This Climate Business is the Kiwi podcast about turning the climate crisis into an opportunity. Every week host Vincent Heeringa talks to entrepreneurs, investo...
A Climate Contribution that contributes very little - Marc Daalder, Newsroom
New Zealand’s newest target for reducing greenhouse gases is as little as one percent better than our previous one. Newsroom’s Marc Daalder tells Ross Inglis why the target matters, why it is so modest, and what it means for business.
A better economic model - Ganesh Nana, former Productivity Commissioner
As New Zealanders struggle with the worst recession in 34 years, a group of economists have warned that the government’s austerity programme is making it worse. One of those critics is Dr Ganesh Nana, former Productivity Commissioner and Chief Economist and Research Director at BERL, Business and Economic Research Limited. Ganesh is a regular advisor to industry and government and was part of the government’s Welfare Expert Advisory Group. He’s a cricket fan, numbers guy and has a passion for seeing Aotearoa New Zealand reach its full potential in all aspects, social, environmental and economic. Ganesh’s concerns about our approach to managing the economy is incredibly timely. Vincent recorded this interview largely during an event at the Sustainable Business Network late last year.
Future of Food 05: Climate change. The threats and opportunity in climate change
With both science and storms pointing to a warming world, New Zealand food producers must prepare for climate change. But is the sector sleepwalking into disaster? How can food sector not just survive but flourish in a hothouse climate?
Future of Food 04: Emerging proteins. Will new and novel proteins eat New Zealand’s conventional lunch? Or is there room for both traditional and new and novel proteins?
New and novel proteins could threaten New Zealand’s traditional strengths in dairy, red meat and seafood. Predicted to be lower in emissions, lighter on water and land, cruelty-free and at industrial scale, new and novel proteins may become the first choice in a climate-constrained world. Can we adapt?
Future of Food 03: Riches in niches. How well is the New Zealand food sector innovating to meet global demand?
An explosion in the number of small food brands in the last 20 years hints at where New Zealand's future food opportunities exist: in global niches. New Zealand’s strength in co-ops and single-desk trading gave this tiny country global clout in commodities. But with consumer demand fracturing along almost individual lines - and combined with ever-improving innovation and rapid manufacturing - can we rely on our historic strengths to flourish? Are we investing in the right skills and products to dominate the niches?
This Climate Business is the Kiwi podcast about turning the climate crisis into an opportunity. Every week host Vincent Heeringa talks to entrepreneurs, investors and experts about what they're doing to solve the climate crisis and get NZ down to zero emissions by 2050 – or sooner.