A one woman show about self-realization from Danielle LaPorte, a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100 and creator of The Desire Map. How do you create a spiritualit...
Downsizing as a Spiritual Practice and How to Make the Best Decision
Loves… I’m attempting to be useful in two ways today. BONUS. 1) Let’s talk about decision making, how to know when it’s right or wrong. 2) And how the ego loves to look good. And thus! how letting go of status concepts can be radically liberating and HEALING. I once traded a status symbol (sexy Audi, FAST) for a soul symbol (pre-owned VW, FREE). Turns out, less status = more me. More LIFE. In this episode: How the ego masks self-worth struggles with status symbols The surprising freedom in less (and why “downgrade to upgrade” is real) The three red flags that signal a misaligned decision A spiritual approach to right-sizing your life—beyond logic, beyond labels MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: The Sacred, Issue 31: I'm being evicted. Why I'm happy about it. Press play on The Sacred—now streaming weekly on With Love, Danielle. Get the written version of The Sacred every Friday—a personal letter from Danielle, with exclusive photos you won’t find anywhere else. You can read, listen, feel—you can heal. Subscribe here. With Love, Danielle Podcast: Subscribe — Never miss an episode.
Why Waiting Makes You FKN Tired
Waiting is exhausting—and the cost of waiting to be self-expressed is high. Suppressing your life force takes energy, so why do we wait to show up, to express, to create? This week, I’m talking about the three reasons we stall on our dreams—social conditioning, fear, and fatigue—and how we can move through the resistance. Because your dreams? They deserve to be yours…sooner. In this episode: The mental, emotional, and spiritual cost of waiting Why “tired of waiting” is literal—and how to shift it The fastest way to break through fear + fatigue How social conditioning has us delaying our power (and how to undo it) MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: The Sacred, Issue 33: Why Waiting Makes You FKN Tired The Sacred — Delivered straight to your inbox every Friday—a personal letter from Danielle, with exclusive photos you won’t find anywhere else. You can read, listen, feel—you can heal. The Heart Centered Planner With Love, Danielle Podcast: Subscribe — Never miss an episode.
A Prayer of Transmutation
The Prayer of St. Francis is a magnificent prayer for becoming the Divine counterbalance. You can speak this to your Soul or the God of your understanding. Bear in mind the universal law: “For it is in giving that we receive.” So we are taught by Saint Francis: “And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” This isn’t necessarily literal death. It’s a dying of the old ways and our illusions of separateness. It’s the awareness that our oneness is eternal life. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: You can download a copy of the Prayer of St. Francis here. Read + listen to the new The Sacred where the vibe is even more up close and personal. You can read, listen, feel—you can heal.
Best of With Love, Danielle: What Do You Trust?
Our 2025 Daily edition of the Heart Centered planner revived a simple exercise called the What I Trust list. So for this episode of With Love, Danielle we are reaching back into the archives and choosing this episode as a BEST OF. Instead of mustering bravado about things that we hope are true, root into what we viscerally know we can rely on. This is an effective way to dissolve your anxiety and balance your nervous system. So, what do you trust? Focus on the present. The point of this exercise is to access the trust that you already have. It’s unwavering and true for you. This is not about building new trust or visualizing outcomes. We’re concentrating on what is currently working. Write it out. It’s helpful that your “What I Trust” List be written out, not typed up. The movement, hand to vision, helps your psyche to feel the comfort. Imagine your mind is like a lung, inhaling and exhaling as you list out what you're trusting. And/or… Speak it out. If you’re an auditory-learner, speak it out. Leave yourself a voicemail, or record a voice memo on your mobile, or talk to yourself. Kindly. Do not underestimate how impactful this can be. Stream your consciousness. Just let it pour out—but, again, don’t include things on your list that you don’t fully have trust in. It’s okay if your list is short—brevity is better than bravado. Be really obvious if you need to be. Nothing is too great or too small to put your trust in. Sometimes the most basic things will give you a boost, especially if you’re finding it difficult to think of things that you fully trust. Intentionally access what you know to be positive and true. That sureness builds a bridge to more Joy and power. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: The 2025 Heart Centered Planner: Align your life with Love and ease. It’s never too late to get started. We have an undated version of the planner available. Use PODPLANNER10 for 10% off at daniellelaporte.com/shop. Learn more about balancing your nervous system by taking our quiz and finding your default stress response. https://daniellelaporte.com/stressquiz
The Point of Love
This episode is an excerpt from Danielle’s book How To Be Loving. It explains why Love needs to be your focal point. We don’t need to focus on fixing ourselves. Instead focus on living from your heart and the Love that you are. We are all in need of Loving Kindness. What we focus on grows. What are you growing? MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: 📖 How To Be Loving eBook and audiobook are available here if you’d like to read more.
A one woman show about self-realization from Danielle LaPorte, a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100 and creator of The Desire Map. How do you create a spirituality that’s more rock n’ roll than oppressive, turn your anxiety into power, and live more deeply but lighten up? Danielle keeps it practical while riffing on the divine—from compassion and self-help fatigue, to sex, joy, and serving the world. She is, as Eve Ensler describes, “a force field of energy, wonder, humor, and love”, and her authenticity will have you feeling a little less crazy, full of possibility, and clearly part of the solution.