New episodes of The Marie Manuchehri Podcast post every Thursday. Record a question for Marie that will be answered in the podcast at
Marie talks about letting go, releasing judgment, and the overall power of surrender. She also answers listeners’ questions about doing more energy work, how many spirit guides one has, weight gain, husband’s sleep difficulties, undiagnosed health issue, feeling lost in Michigan, and practicing channeling.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - The power of surrender
07:26 - Q&A begins - Hannah’s ?s about energy work & how many spirit guides
09:45 - Marie's answer for Hannah
11:54 - Donna’s ? about weight gain
12:50 - Marie's answer for Donna
14:34 - Jeanne’s ? about husband’s sleep difficulties
15:20 - Marie's answer for Jeanne
17:22 - Desirae’s ? about undiagnosed health issue
19:08 - Marie's answer for Desirae
22:04 - Sharon’s ? about feeling lost in Michigan
22:44 - Marie's answer for Sharon
25:36 - Carlene’s ? about practicing channeling
26:07 - Marie's answer for Carlene
27:59 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #surrender #lettinggo #judgmental #energywork #spiritguides #weight gain #sleepdifficulty #sleepapnea #undiagnosedhealthissue #feelinglost #Michiganenergy #groundedenergy #channeling #channelingspirits
February 10, 2025
Marie talks about how our energy and consciousness will be affected by upcoming astrological events and then about free will. During Q&A she answers questions about feeling lost/stuck after losing someone 5 yrs earlier, moving on after husband’s death, growing spiritual gifts, and waking up at night in fear of visions.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Upcoming astrological effects on our energy
02:53 - Free will, the greatest law in all of the universes
14:02 - Q&A begins - Dawn’s ?s about feeling lost/stuck after losing someone 5 yrs ago
15:12 - Marie's answer for Dawn
21:02 - Barbara’s ? about moving on after husband’s death
22:27 - Marie's answer for Barbara
25:08 - Maryanne’s ?s about growing spiritual gifts
26:05 - Marie's answer for Maryanne
30:53 - Rebecca’s ? about waking up at night with visions
31:53 - Marie's answer for Rebecca
36:10 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #freewill #universes #grief #feelinglost #feelingstuck #lossoflovedone #movingon #husbandsdeath #spiritualgifts #nightterrors #nightvisions #fear
February 6, 2025
Marie talks about how being at a higher frequency and vibration affects your physical reality. She also answers questions about chronic fatigue syndrome, seeing a blue light in one’s periphery, what’s next after a psychotherapy career,
big dreams, and psychic abilities.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
- A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:42 - How higher frequencies affect your physical reality
09:33 - Q&A begins - Dianna’s ?s about chronic fatigue syndrome
11:31 - Marie's answer for Diana
15:29 - Sarah’s ? about seeing blue light in periphery
16:24 - Marie's answer for Sarah
18:33 - Renee’s ?s about what’s next after psychotherapy career
19:29 - Marie's answer for Renee
22:35 - Veronica’s ? about a big dream
23:13 - Marie's answer for Veronica
28:20 - Jamie’s ?s about psychic abilities and message from spirit guides
28:48 - Marie's answer for Jamie
30:42 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #chronicfatiguesyndrome #highfrequency #highvibration #physicalreality #chronicfatiguesyndrome #bluelight #seeinglights #departedlovedones #spiritualawakening #whatsnext #bigdreams #psychicabilities
February 3, 2025
Marie talks about the need to be gracious and patient with others as they begin to awaken and adjust their thinking and belief systems. She then answers questions about dealing with fear of money and fear of sharing intuitive interests, finding relief for Raynaud's Syndrome, whether Marie has had an NDE, and shifting to a career of greater service.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:07 - The importance of patience as others begin to awaken
17:52 - Q&A begins - Regina’s ?s about fear of money and sharing intuitive interests
19:32 - Marie's answer for Regina
29:52 - Nicole’s ? about relief for Raynaud's Syndrome
32:23 - Marie's answer for Nicole
41:41 - K͜͡hal’s ?s about Marie’s NDE
42:04 - Marie's answer for K͜͡hal
42:33 - Katie’s ? about shifting to a career of greater service
45:04 - Marie's answer for Katie
50:50 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #Neptune #Aries #NeptuneinAries #awakening #consciousness #multisensoryexperience #healthissues #patience #patienceinteaching #2ndchakra #sacralchakra #Svadhishthana #fearofmoney #RaynaudsSyndrome #NDE #neardeathexperience #hysterectomy #SjögrensSyndrome #changingcareers #intuitivecareers
January 30, 2025
Marie talks about how Neptune’s coming movement into Aries will create awakenings within us 14 years in the making. She also answers questions during Q&A about a healing but frightening supernatural experience, the cause of various current health issues, infertility, deciding between a career in nursing and holistic work, the meaning of an intuitive dream, and does an energy reading.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:07 - Neptune’s movement into Aries and awakenings
15:56 - Q&A begins - Betsy’s ?s about a healing supernatural experience and current health issues
18:00 - Marie's answer for Betsy
24:25 - Layla’s ? about infertility
25:51 - Marie's answer for Layla
27:51 - Erin’s ?s about a nursing/holistic career and an intuitive dream
29:13 - Marie's answer for Erin
32:17 - Milena’s request for an energy reading
33:55 - Marie's answer for Milena
36:53 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #Neptune #Pisces #Aries #NeptuneinAries #awakening #politicalawakening #spiritualawakening #consciousness #multisensoryexperience #healthissues #infertility #nursing #nursingcareer #holisticcareer #meaningofdreams #fearofrelationships #independent #energyreading #energyleaks
New episodes of The Marie Manuchehri Podcast post every Thursday. Record a question for Marie that will be answered in the podcast at Receive a free gift - a self hypnosis meditation about your spirit guides - as a thank you for providing your email address when you record a question.