Episode 87: Executive Functioning Skills with Mitch Weathers
In Episode 87, Cindy chats with Mitch Weathers, a veteran teacher and Founder and CEO of Organized Binder. Mitch discusses what exactly is meant by executive functioning, his own learning struggles as a student, and his many projects aimed at improving students’ executive functioning skills including his recently released book, Executive Functions for Every Classroom: Creating Safe and Equitable Learning Environments.
Episode 86: EdTech and AI with Jared Cooney Horvath (Recorded Live from ResearchED)
In episode 86, Cindy talks with Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath, neuroscientist, educator, and author of Stop Talking, Start Influencing: 12 Insights from Brain Science to Make Your Message Stick. In this episode, Jared reviews some of the history of technological advancements, how technology has impacted learning, and shares some of his ideas for how artificial intelligence may impact both learning and society moving forward. Visit our website, learningscientists.org/podcast-episodes, for the show notes, including a link to share your thoughts with Jared.
Episode 85: Digital Literacy with Natalia Kucirkova
In Episode 85, Megan talks with Natalia Kucirkova, PhD, a Professor of Early Childhood and Development at the University of Stavanger in Norway and Professor of Reading and Children’s Development at The Open University, UK. Natalia leads a network of learning scientists, WiKIT, who support diverse EdTech organizations to be more evidence-based and aligned with the science of learning. She is author of the open-access book, How and Why to Read and Create Children’s Digital Books: A Guide for Primary Practitioners and The Future of the Self: understanding Personalization in Childhood and Beyond.
Episode 84: An Evidence - Based Approach to Teaching Reading and Writing – An Interview with Dominic Wyse and Charlotte Hacking
In Episode 84, Carolina talks to Dominic Wyse and Charlotte Hacking; the authors of the brand-new book “The Balancing Act: An Evidence-Based Approach to Teaching Phonics, Reading and Writing”. Together they explore the chapters of the book that takes a research-informed approach to teaching pupils how to read and write.
Episode 83: An Interview with We Do It For the Culture founder Jamila Sams
In Episode 83, Althea interviews Jamila Sams, CEO and founder of We Do It For the Culture (TM), a culturally responsive social emotional learning curriculum rooted in Hip-Hop culture for middle and high school students. Jamila discusses the five components of social-emotional learning, hip-hop, and shares examples of how the curriculum has connected with students.