R.E.A.L. - Realistic, Enabling, Actionable, Logical. Every day we hear jargon and see writing from so-called “experts,” and we don’t know what we should follow ...
AI and Software Development - Still Stuck in Maturity Level 1
Paving over the cow paths. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting change. All you have do to is buy a package and you will never have to work and thing again (and you can get rid of all o f the programmers!). How many of these have you heard? Here we go again – AI Coding will solve all ills. Have a listen.
EA and BA Failures - Lessons from Strategic Intelligence Blunders
Let us look outside of EA and BA at failures in other disciplines to see if we can learn something. This gets us away from siloed thinking in our own domain. Perhaps we can learn something!
The Thirst for Ease
Humankind has a thirst for ease. Sometimes, we just fill out forms with 123 Main Street, Joe Doe as our name, 123-456-7890 as our telephone number. Innocent or mischievous? Does your favorite AI tool or language model know this? Of course not. If you have not dug into this yet in your language models, you will possibly be surprised. The issue is large and growing.
Beyond The AI Algorithm
Beyond the AI Algorithm: Rediscovering Authentic Learning and Best Practices. The Broadcast will outline the four categories of data (information), and the limitations faced today with large language models.
General Motors and Software Development History from 1984 to Today
General Motors has had a number of changes in their software development organizations, for a number of decades now. It's like déjà vu all over again, as Yogi Berra stated. Perhaps it is not who is developing the software that needs to be addressed - it is how it is being developed. An understanding that needs to be put forward.
R.E.A.L. - Realistic, Enabling, Actionable, Logical. Every day we hear jargon and see writing from so-called “experts,” and we don’t know what we should follow and what we should avoid. Published practices aren’t always best practices!
Listen to episodes from Sam Holcman’s radio show, webinars, and podcasts, Real Talk with Sam Holcman. Each episode gets to the bottom of what business executives, managers, practitioners, and staff actually need to create innovative solutions that deliver- no utopia required.
This business podcast provides practice-based insights into business transformation, enterprise architecture, business architecture, organizational transformation, and technology transformation based on real-world practices. We provide you with insights that can provide true value to organizations and individuals that face today’s and tomorrow’s competitive pressures and provide a usable takeaway from each program.