Move it Mama, Lisa Fong, Jessica Mizzi, Charlotte Twigg
A podcast brought to you by Move it Mama, hosted by Move it Mama Founder Lisa Fong, and co-hosted by sisters Jess and Char. The Sparkle Pod is a place full of f...
A big week, but first siblings, matcha, lunchboxes, parasite cleanses & so on
Hello, it's a big week here at MIM HQ (for the Fongs), and so today's episode felt a bit tough for Leece, but as always, we made it. We'll hope to be back next Monday with more waffle pod - things all going to plan. This week, as per, we're all over the show - from childhood mems and siblings, to lunchbox and baking woes, matcha and black coffee, book club, the idea of a parasite cleanse and in turn the problem with health podcasts and other random tangents. We were interrupted once or twice today so our apologies for that. Another week another podcast, and another couple of conversations in our week (both on the street and in the DMs) about how much you guys love to tune in. Always grateful.
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Rooting, trauma, Snapchat and buckling up (not all at once)
Unsurprisingly, we're a little all over the show today - it felt good (lol). We go from rooting and dogs as kids, or kids being like dogs, to how to try to enjoy facials with trauma; the stress and angst of the next wee patch with Dan and life, marriage and pondering whether there is such thing as perfect (can't be) - to being over stimulated, kids again and a big story about Snapchat. And for the record of COURSE NZ legalised gay marriage first - shame on us for forgetting this!! Thanks for listening. We love your DMs.
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In a mood: back to phones, teens, poking, drugs & drink
WARNING - there are a LOT of F bombs in here and also a lot of drug and alcohol chat. Needless to say this episode is absolutely not suitable for smaller ears. With that, let us preface that we firmly understand we're all different - we have different views, morals, and so on. We all have different ways of living, different tastes and different interests and that's OK - or even wonderful - so to be clear, we discuss these topics without judgement. On this podcast we find ourselves opening up about our lives and current experiences, and that's all this is. FYI: Leece is having her every-other-period where the one ovary takes its sweet ass time and hence her mood is somewhat agitated (lol) - she wanted to make mention of that. Without further caveating (lol), we discuss all sorts on todays episode: PMS, dogs (love you Marley), phones and teens and the UTTER rigmarole of a world we now live in, alcohol and drugs (inspired by the Electric Avenue festival), new age dating, and exercise and 'loving the place you live'. We love our Monday catch ups and are so happy to have you along for the ride! X
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Leaky Jayne, sticks and stones breaking bones & more
To be honest - we don't know how we got here. Only a few moments before the podcast we were both trying to go to the toilet questioning the topics of our conversation. 'What do you have to talk about today?', 'I don't know', was basically the extent of it. So here is a list of what we went on to discuss lol - the name Lisa and email signatures, our American accents and the Sunny Coast destination, the festival scene, sticks and stones, AirPod epiphanies, car cleaning etiquette, tracking your cycle and peri-menopause, squash, making kids 'greet' and a kids/discipline scenario question for Leece. We don't know how we got to all of this but we apologise for absolutely waffling your ears off. Thank you for being here - always appreciative.
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BONUS EP - Dan's sister Nat joins the pod!
Well hello, what do we have here? A bonus Wednesday episode! This time we're bringing someone else on the pod - exciting to hear another tone of voice don't we think? Agreed. Leece's sister in law Nat (Dan's sister) is currently visiting the Sunshine Coast, so we thought it would be fun to bring a bit of her story to the podcast. Side note - she actually left quite a few details out, including some pretty interesting chat on the first boyfriend, as well an additional Uluru love affair she didn't disclose but we feel deserves some air time. As such we've agreed this episode might require a quick follow up, so you can keep your earholes peeled and primed for that. Today, we talk to Nat about all sorts, from growing up in Adelaide, to heading to London on her own, teaching in the middle of isolated, indigenous communities of Australia, meeting her partner Gabe and becoming a mum, the waiting game of giving birth on Thursday Island, growing up alongside Dan, feelings on the year that's been, trauma and more. We finish with a few quick fire questions, where obviously we cover off her favourite chip flavour. A huge thanks to Nat for coming on with us and stepping outside her comfort zone. We'll be back - hope you enjoy.
A podcast brought to you by Move it Mama, hosted by Move it Mama Founder Lisa Fong, and co-hosted by sisters Jess and Char. The Sparkle Pod is a place full of fun, nothing-off-limits banter and sparkle from the three sisters that are Move it Mama and their guests. Whether an episode centred on the sister's themselves or their fun and inspiring guests, each episode of The Sparkle Pod aims to bring you just that; some sparkle sprinkled into your day.
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