What Is Natural Intelligence? | Cory Endrulat My friends Cory Endrulat and Jim Gale have come together with the solutions to solve world hunger, put an end to big farma and take back our food supply. The answer? Natural Intelligence! In this episode I sit down with Cory to discuss the topic of Natural Intelligence. How it's the opposite of Artificial Intelligence. Why this book provides the necessary solutions for anyone to start taking their health and freedom back. Purchase your copy of Natural Intelligence here - - https://amzn.to/4a21wKw For more info about Cory and his amazing work go here - - https://taplink.cc/coryhealth 🌞🌞 Want to create a SUSTAINABLE GARDEN and be your own FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN? Book a FREE 30 minute strategy session with a certified permaculture designer from Food Forest Abundance and learn how your blueprint will have you growing your own food anywhere in the world!! - - https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/?ref=URVL5a9OrsDg 🌞🌞 Sign up for our seed swap at the link below! This is a Virtual seed swap where you will either share or receive seeds from other growers! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SH1Ce59T0kQ686sfZIV3IaXY4sTxgLLPho7iayGF3FE/edit?pli=1 🌿🌿 Start composting with a GeoBin! Ideal for all skill levels and designed to get you composting kitchen scraps and yard waste with EASE!! https://amzn.to/3LQ9xrF 🪴🪴 Get Your “Gardening Is Simply Fking Around And Findin Shirt Here https://ownlanemedia.etsy.com/listing/1526243295 Purchase a RovSun Water Distiller here through this link to help support the channel https://amzn.to/46nHJDl ❤️❤️ Like & Subscribe so you don't MISS more Great Videos like this one!! https://www.youtube.com/@MikesInTheGarden ➡️➡️ Follow us on Instagram & Facebook (If you do that thing) IG : https://www.instagram.com/mikesinthegarden/ FB : https://www.facebook.com/mikesinthegarden/
Interview With The Champ Season 2 | StonerBro Flex
StonerBro Flex "Interview With The Champ - Season 2" The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. Flex reflects back on 2023 and highlights some major events that took place. From working with Cookies in Florida to meeting Redman at the NY Cannabis Awards, Flex also doesn''t shy away from controversy and calling out those that are taking advantage of the cannabis community. Chapters 01:48 Flex In The Building 03:20 Interview With The Champ Season 2 06:17 Who Is StonerBro Flex? 08:20 Liberty Health/Ayr Wellness 24:27 4/20 Event Canna Earth Fest 26:58 Ivanhoe Brewery 31:53 Lake Eola Event 35:56 How Okeechobee Fest Came About 40:17 Cookies 43:52 Cookies Opening In NJ 50:00 Meeting Berner 55:34 NY Cannabis Awards w/Redman 58:18 Okeechobee Fest 66:30 Feed The Homeless Event 70:00 Flex In The Garden 74:50 Goals for 2024 Check out StonerBro Flex on my other channel @MikesInTheGarden and the episode we did together "Flex In The Garden" https://youtu.be/uyTozuhCVf0?si=UtdcQYqTkTgsGMXk
GoD iLLa | Whitey Black Brown, Wrestling, Medicating with Cannabis | MFT Ep#211