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Get A Life - Ex-Cult Conversations

Podcast Get A Life - Ex-Cult Conversations
Get A Life Podcast
Listen in on conversations with former members of the PBCC. Ex-members open a window into one of the world's most powerful and influential cult and it's links t...

Available Episodes

5 of 138
  • Get A Life Ep. 134 Worked to death- Sam Keast and Playground Centre
    DISCUSSION ON DEATH AND SUICIDE. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED “To err is human, but to really f#@k things up you need the Plymouth Brethren” – and in the case we report today, they come in the person of Simon Filleul, a Plymouth Brethren elder and Rapid Relief team spokesman from Whanganui, New Zealand. Simon’s business, Playground Centre Limited took on a talented and enthusiastic 19-year old, exploited his energy and loyalty to the utmost extreme for 7 years, lured him to Australia with false and unfulfilled promises of training, promotion and financial assistance, then finally, having extracted everything of value from him, left him to die alone, hanging from his forklift truck. Yes, we are angry, and sickened by the greed, cruelty and hypocrisy of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church and its fake Rapid Relief Team Charity – and yes , it’s a bloody long podcast – but if you are, like the Filleuls, one of those smug, self-important callous money-grubbing UBT trained PBCC businessmen you need to sit yourself down and watch this podcast again, and again and again…because if YOU f#@k up, it will be your proud, respectable Brethren name on the next episode of Get-a-Life Podcast. Link for insiders- https://docsend.dropbox.com/view/it7jfnbp9ny3k98g Sam Keast folder link- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/snihhd7ut2i1qtf95vccf/AK1H1PBsNP8Cf1mcyhwenP4?rlkey=end0nxzozb8tb4igq7hgh2292&st=0afn03pl&dl=0 Link to articles referred in podcast- https://www.urbaneffects.co.nz/take-a-seat-whanganui-lets-chat-about-big-things/ https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/victorias-new-workplace-manslaughter-offences?fbclid=IwY2xjawHtb7ZleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHRoiy-s2y0x-y8th-9WPmNfOv-JB7F853A8018FuD3ztVRivCm6woC0a3A_aem_VoBzcgFcTxnx2ev_ohRmKA https://youtu.be/Ih8CEvq1ZnA?si=2dgqj-PgD1N5bVRv https://www.leightonassociates.co.nz/post/ducking-and-weaving-on-both-sides-of-the-ditch https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/family-of-kiwi-tradie-samuel-keast-fights-for-answers-after-suspected-suicide-overseas-uncovers-toxic-workplace/C5IYGW6Q7VEDVKQRGNADDHN25A/ https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/at-work/tradies-haunting-google-search-on-final-call/news-story/11ac2bb3e3ec3de9cefdda5670911a31?amp https://www.nzherald.co.nz/whanganui-chronicle/news/whanganuis-playground-centre-builds-play-equipment-for-countries-around-world/VJV5MMNP67TTABQVZLJUKWOHLU/ other Workplace death- https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/wa-regulator-investigates-separate-workplace-deaths-on-horror-wednesday-20240404-p5fhjt.html https://archive.ph/vs2y7 https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/report-incident-criteria-notifiable-incidents https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/saynotobullying?fbclid=IwY2xjawH43kNleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHed7TOuhYeLgj-WSyNB9j3pmBug4hiJWhqyWd0Hqa12oa7eAO45A4mhvBQ_aem_7qKqMJH-J3YZrQm1zJv2SA To share your story or be a guest on the show, email [email protected] Get a Life Paypal donations - https://www.paypal.me/getalifepodcast Get a Life GoFundMe- https://gofund.me/614bcd06 PayPal link for USA- https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8Tz4n35OJ8 Olive Leaf Network- https://oliveleaf.network/ Thinking of Leaving Pamphlet and resources - https://oliveleaf.network/resources/ Link to Anchor/Spotify- https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/G6sjHA2xHwb Preston Down Trust Decision- http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/media/591398/preston_down_trust_full_decision.pdf Aberdeen incident- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1riImgAqwaqGwjYq6vRQIr4_jscJA0eQN/view?usp=sharing If we walk in the light letters- https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WlgJladl1r95YGxW0FbZ0prYfjlg7FU/view?usp=sharing Admin/Legal email address: [email protected] Office address: 22 Braid Bend Stouffville ON L4A 1R7 #plymouthbrethrenchristianchurch #pbcc #abuse #church #cult #mindcontrol #brainwashing #conversation #exmembers #exposingtruth #expose #exposure #whistleblower #getalifepodcast #getalife #podcast #rules #strict #exclusivebrethren #brucehales #BruceHales #BDH #BruceDHales #UniversalBusinessTeam #UBT #RRT #RapidReliefTeam #Aberdeen #OneSchoolGlobal
  • Get A Life Ep. 133 Vision Foundation - The Brethren’s Billion Dollar Fraud
    Under the guise of funding OneSchool Global, the PBCC’s leaders have quietly bilked $0.65 billion from their unsuspecting members since 2017. Rather than being used for education, this tax free bullion is stashed in multiple obscure private investment funds around the globe, and used by the tiny elite of ultra-rich PBCC church leaders to fund their own businesses ventures. Every year, the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church’s “Global Funding Team” holds a “Strive” fundraiser to collect a further $250 million to add to the pot. Attendance at this Zoom fundraising event, while dressed in church attire, is compulsory for 100% of members, and they must keep their cameras on so that local brethren priests can see that they are attending, and monitor their reactions. The 54,000 assembled victims of this fraud are told a carefully crafted pack of outright lies to the effect that the Brethren’s OneSchool Global desperately needs funds, that Vision Foundation is an endowment fund for this purpose, and that it generates an astonishing 20% return on investment. Get-a-Life exposes for he first time the shocking truth that Vision Foundation has actually been losing millions of dollars per year, and far from being an endowment fund, is just a handy source of ready cash for the corrupt Brethren elite. We also expose for the first time the “Campus Modernization Program” and the “Hall Standardization Program” further financial scams perpetrated by PBCC leadership to launder $100s of millions of tax-free dollars into their own bank accounts. Join us as we light up for the first time the Affinity Fraud of the Century, as the perpetrators desperately scramble to pull the maximum value from the scam before the Australian Tax Office’s ongoing investigation closes it down for good. Link for insiders- https://docsend.dropbox.com/view/wckqr4wiceas25ga Link for attachments discussed in podcast- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/mfcbv65ago9seigve50n3/AC2kvJMl_9cEcfRCQpdFB-k?rlkey=x7zlieiatvcavcpzdm1ukrgud&st=ic7hxose&dl=0 Link to Damian Hastie's website- https://www.brethrenexposed.com/investigations.html Article/website links- Grace Trust on Charity Commission website https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/en/charity-search/-/charity-details/257516 NAF on Charity Commission website https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/en/charity-search/-/charity-details/5101784 Wikipedia article on Affinity Fraud https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affinity_fraud Affinity Fraud news article https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/06/religious-based-financial-fraud-is-rampant-heres-how-to-fight-it.html GAL Tax Fraud and Embezzlement podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn8X-REFPSQ GAL OneSchool/Unispace Money Laundering podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNnkaDA2BZ8&t=3034s GAL Australian Tax Office raid UBT podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl8WmlBGonI Vision Income Fund- NZ past ROI- https://www.oneinvestment.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Vision-Income-Fund-year-end-Financial-Statements-31.12.2023.pdf To share your story or be a guest on the show, email [email protected] Get a Life Paypal donations - https://www.paypal.me/getalifepodcast Get a Life GoFundMe- https://gofund.me/614bcd06 PayPal link for USA- https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8Tz4n35OJ8 Olive Leaf Network- https://oliveleaf.network/ Thinking of Leaving Pamphlet and resources - https://oliveleaf.network/resources/ Preston Down Trust Decision- http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/media/591398/preston_down_trust_full_decision.pdf Admin/Legal email address: [email protected] Office address: 22 Braid Bend Stouffville ON L4A 1R7 #plymouthbrethrenchristianchurch #pbcc #abuse #church #cult #religion #trauma #religioustrauma #sexualabuse #mindcontrol #brainwashing #whistleblower #getalifepodcast #getalife #exclusivebrethren #BruceHales #BDH #BruceDHales #UniversalBusinessTeam #UBT #RRT #RapidReliefTeam #Aberdeen #OneSchoolGlobal #OSG
  • Get A Life Ep. 132 with guest Guy Wilson
    Guy Wilson‘s remarkable memory and extensive records take us back to the south of England, in early days of the 1960s as Big Jim Taylor groped his way through the sisterhood to his nemesis at Aberdeen. With close family ties to the Taylors in New York, Guy can give the story from both sides of the Atlantic, as well as all manner of interesting and sometimes scandalous details about his former brethren in Canterbury and elsewhere. Guy is not shy of dropping names, and Theo Deacon, Geoff, Alan, Keith and Clive Groombridge, David Worsley, Struan and Moira Kerr, Stuart Clark and Peter Bedford all come in for a mention. Most intriguing of all, Guy shares some stories about Alan Clarkson, formerly of Perth Australia, and now from The Hague. Alan may have a few matters to clear, come the weekend. Finally, Guy has supplied extensive files of interesting letters from that time, which we are sharing in a folder that is linked below. Podcast link for insiders- https://docsend.dropbox.com/view/e98wgma8e24znmyq Link to all documents, letters etc- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/m0eyryijbrymog9oxgi9n/AADvyTbD_RKzq2UF8BO6XEY?rlkey=d8uzrkcsnqa5vy83qbo5pqyeq&st=pe3ywtsl&dl=0 To share your story or be a guest on the show, email [email protected] Get a Life Paypal donations - https://www.paypal.me/getalifepodcast Get a Life GoFundMe- https://gofund.me/614bcd06 PayPal link for USA- https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8Tz4n35OJ8 Olive Leaf Network- https://oliveleaf.network/ Thinking of Leaving Pamphlet and resources - https://oliveleaf.network/resources/ Preston Down Trust Decision- http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/media/591398/preston_down_trust_full_decision.pdf Aberdeen incident- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1riImgAqwaqGwjYq6vRQIr4_jscJA0eQN/view?usp=sharing If we walk in the light letters- https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WlgJladl1r95YGxW0FbZ0prYfjlg7FU/view?usp=sharing Admin/Legal email address: [email protected] Office address: 22 Braid Bend Stouffville ON L4A 1R7 #plymouthbrethrenchristianchurch #pbcc #abuse #church #cult #religion #trauma #religioustrauma #sexualabuse #mindcontrol #brainwashing #conversation #exmembers #exposingtruth #expose #exposure #whistleblower #getalifepodcast #getalife #podcast #rules #strict #exclusivebrethren #brucehales #BruceHales #BDH #BruceDHales #UniversalBusinessTeam #UBT #RRT #RapidReliefTeam #Aberdeen #OneSchoolGlobal #OSG #johnhales #shutup #withdrawnfrom #worldly #excommunicate #assemblydeath #christiansect #christiancult #canadiancult #canadiansect #sect #worldwidesect #worldwidecult #cultescape #cultescapestory #bully #bullying #brokenfamily #awareness #cultescape #cultandculturepodcast #cultescapee #cultescapeer #cultescapeeinterview #askingforhelp #unispace
  • Get A Life Ep. 131 with Guest Helen Part 2
    Join us for a deeply moving episode as we continue Helen's incredible journey in part 2. Helen dives into her career and how she made sure she had a path to do what she was passionate about. Helen shares the emotional challenges faced upon returning home during her Mother's final days. Helen was privileged enough to be up front and center during her mother's illness and even attended a meeting where she recounts how she was able to go back inside. She wasn't allowed through the front door and wasn't allowed to sit with everyone, but she explains her reasoning for sitting through another boring meeting. It was a roller coaster of emotions trying to build a relationship with her family still inside the cult. At times these interactions were positive and other times the interactions were extremely painful. But, Helen persevered and has great advice on how to manage these circumstances we all find ourselves in. Link for insiders- https://docsend.dropbox.com/view/3ak4vxmb55yxnghy To share your story or be a guest on the show, email [email protected] Get a Life Paypal donations - https://www.paypal.me/getalifepodcast Get a Life GoFundMe- https://gofund.me/614bcd06 PayPal link for USA- https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8Tz4n35OJ8 Olive Leaf Network- https://oliveleaf.network/ Thinking of Leaving Pamphlet and resources - https://oliveleaf.network/resources/ Link to Anchor/Spotify- https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/G6sjHA2xHwb Preston Down Trust Decision- http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/media/591398/preston_down_trust_full_decision.pdf Aberdeen incident- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1riImgAqwaqGwjYq6vRQIr4_jscJA0eQN/view?usp=sharing If we walk in the light letters- https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WlgJladl1r95YGxW0FbZ0prYfjlg7FU/view?usp=sharing Admin/Legal email address: [email protected] Office address: 22 Braid Bend Stouffville ON L4A 1R7 #plymouthbrethrenchristianchurch #pbcc #abuse #church #cult #religion #trauma #religioustrauma #sexualabuse #mindcontrol #brainwashing #conversation #exmembers #exposingtruth #expose #exposure #whistleblower #getalifepodcast #getalife #podcast #rules #strict #exclusivebrethren #brucehales #BruceHales #BDH #BruceDHales #UniversalBusinessTeam #UBT #RRT #RapidReliefTeam #Aberdeen #OneSchoolGlobal #OSG #johnhales #shutup #withdrawnfrom #worldly #excommunicate #assemblydeath #christiansect #christiancult #canadiancult #canadiansect #sect #worldwidesect #worldwidecult #cultescape #cultescapestory #bully #bullying #brokenfamily #awareness #cultescape #cultandculturepodcast #cultescapee #cultescapeer #cultescapeeinterview #askingforhelp #unispace
  • Get A Life Strive 25 preview Where is your money going?
    Richard takes us through the jaw dropping figures that sits within the PBCC ecosystem and shows the astounding figures in effort to inform the insiders of where their money is going and never coming back. This is a Strive 25 preview! Link for Insiders- https://docsend.dropbox.com/view/2gx2wr35ja2ai5si To share your story or be a guest on the show, email [email protected] Get a Life Paypal donations - https://www.paypal.me/getalifepodcast Get a Life GoFundMe- https://gofund.me/614bcd06 PayPal link for USA- https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8Tz4n35OJ8 Olive Leaf Network- https://oliveleaf.network/ Thinking of Leaving Pamphlet and resources - https://oliveleaf.network/resources/ Link to Anchor/Spotify- https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/G6sjHA2xHwb Preston Down Trust Decision- http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/media/591398/preston_down_trust_full_decision.pdf Aberdeen incident- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1riImgAqwaqGwjYq6vRQIr4_jscJA0eQN/view?usp=sharing If we walk in the light letters- https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WlgJladl1r95YGxW0FbZ0prYfjlg7FU/view?usp=sharing Admin/Legal email address: [email protected] Office address: 22 Braid Bend Stouffville ON L4A 1R7 #plymouthbrethrenchristianchurch #pbcc #abuse #church #cult #religion #trauma #religioustrauma #sexualabuse #mindcontrol #brainwashing #conversation #exmembers #exposingtruth #expose #exposure #whistleblower #getalifepodcast #getalife #podcast #rules #strict #exclusivebrethren #brucehales #BruceHales #BDH #BruceDHales #UniversalBusinessTeam #UBT #RRT #RapidReliefTeam #Aberdeen #OneSchoolGlobal #OSG #johnhales #shutup #withdrawnfrom #worldly #excommunicate #assemblydeath #christiansect #christiancult #canadiancult #canadiansect #sect #worldwidesect #worldwidecult #cultescape #cultescapestory #bully #bullying #brokenfamily #awareness #cultescape #cultandculturepodcast #cultescapee #cultescapeer #cultescapeeinterview #askingforhelp #unispace

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About Get A Life - Ex-Cult Conversations

Listen in on conversations with former members of the PBCC. Ex-members open a window into one of the world's most powerful and influential cult and it's links to the Conservatives, crime, corruption and pedophilia. Discussions peel back the hidden layers within these cults and reveal the real trauma that occurs behind closed doors. Join members on their journey toward understanding, healing and personal development.
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