In the ninth of Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s ‘Parasite Chronicles’ podcasts, Sarah Perriam-Lampp talks to vet, farmer and Wormwise facilitator Jeremy Leigh about parasite management in cattle.
For more information on internal parasite management, checkout B+LNZ’s Wormwise hub
The Parasite Chronicles Episode 8: Garth Riddle
In the eighth of Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s ‘Parasite Chronicles’ podcasts, Sarah Perriam-Lampp talks to Garth Riddle, a vet and Wormwise facilitator based in the Bay of Plenty about drench resistance in cattle
For more information on internal parasite management, checkout B+LNZ’s Wormwise hub
The Parasite Chronicles Episode 7: Matt Iremonger
In the seventh of Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s ‘Parasite Chronicles’ podcasts, Sarah Perriam-Lampp talks to Canterbury sheep and beef farmer Matt Iremonger about internal parasite management on Willesden Farms.
For more information on internal parasite management, checkout B+LNZ’s Wormwise hub
Growing Future Farmers Series E3: The Students’ Perspectives
To conclude this three-part series delving into Growing Future Farmers, we spotlight the experiences of those who have directly benefited from the programme. Join us as we talk to current students Tom Flashoff and Monique Wrathall, and recent graduate Alex West.
Want to learn more? Head over to
Future proofing your career
Ben Allomes discusses key steps towards successful leadership and a sustainable career.
His key messages in this podcast and his Nuffield scholarship report are relatable and inspiring.