We bring you the experts, the insiders, the real SEAL and SWCC operators that live the dream. You’ll learn the insider tips of special warfare training, fitness...
Episode 53: PODCAST: #53 | Changes to SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection
Learn more about how we choose the best of the best.This summer was marked by changes in the preliminary selection program. Tune in to find out more.
Episode 52: Podcast #52 | How the Naval Academy Makes SEAL Officers
SEALs at “The Yard” tell us the ins and outs of how midshipmen earn their chance to attend SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection. First stop: the challenging Naval Academy Screener. Get ready to pull an all-nighter…
Episode 51: PODCAST #51 | Close Combat and MMA: A SEALs Story | SEALSWCC.COM
How to train and apply to become a Navy SEAL or SWCC: https://www.sealswcc.comWe spoke with a Navy SEAL about his experience as a close combat instructor and career in professional mixed martial arts. Spoiler: both occupations have something to learn from each other.NSW
Episode 50: PODCAST: #50 | My Navy SWCC Experience | SEALSWCC.COM
How to train and apply to become a Navy SEAL or SWCC: https://www.sealswcc.comA SWCC master chief explains how he rose from the ranks of a regular seaman to earn the pin that defined his exciting life in Naval Special Warfare.#NSW; #SWCC; #Navy; #fastboats
Episode 49: PODCAST: #49 | My Navy SEAL Experience | SEALSWCC.COM
How to train and apply to become a Navy SEAL or SWCC: https://www.sealswcc.comWe have a candid discussion with a junior SEAL officer about the Teams, the realities of training, and why he chose to put aside an easier life and become an elite warrior.
We bring you the experts, the insiders, the real SEAL and SWCC operators that live the dream. You’ll learn the insider tips of special warfare training, fitness, motivation, mental toughness, and the application process. The Only Day Was Yesterday is the official U.S. government Navy SEAL and SWCC podcast. The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday is not only the name of our Official Navy SEAL and SWCC podcast, it’s a meme that means everything at Naval Special Warfare.