Gnosis, Gurus, and Meditation
and a conversation with Bill
Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. The first half of this episode is about choosing the higher road to find your gnosis, about letting go of the world. In the second half of this episode I was able to put in about 10 minutes of a conversation that my brother and I had following our group Zoom chat the other day, and it has to do with the nature of a guru and the nature of yoga and whether or not meditation is good.
I know that most people seem to want a ritual to deepen their gnosis—prayers or chants or meditation or physical activities. And what I'd like to let you know today is that it's not really necessary, because we are born with this gnosis fully inside of us, and we are in touch with the Father at all times whether or not we recognize it. All you need to do is recognize it. All you really need to do is knock and the door shall open.
That's a promise that Jesus made. “Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will open” (Matthew 7:7). Really, that's all. It takes a contrite heart, which means that you repent of living a vice-filled life. If you are attached to vice or you're attached to material possessions, then it's harder to knock, because you don't need to, and you don't want to. You want to hide if you know that you are “sinning.” And you know, we don't need to go into deep theological discussions about what is sin or what is vice, because I'm sure that everybody knows the difference between virtue and vice, and either you prefer dwelling in darkness and all that that implies. You know the darkness gives physical thrills because the Demiurge is in charge of the material, but it does nothing for you spiritually except keep you in darkness, keep you pulled toward the Demiurge like a magnet.
So, if you are addicted to some substance, or if you are addicted to pornography or gambling, or you hate your neighbor, or you hate those people on the other side of the world—you know that you are not on the right side, and I don't need to tell you that. You know that. But if you want to live on the virtuous side of the ledger, if you want to do the primary directive, which is love, our task is to spread love and to demonstrate the Father's love down here in this material world. And by so doing that, it not only shows love to other humans and other second-order creatures, it demonstrates what love is to the Demiurge itself, because the Demiurge doesn't have the life of the Father.
The Demiurge is cut off from its higher self, just like a wayward ego that's so puffed up and absolutely full of itself doesn't remember or doesn't care about its One true Self that comes from the Father and from the Fullness. So, it may be that a person wants to cling to a worldly, material, vice-filled life, because, hey, hey, it feels good, at least for a while, until you bottom out. However, it may be that you know it doesn't feel good, that you don't want to live a vice-filled life, but you can't seem to help yourself. You feel powerless before the Demiurge and the archons that are continually tempting you into that vice. You want to lay it down. You tried, but you just can't seem to do it. And so, therefore, you feel guilt. You feel shame. You feel powerless and weak. Well, that is also a spiritual condition that is ripe for recognition and repentance.
So, perhaps you have repented. Maybe you've repented continually while trying to put down that vice, but you keep falling back into it. So, the repentance isn't quite doing enough, and now you're wondering, well, what else can I do? How can I reach the Father? How can I know the love of God? How can I get a hold of that correcting algorithm that the Christ has brought to the Earth on my behalf? That's a good position to be in, because you recognize and you want redemption. So, the first step is repentance, that is to say, no, I don't want to do this anymore. I lay it down—to rebuke Satan. Get thee behind me, Satan, is something you can say.