Michael Helbling, Moe Kiss, Tim Wilson, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
Attend any conference for any topic and you will hear people saying after that the best and most informative discussions happened in the bar after the show. Rea...
#264: When the Analyst’s Toolbox Includes Assessing the Zeitgeist with Erika Olson
We all know that data doesn't speak for itself, but what happens when multiple instruments of measurement contain flaws or gaps that impede our ability to measure what matters on their own? Turning to our intuition and triangulation of what's happening in the broader macro sense can often help explain our understanding of our customers' ever-changing choices, opinions, and actions. Thankfully we had Erika Olson, co-founder of fwd. — which in our opinion is essentially the Freakonomics of marketing consultancies — join Tim, Moe and Val for this discussion to dive into some real-world examples of things that are inherently hard to measure and ways to overcome those challenges. For complete show notes, including links to items mentioned in this episode and a transcript of the show, visit the show page.
#263: Analytics the Right Way
Every so often, one of the co-hosts of this podcast co-authors a book. And by “every so often” we mean “it’s happened once so far.” Tim, along with (multi-)past guest Dr. Joe Sutherland, just published Analytics the Right Way: A Business Leader's Guide to Putting Data to Productive Use, and we got to sit them down for a chat about it! From misconceptions about data to the potential outcomes framework to economists as the butt of a joke about the absolute objectivity of data (spoiler: data is not objective), we covered a lot of ground. Even accounting for our (understandable) bias on the matter, we thought the book was a great read, and we think this discussion about some of the highlights will have you agreeing! Order now before it sells out! For complete show notes, including links to items mentioned in this episode and a transcript of the show, visit the show page.
(Bonus) 2024 Listener Survey...Wrapped!
The start of a new year is a great time for reflection as well as planning for the year ahead. Join us for this special bonus episode where we talk through some of our favorite learnings and takeaways from our 2024 listener survey and some of the ways we’ve already been able to put that feedback into practice! We also have some freebies and helpful nuggets to share with our listeners, so be sure to tune in to learn more. For complete show notes, including links to items mentioned in this episode and a transcript of the show, visit the show page.
#262: 2025 Will Be the Year of... with Barr Moses
Every year kicks off with an air of expectation. How much of our Professional Life in 2025 is going to look a lot like 2024? How much will look different, but we have a pretty good idea of what the difference will be? What will surprise us entirely—the unknown unknowns? By definition, that last one is unknowable. But we thought it would be fun to sit down with returning guest Barr Moses from Monte Carlo to see what we could nail down anyway. The result? A pretty wide-ranging discussion about data observability, data completeness vs. data connectedness, structured data vs. unstructured data, and where AI sits from an input and an output and a processing engine. And more. Moe and Tim even briefly saw eye to eye on a thing or two (although maybe that was just a hallucination). For complete show notes, including links to items mentioned in this episode and a transcript of the show, visit the show page.
#261: 2024 Year in Review
Ten years ago, on a cold dark night, a podcast was started, 'neath the pale moonlight. There were few there to see (or listen), but they all agreed that the show that was started looked a lot like we. And here we are a decade later with a diverse group of backgrounds, perspectives, and musical tastes (see the lyrics for "Long Black Veil" if you missed the reference in the opening of this episode description) still nattering on about analytics topics of the day. It's our annual tradition of looking back on the year, albeit with a bit of a twist in the format for 2024: we took a few swings at identifying some of the best ideas, work, and content that we'd come across over the course of the year. Heated exchanges ensued, but so did some laughs! For complete show notes, including links to items mentioned in this episode and a transcript of the show, visit the show page.
Attend any conference for any topic and you will hear people saying after that the best and most informative discussions happened in the bar after the show. Read any business magazine and you will find an article saying something along the lines of "Business Analytics is the hottest job category out there, and there is a significant lack of people, process and best practice." In this case the conference was eMetrics, the bar was….multiple, and the attendees were Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson and Jim Cain (Co-Host Emeritus). After a few pints and a few hours of discussion about the cutting edge of digital analytics, they realized they might have something to contribute back to the community. This podcast is one of those contributions. Each episode is a closed topic and an open forum - the goal is for listeners to enjoy listening to Michael, Tim, and Moe share their thoughts and experiences and hopefully take away something to try at work the next day. We hope you enjoy listening to the Digital Analytics Power Hour.