A podcast all about philosophy, diving deep into a different philosophical idea every month, with no prior knowledge required. Presented by Daniel Fair, a philo...
Metaphysics of Mind, Part 2: The Problem(s) of Consciousness
In this belated episode, we continue our look at the metaphysics of mind with qualia, the hard problem of consciousness, and the explanatory gap. For transcripts, sources and notes for all episodes, visit medium.com/philosophical-investigations.
Metaphysics of Mind, Part 1: Type Physicalism
In this episode, we begin our look at metaphysics of mind (the nature of the mind and its relationship with the body/brain) with type physicalism. For transcripts, sources and notes for all episodes, visit medium.com/philosophical-investigations.
Basic Logic and the Branches of Philosophy
In this episode, we take a look at basic logic, including arguments such as modus ponens and modus tollens, a couple of invalid arguments, and learn about the six branches of philosophy. For transcripts, sources and notes for all episodes, visit medium.com/philosophical-investigations.
What is knowledge? An introduction to analytic philosophy
Philosophical Investigations is a monthly podcast all about philosophy with no prior knowledge required. In this episode, we look at Pato's definition of knowledge, Gettier cases, and learn about conceptual analysis. For transcripts, sources and notes for all episodes, visit medium.com/philosophical-investigations.
A podcast all about philosophy, diving deep into a different philosophical idea every month, with no prior knowledge required. Presented by Daniel Fair, a philosophy graduate with a thirst for knowledge and too much spare time.
For transcripts, sources and notes for all episodes, visit medium.com/philosophical-investigations.