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A podcast focused on building better mental and emotional health,...
In some of my work with clients recently, I've recognise that the art and science of apology has been an area where many people are falling over. You're a human. You're going to make mistakes. Things are going to land for people in a way that creates an impact you never intended at times. You'll offend, hurt, and get people offside. So, how do we best put things right? In this episode I step you through the five Languages of Apology (Dr Gary Chapman's model - the creator of the Five Love Languages). And, I offer some of my general observations about what makes an apology go well. This will have particular benefit for partner relationships, though there is also lots of content here that will be applicable to other settings too - with kids, friendships and co-workers. Enjoy!
Ep 83: Helping your child through bullying
It's back to school time in New Zealand, and for many kids that means going back to some really tough social challenges in the school environment, including bullying.Parents being equipped to respond confidently when their child is experiencing bullying is super important. There are LOTS of things you can do to support your child. Join me for this episode, and come away feeling empowered that you have some tools to help your child.
Ep 81: How to help your child transition back to school
It's that time of year when the back to school nerves hit for our children. They're real. They deserve response. And there are lots of ideas in this episode to equip you to set your child up for a smoother transition back to school.
It is one of my pet peeves that we just tell children "You've got this" and "It will all be OK" when they are actually really worried. In this episode I talk about how to get to the bottom of what your child is actually afraid will happen, beyond the presenting issues.
There's a whole lot of ideas, so I know there will be some inspiration for everyone :)
Ep 79: The Self Care episode
The chances are you have a goal to take better care of yourself this year. So, how could you do things differently so you succeed with this goal?
I reckon you need some fresh ideas, a broader concept of what self care is, some better ways to identify what you need, and to get rid of the mental barriers that stand in your way.
I LOVE this topic, and I can't wait to share with you and support you to do great self care!
Ep 78: The New Year pep talk you need
New Year, New You... Well, what about New Year, Same Awesome Totally Already Enough You?
In this episode I share a pep talk on how to strike the balance when setting your goals for the New Year. Sure, it's an opportunity to enjoy the fresh energy of the calendar turning over, but also it's important that your desire to change comes from a place of LOVING yourself towards change, and using this time to align yourself with the things that actually matter to you (not just the world around you!)...
I also share a little life update, and some podcast plans for 2025. It's great to be back!
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A podcast focused on building better mental and emotional health, with New Zealand counsellor Charlotte Cummings.