2489 — Conversation sur l’IA avec Olivier : les IA sont-elles intelligentes ? — mercredi 26 mars 2025
In today's episode, I sit down with my friend Olivier, an IT professional with 25 years of experience, to discuss artificial intelligence in everyday French. We explore the history of AI from science fiction to today's tools like ChatGPT and Mistral, clear up common misconceptions, and explain how AI gives probability-based answers rather than being truly "intelligent." Whether you're interested in technology or just want to improve your French listening skills with an authentic conversation about a relevant topic, this episode offers valuable insights and vocabulary about the AI revolution. Join us for this accessible discussion about artificial intelligence explained in clear, conversational French!
Transcripts and notes available at www.onethinginafrenchday.com
2488 — Au café (playlist) et Parcoursup pour Felicia — lundi 24 mars 2025
In today's episode, I share my journey organizing the archives of "One Thing In A French Day" podcast, creating thematic playlists like "At the Café" series now available on YouTube. I also discuss my daughter Felicia's experience with Parcoursup - the French university application system - as she prepares her motivation letters for mathematics programs. Join me for this authentic glimpse into French education transitions and daily organization challenges. Perfect listening practice for French learners interested in French education, university applications, and everyday life conversations!
#LearnFrench #FrenchPodcast #ParcoursupFrance #FrenchUniversity #FrenchEducation #ArchivesOrganization #FrenchTeenLife #DailyLifeFrance #FrenchListening #FrenchCafeVocabulary
2487 — Le premier épisode du journal de bord du confinement de 2020 — vendredi 21 mars 2025
What was daily life really like during the first days of lockdown in France? Five years later, I revisit the beginnings of my "Journal de bord du confinement" series, replaying the very first episode from March 17, 2020.
Experience our early pandemic reality - the permission slips needed to go outside, grocery store strategies, homeschooling setups, and creative ways we maintained connections with neighbors. This journey captures a moment that unexpectedly transformed my podcast into a daily chronicle.
For French learners, this genuine slice of pandemic life offers practical vocabulary and expressions from an unprecedented historical period. Download the complete collection of all lockdown episodes through the link below !
#FrenchLockdown #LearnFrench #FrenchPodcast #ConfinementFrance #Covid2020 #FrenchListening #MemoriesOfLockdown #FrenchVocabulary #DailyFrenchPractice #FrenchJournal
2486 — C’était il y a cinq ans déjà — mercredi 19 mars
In this episode of "One Thing In A French Day," I reflect on the 5-year anniversary of France's first COVID lockdown. I share my experience looking back through podcast archives from March 2020, rediscovering forgotten details of our daily life during confinement: the unchanging beautiful weather, stress while grocery shopping, playing with my daughters in the neighborhood, and the scent of poplar trees.
I invite you to revisit the first episode of my lockdown diary and share your own memories from this unique period. Perfect for French learners who want to practice listening comprehension while exploring personal reflections on a shared global experience. Subscribers receive the full transcript plus a special "petit plus" activity.
2485 — Un super week-end de compétition lundi 17 mars 2025
Nous voici donc de retour à Paris, Micaela et moi. Nous sommes épuisées, mais c’était un super week-end de compétition.
#FrenchKungFu #MartialArtsCompetition #FrenchDailyLife #LearnFrenchOnline #KungFuChampionship #FrenchVocabulary #SportsFrench #EverydayFrench #FrenchMotherhood #FrenchPodcast