include the number and frequency of sunspots and prominences. The sun is very active right now, and more so than I have ever observed. Along with increased activity from (more...)
607- Cathedrals: Spiritual Paths in Glass & Stone are Vanishing (Free)
It was back in the spring of 2019 when I had been researching the amazing cathedrals of Europe. Specifically, France. To be a bit more specific, I was drilling down into Notre Dame and re-read “The Mystery of the Cathedrals” by Fulcanelli. Next, I proceeded to convert the research into episode #151 for the Crrow777 (more...)
Crrow777 has been filming and questioning space, the moon and our sun for many years and has many thousands of hours of observation and filming time through large telescopes.