Inspired by my own growth following a separation and subsequent look at my life. Coming from a male-centric point of view and hoping to encourage inner and oute...
Today I talk with Ryan about his problematic relationship with alcohol, the trouble it caused and the realisation that sobriety means more than just not drinking. I found this to be quite a powerful conversation with lots of relatable points across different areas of life.
Episode 15 - A Job Well Done
It seems to be incredibly common to quickly move on from our achievements and either dismiss them or fail to acknowledge what we've done well. In this episode, Simon and I look at why this seems to be the norm, discuss our own personal highlights and work-on's as well as reflecting on how we're trying to reverse-engineer the situation.
Episode 14 - Feeling the Fear
Fear can be a powerful motivator but it can also be debilitating and harmful on a number of levels. Today Ruth comes back to talk with me about anxieties, fear in different forms and experiences of turning old patterns around in order to learn important lessons.
Episode 13 - Rising From the Ashes of Burnout
In a society that places emphasis on going the extra mile and giving it your all, at what point does the body (and the mind) decide that enough is enough? Today Lauren and I talk about her experiences from burnout, the positive and negative lessons that she learnt and how it feels looking back over how she navigated her way through the difficult times to come back stronger.
Episode 12 - When it All Falls Apart
As a child, when we look to what the future holds it can be expected that things will work out and life will follow a positive trajectory - but what happens when that isn't the case and either circumstance or choice cause things to take a turn south? Today Simon (no, another one...) talk about when the bottom falls out of your world, how do you climb back up and what can be learned in the face of adversity.
Inspired by my own growth following a separation and subsequent look at my life. Coming from a male-centric point of view and hoping to encourage inner and outer harmony. Wellbeing, moving on, self-improvement and hopefully something that resonates with both men and women the world over.