This week the crew digs into all of the news to come out of the largest tradeshow in the RC helicopter hobby: Rotor Live. With a mix of exclusive interviews from the tradeshow floor the crew walks you through all of the new models and electronics to be released at Rotor Live. Scorpion and Midland Helicopter team pilot Rob Bingham is also back this year to bring us interviews from the tradeshow floor again. You won't find coverage of Rotor Live this in depth anywhere else, so sit back, grab a drink, and enjoy all of the updates from the major brands in the hobby.Putting an episode like this together isn't easy... so we want to offer a special thanks to Rob Bingham, as well as to Simone Zunterer's youtube channel as well as RC Helicopter Richard's for helping to bring some of the event to life and help us feel like we were there. Checkout their youtube channels here;Simone Zunterer: Helicopter Richard Replay: Check out this epic Crash / Save / Crash by Vava Boonmala during the 3D competition always have questions for the crew you can reach us via email at
[email protected] or find us on facebook at Thanks for Listening! Brian, Nick, Alex, and Kenny.