The audio companion to’s daily email meditations on fatherhood, read by Ryan Holiday. Each daily reading will help you find the wisdom, inner stren...
You have all these responsibilities to manage…and so little time to manage them. Is there a way we can shrug some of the heaviness off and be happy? Squarespace | Go to to save 10% on your first purchase of a website or domain! ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
You Can’t Be Afraid
It’s understandable to be a little intimidated by the talents and interests and even beliefs of our kids. But we can’t give into this fear. We have to get over it. Hiya Health | Get 50% off your first order at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
It Should Be Good, Not Easy
We love our children deeply and want to protect them from hardship. But we must let them struggle. Our Luctor Et Emergo Medallion will serve as a reminder not to solve every problem for your children and instead take the time to build the confidence and character they need to overcome life’s challenges. Grab your Luctor Et Emergo Medallion at our Daily Dad store! Hiya Health | Get 50% off your first order at ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
When They Can Take This For Granted, So Much Is Possible…
People with a chip on their shoulder can be highly motivated. Far less often do we think about what someone who is loved and supported can do. Think of the advantages they have. Don't miss our fascinating conversation with Philipp Meyer on The Daily Stoic Podcast, where he discussed his unconventional path to success, the philosophy that inspires his writing, and more.🎙️ Listen to the full episode here 🎥 Watch it over at the Daily Stoic Podcast YouTube channel 📚 Philipp Meyer’s The Son is a must-read, multi-generational epic that’s on par with the show Yellowstone, but set in Texas (and better). You can grab a copy over at The Painted Porch. Tinker, create and innovate with KiwiCo! Get 50 percent off your first crate at with code DAILYDAD ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
It’s An Insane Pleasure
Kids remind us, in their uninhibited laughter and their wide-eyed wonder, of the simple pleasures of being alive. Tinker, create and innovate with KiwiCo! Get 50 percent off your first crate at with code DAILYDAD ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
The audio companion to’s daily email meditations on fatherhood, read by Ryan Holiday. Each daily reading will help you find the wisdom, inner strength, and good humor you need in order to be a great dad. Learn from historical figures and contemporary fathers how to do your most important job. Find more at