Tim Lynch: Awakening NZ Farmers & Ethical Doctors - Push back NZ Government - And Media Silence
Never has New Zealand been so divided as of now - not since the ‘racially selected’ white South African rugby tour of NZ of 1981. This was when thousands of very courageous New Zealanders, especially the young, in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s donned crash helmets, padded clothing and made wooden shields and went into battle for the black and coloured South African’s. Who could never vote or represent their country. These principled NZers went against the Conservative ‘National’ Government of the time and were prepared to blockade rugby stadiums around the country. This was a battle for justice and the right for self determination due to people being judged by the colour of one's skin. With this week’s show Tim started off with greeting all breathers out there across Auckland's greater region and further out within the teaming biosphere of our sacred planet - where he mentions that all animals, trees, plankton and humans - share the one breath - as of this moment. Stating that we are immersed in momentous times - all of us - and we are unknowing of the outcome … Saying - that he sincerely wishes you all well as we revitalise ourselves for the future that we didn’t plan on - but intuitively many knew could come to us - in one way or another. We are the 5% of this planet's awakening population that could be far more than 7% or even 10% of people engaged in this Great Awakening. With 7.8 billion souls sharing the invisible breath during this time - he said we must remember that we have been given a free body in which to live and he trusts - prosper and experience moments of joy - which is our birthright. As you very well know we as a humanity are realising that we have to come together in ‘unity consciousness’ to create a new way of breaking out of the hypnosis that MainStream Media has used to capture our mind, close down our heart and in some clever ways - control our very thought process. We are surrounded in possibilities The imperative for us at this moment on this magnificent planet - we call home - is to realise that we are all surrounded in possibilities, and that we must start with our inner self and make sure that every thought and every word stated and each action we take is going to make us - at heart - a more honest, courageous and forthright human being that at soul level resonates with service to the greater good. Service to self in these times is not an option. Yes, many of us are even challenged by our family members - so if you find yourself at odds with your family - still keep your love strong for them and our neighbours in the neighbourhood and community that we live in. Becoming Aware ASAP Education and sharing of empowering knowledge is more than important - it is imperative - if we are to gain a foothold in the narrative that has been censored by MSM and has kept our citizens in the dark Note that there is a chance that GreenplanetFM could find itself de platformed and taken down - like the hundreds of thousands overseas - due to the controlling hitech corporates in Silicon valley and beyond - wanting to interrupt our narrative that questions not only their ethics and motives - but also why are they stifling free speech?. New Zealand’s Birthright is Free Speech Fortunately coming from New Zealand where free speech is a foundation stone of our country and as long as it is not slanderous and obscene or extolls acts of violence - GreenplanetFM.com will always be able to broadcast - even as in the case of an interview with Lynda Wharton, a natural healer here in Auckland being taken down and deleted by YouTube - we trust that we will continue to freely express ourselves as we work to emancipate humanity from the malaise that has fallen over a large percentage of our world. Planetary Power Struggle of Freedom and democracy - versus Control However - Tim draws our attention as we explore the deeper implications of losing the importance of our freedoms and he reiterates that there’s a planetary power struggle happening that has been going 24/7 - silently in the back ground - as certain power players wield their influence over an unsuspecting humanity - we, who have been doing our best to survive, have a family, work to finance ourselves and have time off for rest and recreation and learn what it is to be human. This too was covered to a degree in last week's excellent interview on GreenplanrtFM.com - of Joe Rifici - who talked about many of these main points. Saying that his power game is known by those like myself who have been quietly researching the ‘pyramid of power’ for 45 years - a structure that basically the elite occupy - and at all levels of power - from the apex at the top to virtually the bottom of this pyramid. I give you one guess as to where we are, in this structure. Yes, the great mass of humanity, the 90% plus - we ordinary citizens - are at the bottom, holding up this multi layered bloated structure that we are financially indebted to … and that syphons off money from us to feed them all - further up the system. However - their corrupted system is coming apart - it can no longer sustain them for much longer - because we have come to a limit of growth - we have reached multiple tipping points be it environmental, economic and societal. Plus, ‘we are waking to their game …’ As you very well intuit our whole way of life within the biosphere is now under threat and I ask you what country on earth has a government of integrity and is loved by its people? This is where we have come to - as a humanity. Our elected representatives of all political parties have run away with their own agenda and in many ways - not listening to us - have gone rogue. With a global population of 7.8 billion souls, yes souls - we have become too many for them to control - and … wait for it - there are too many of us awakening at the same time as more and more conscious researchers and activists are calling out truthfully - that - Covid has been deployed - yes that’s right - deployed to take down the global public to more manageable numbers. The horror is - that we are learning that there is a depopulation agenda being actively pushed. Why are the Governments especially in the Western Hemisphere in lockstep in wanting all of us, including children to be vaccinated before the year is out? Where on this planet are children going down with Covid? The stats say that all children have a 99.99% recovery rate. Yet - the vaccination is actually the greater problem by far - because it is not a vaccination - but an injection. Tim then states - Now as you listen to me dear listeners I am communicating to you today - from my heart - there is no anger being transmitted - Please note this. What I am asking New Zealanders is this - how many babies have had covid? How many infants, children, teenagers and twenty somethings? These apparently are not vulnerable groups and have never been. The vulnerable people are those my age in their 70s, 80s and 90’s - who have immune systems that are tired, due to possibly eating factory or industrial food, and drinking chlorinated and quite possibly fluoridated water, with little sunshine and little to not enough exercise.Are lonely and lack social support and love. No wonder the elderly are susceptible. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc - Work But to get to the point - it’s a straight out fact that ivermectin is a proven safe alternative that is exceptionally cheap - as it is not Patented and cannot be turned into a cash cow for any corporations. Note that in the Dominican Republic just recently - 6,000 people were treated with Ivermectin — but as MSM does not know where the Dominican Republic is - they ignore this struggling but resourceful island nation in the Caribbean. https://dominicantoday.com/dr/covid-19/2020/09/29/doctors-cure-6000-patients-with-covid-19-with-ivermectin/ Most remarkable is this statistic on Ivermectin used as prophylaxis. In a randomised, controlled trial of prophylaxis in hospital staff in Argentina, it yielded a 100% protection against covid19. If ivermectin was taken, no one developed the illness. Don’t you agree it should be made available immediately?? Please share this with everyone you know. It’s without question one of the ways to end this absurd tyranny. Dr Mike Yeadon Ps: ivermectin has been used in over 3,000,000,000 (3 billion) doses all over the world & it has a remarkable safety profile. It’s on the WHO’s list of Essential Medicines. Not to use this is corrupt. https://rumble.com/vjbmg7-the-case-for-ivermectin-craig-kelly-mp.html https://therealnews.nz/2021/06/05/has-the-nz-government-been-duped-by-big-pharma/ However - there is also hydroxy chloroquine and zinc as well - that the NZ government for some unknown reason stopped it being sold on the 24th of March 2020 - just 4 days before our country wide lockdown - what a coincidence … Note that it is often difficult to find these links again on the web. https://pharmac.govt.nz/news-and-resources/covid19/covid-19-hydroxychloroquine/ Note that Pharmac does its best to not want to know how good hydroxychloriquine and zinc is. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/120796969/coronavirus-demand-high-for-game-changer-drug-amid-caution-and-optimism Do you see how we are being constantly duped? However we are having courageous doctors of conscience from many, many countries coming together and speaking out about this Covid narrative and even here in NZ stout hearted ‘conscious’ doctors around 60 of them - have put out an SOS to the Government and people calling for an immediate halt to all injections - they have contacted our Government to cease this injection roll out - but have been ignored. Tell me listeners - would 60 doctors know far more about human health than opportunist career politicians? Do you hear this call by these astute and brave doctors? - we have to stop these injections - because it is not a vaccine - as vaccines are supposed to have part of the disease in it that we are inoculating for. Note that as of today, Covid has not even been isolated. I repeat not even isolated - so what we have in the injection is mRNA and other adjuvants - that due to secrecy and patents that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have locked away - we are not allowed to know. So here we have a so-called global pandemic that could wipe out hundreds of millions if not more and the US Government has given multiple billions of dollars to Big PHARMA corporations to manufacture vaccines and on top of this allowing these corporations to ride the pigs back and make many billions more. Tell me the name of a compassionate corporation … there is none - they do not exist - they are here to extract anything out of everything - with virtually zero social conscience. However, because American taxpayers paid for this vaccine why should it be patented? - but the secret is - that the corporations do not want humanity to know what’s in the injection - that in fact there is graphene oxide in it - plus other adjuvants - what is an adjuvant? Note that honest doctors will see that the contents of this injection is a poison… and this was found when in Spain researchers were able to obtain a good number of phials and using high powered microscopes were able to ascertain that the contents were Graphene Oxide - a known poison. Meanwhile MSM went into full gear practicing damage control, and did their dastardly best to smother the story … https://rumble.com/vjoqlr-phizer-vaccine-seems-to-be-99.9-graphene-oxide-and-more-tests-are-scheduled.html https://chemicalviolence.com/2021-07-14-spanish-study-pfizer-vaccine-toxic-graphene-oxide.html Here in New Zealand - MEDSAFE a Governmental Department - has previously asked Pfizer - 58 questions - even to what is in this so-called vaccine? That the injection is still in its trial period - it usually takes about 7 years to establish safety. - and now Medsafe has rolled over - even though the FDA Food and Drug Administration in the US has not given the all clear as to the safety of this insertion of molecules - of what we know nothing about - into the sacredness of our bodies. So dear reader, it is regrettable those who have believed the big Pharma propaganda - that’s been amplified by mainstream media with Politicians singing in chorus - that those who have taken the ‘shot’ are now an experiment. A walking and sleeping - experiment, that no one on this planet knows what will be the outcome. Video Audio Played Tim then plays an interview of a South African doctor Dr Charles Hoffe who has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada and he has administered about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA injection and is now coming forward to warn as many people as he can about the severe reactions he’s observed in his patients, including death. This resulted in his being fired from his job at the local hospital. Naturally as any doctor who follows the Hippocratic oath would do - he stopped and realised too late what he had done and is now exposing what he has found out because he cares and has a conscience. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/how-the-jab-works-why-it-causes-blood-clots-at-a-microscopic-level/ The Interviewer was Laura Lynn starts with: Dr Charles Hoffe has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada and he has administered about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA injection and is now coming forward to warn about the severe reactions he’s observed in his patients, including death. This resulted in his being fired from his job at the local hospital. He tells host Laura Lynne that the core problem he’s seeing among these patients is microscopic clots in his patients’ tiniest capillaries, of which Clif High has commented, “Blood clots occurring at a capillary level. This has never before been seen. This is not a rare disease. This is an absolutely new phenomenon.” Dr Hoffe explains that these micro-clots are too small to show up on CT scans, MRI, etc and can only be detected using the D-dimer test, of which 62% of his own patients injected with an mRNA shot are positive. “We now know that only 25% of the ‘vaccine’ injected into a person’s arm actually stays in your arm. The other 75% is collected by your lymphatic system and literally fed into your circulation so these little packages of messenger RNA, and by the way in a single dose of Moderna ‘vaccine’ there are literally 40 trillion mRNA molecules. These packages are designed to be absorbed into your cells. But the only place they can be absorbed is around your blood vessels and the place where they are absorbed is the capillary networks – the tiniest blood vessels where the blood flow slows right down and where the genes are released. Your body then gets to work reading and then manufacturing trillions and trillions of these spike proteins. Each gene can produce many, many spike proteins. The body then recognises these are foreign bodies so it makes antibodies against it so you are then protected against COVID. That’s the idea. “But here’s where the problem comes. In a coronavirus, that spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule. In other words it becomes part of the cell wall around the virus. But it is not in a virus. It is in your cells. So it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. This means that these cells which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly now have these little spikey bits sticking out… “So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form because your blood platelets circulate round your blood vessels, and the purpose of blood platelets is to identify damaged vessels and stop bleeding. So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel. “Therefore, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots. They are in your blood vessels (if mRNA ‘vaccinated’) so it is guaranteed. Dr Bahrdi then said to me that the way to prove this is to do a blood test called a D-dimer blood test. “The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test… “The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot regenerate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged.” The result, says Dr Hoffe, is that these patients have what is termed Reduced Effort Tolerance (RET) which means they get out of breath much more easily than they used to. It is because the blood vessels in their lungs are now blocked up. In turn, this causes the heart to need to work harder to try to keep up against a much greater resistance trying to get the blood through your lungs. This is called pulmonary artery hypertension – high blood pressure in the lungs because the blood simply cannot get through effectively. People with this condition usually die of heart failure within a few short years. Dr Hoffe warns sadly, “These shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.” Note that this interview does not include Graphene Oxide - which Spanish researches age they found, in numerous Covid Vaccine phials that they managed to purloin. See Dr Jane Ruby on - www.StewPeters.tv Tim furthers his critique of what is going on. You see we must be brutally clear - Corporations are ruling the world. They have no conscience … Tell me of a kind one? They due to their enormity are controlling more and more Government’s globally at the behest of an agenda higher up the pyramid.. The USA once seen as the bastion of life, liberty and freedom has been on the ropes for many decades now. This is due to insidious corruption, infiltration, blackmail and wars - however, it has always been dabbling in changes of Government even before the Second World War, especially in its control of South America - but there has always been corruption there. Note, that president John Kennedy could not stop this and has since been taken over by both Neo cons and more recently by an insidious infiltration of dark money, bribery, blackmail and extortion. See the movie Eyes Wide Shut, that got the producer Stanley Kubrick eliminated for the exposure of how the dark does its capture of innocent but financially well healed prominent people. You can also see the Will Smith, John Voigt movies Enemy of the State that is 25 years old now that will show what they were able to do then - and where they are today - who knows? But if you love your kids you had better get your gluteus maximus up and into action. Just recently we witnessed the latest version of shadow corruption by elite blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein of certain elements of the elite and his notorious aircraft the Lolita express to Orgy Island in the Caribbean - and how he was quietly delivered out of prison and his deeds of his deceitful sleazy business ventures, hidden and swept from the headlines of news papers, TV and radio media. All aided and abetted by what we have found out is the crooked Department of Justice in the USA and by ‘gate keeping’ Alphabet agencies like the CIA and FBI that control all the nodal points in Washington and indeed have insiders in the 5 Eyes intercept and listening outpost that NZ has found itself enmeshed and embedded in. So we are seeing ourselves in an extremely corrupted world. Tim read out this letter by the NZ doctors to the NZ public and Government www.nzdsos.com This below is a public letter penned by Ethical and honest Doctors to the NZ Government and the Health Department to halt the injection into the unsuspecting NZ public - which as of today Thursday, 5th August there have been over 60 people die shortly after taking that injection. Deaf to the Deaths Jul 22, 2021 Fellow Kiwis, this is a post that we have worried we would need to write, once the evidence of death and serious injury from ‘the Pfizer’ became clear enough, and we could receive confirmation from various sources. That time is now. Everything that follows is the truth, as best as we can uncover it in these sinister times, from reports made to us and from our own investigations. Many concerned, passionate and courageous “ordinary heroes” who are exhausted yet tireless, scared yet redoubtable, and furious yet focused are DETERMINED to rescue our beautiful country and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts. Like us at NZDSOS they probably never imagined in a million years they would be cast into this situation. Perhaps Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago should have been required reading at our schools. Thankfully, many Kiwis do talk to each other when bad things happen, and they are talking to us now. Get ready for the tragic consensus. We believe the toll of dead and injured is at least an order of magnitude greater than we are being told. Yes that’s 10x more, so rather than the couple of dead people the gov grudgingly tells might just be related, out of the dozen or so death reports only the government claims to have received, we say that at least 40 human beings have died already, often suddenly and unexpectedly, suspiciously close to their vaccination. We know of another 80 ‘probables and possibles’ where there is not yet enough information on timing etc. Most of these cases are close enough that a proper investigation MUST be carried out, as befits the clinical trial that all recipients are part of. However, some uncertainties exist of course, not least due to the forces apparently pre-aligned against proper reporting. Absolutely, some of these cases could turn out to be unrelated, but we know that few will be investigated properly, if at all, and not least because ACC could be bankrupt overnight if the truth emerged, and the streets would be seething. Utes blocking our cities? You ain’t seen nothing. Many of the injured feel fobbed-off but angry and are shooting videos and photos. What has really struck us in following up these reports is the climate of fear of speaking up amongst the shocked and bereaved, and this is present in society generally. We would never disclose private details unless asked of course, and many reports are made by concerned friends and family without the knowledge of close relatives. This is unsurprising given the control and suppression of social and intellectual discourse these days in favour of a single narrative. Social media has been so weaponised that bereaved parents might even continue to recommend vaccination, out of the dread of losing their last remaining links to their support groups and a desperate need for their sacrifice to the greater good to be validated. All this whilst at their most vulnerable and raw. Human psychology laid painfully bare… Based on the huge numbers of post vaccine deaths reported in the US, EU and UK (now over 30,000), it is frankly ridiculous to imagine that our ‘vaccine trial team of 5 million’ would not have to offer up it’s own casualties to Pfizer et al, so by extrapolation we would have expected at least 20 deaths so far, and have been warning the media, government and all MPs of this from the start. In fact, as we write this a lawsuit has been filed against the CDC by an insider who claims a dramatic suppression of the true number, more likely 45,000, this in the US alone. If accurate, and Hipkins has his way, then several hundreds of dead Kiwis – and thousands of seriously harmed – will give lie to the words safe and effective. Remember we are doctors and have taken oaths, we have not made this stuff up. You couldn’t anyway. It appears that the unwillingness and inability to investigate any deaths was baked into this rotten cake months ago. From the get-go, the CDC in the US knew that serious harms and deaths would result, and so Medsafe would have been aware. Tenders to software companies by the UK government before their roll-out PROVED that it was expecting an avalanche of serious effects that would cause existing on-line systems to collapse. This is all now public domain information. In fact our politicians and ‘vaccinologists’, with zero training in forensic pathology but expertise only in cheerleading this particular vaccine come hell or high water, and with apparent superpowers of foresight and X-Ray vision, are stating that deaths are unrelated, sometimes after only a few unseemly days. Their apparent certainty is nauseating and extremely offensive. They are like a truculent child who screws its eyes shut to deny to itself that the milk is even spilt. It is doubtful that enough timely post mortems can happen to inform rapid inquests to prove absolute causation and call a halt, given the very convenient shortage of pathologists and coroners. We have been told, and directly experienced, that our monitoring systems are overwhelmed and underfunded. The Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring (CARM) is overloaded, and Healthline has written urgently to MOH to report the unanticipated volume of reactions being reported. No reply so far, but this is our experience too of the Ministry of the Only Source of Truth. What to do with this death and injury info? Well, if the media was in any way our proper fourth estate, they would be educating and informing, and demanding accountability. But, it no longer ‘leads if it bleeds’ – or clots either. Sadly, even recently sympathetic commercial radio has been brought back into line. Our lawyers confirm we are absolutely entitled and morally compelled to raise an alarm so that those paid to respond may feel obligated to investigate, or dismiss the information at least. This is hard factual data that requires the time of day from our bureaucrats and professionals. The morally corrupt and deniers will cry “Conjecture, innuendo, smears, half truths!”; perhaps we are trying to scupper the imminent super-vaxer stadium event in Auckland, of up to 15, 000 of our young, or the inaugural schools roll-out intended for Whanganui, to greet them next week after their holiday. How many of these kids will be first told that the vaccine has killed over 30 000 people around the world, but true numbers will never be known. That the vaccine does not stay in the arm, as our leaders lied ridiculously, but concentrates in the ovaries, brain, heart, bone marrow etc. This may mean nothing, or a very nasty something. We just don’t know, THERE IS NO DATA but we have our suspicions. As do the government have their suspicions…. …. that paramedics may need to follow up or report vaccine injuries, so are prevented from doing so …. that hospital docs might need to access the vaccine record database to deal with blood clots or other cases, so this is made difficult for them …. that there are conscientious concerned hospital workers, so should be dobbed in on a confidential phone line ….. that people may ask doctors if their stroke, heart attack or other illness, or their loved one’s death is related, so the Medical Council commands that we parrot the “Safe and Effective “ mantra, hoping we will get in behind, abandon informed consent, look away, and not function as society’s early warning system for this experimental gene therapy. ….and finally that doctors may be compelled to speak out. So we are, and by sending confidential messages and speaking to us directly, so are many others. We are grateful to them, and to the public, the paramedics, nurses, allied health and admin staff in the health system, and emergency and frontline and military workers who are all bearing witness. Shame on everyone involved in pushing this illegal, unethical, experimental and frankly lethal injection, with some seeming bizarre and undisclosed properties, especially into children and pregnant women! Doctors, start thinking for yourselves again, are you in a trance? But the usual mantra is that the hypnotised do not do things that contravene an important moral principle. Maybe that is crap? So come on Hipkins, and the rest of you also behaving like unreconstructed power-drunk autocrats, instead of threatening us all, like the line you crossed on July 10 2021, with forced injections, “by any means necessary”, like some Stalinist or Nazi jackbooted thug, please do the job we pay you for, open your eyes and look around, and reject the orders that have already killed some of us, no matter what the inducements offered to you or threats made.. And if you don’t, along with your attack dogs in the media and the apocryphal ‘good people standing by doing nothing’, may you look into your childrens’ eyes and never have a restful night’s sleep again. Come on Kiwis. Bloody wake up. Oh, and please check out International Ivermectin Day online on July 24 to learn how we can get our old lives back if authorities were actually serious about ending this situation. So there we have it - the 60 or so NZ doctors who follow the hippocratic oat - first do not harm. https://nzdsos.com/2021/07/22/deaf-to-the-deaths/?fbclid=IwAR0FJXpkQ3ddBKQafNFYDvps8S7OJyMoWLr8gyv9qnX4bWjRLHY_oH8zvOw So there we have it - if anyone has a medical emergency - you would beg any one of these medical doctors take over and save your loved ones - but when you have politicians doing the bidding of their overlords Big Pharma and the drug, note drug corporations - our do as you are told politicians tow the party line - bowing to pressure all the politicians our rogue servants kowtow to their bosses of their respective party machines. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/bombshell-lawsuit-govt-whistleblower-says-coronavirus-vaccine-deaths-at-least-45000 Then Tim talks about our country cousins in the rural regions and sectors. Especially, with regard to what is rolling out across the rural areas of NZ and what will impact them and eventually end up in all villages, towns and cities of Aotearoa, New Zealand. This is, the unheralded and for most - the secretive deployment into the rural sector (because few have fast internet speeds) - the United Nations Agenda21 and 2030. If you go to www.aag.org.nz (Agricultural Action Group) and go to the link and download the fine print of what that Agenda actually is - and it's a 352 page document - that covers every aspect of our lives - healthcare, education - that stock takes every single living being and resource and mineral on the planet - so that they can control it. You start to get the picture, because we have not been consulted or involved. That they, the top of the Pyramid of power - want to eradicate that which is not sustainable - and that is - the private ownership of land. i.e farming - private ownership of motor vehicles, roading, irrigation, ski fields, golf courses - even the family unit - in their eyes is listed as unsustainable. That this is something that they want to eradicate. So once we read the fine print we become aware of where our Government is taking us - she says that the insane legislation that is crippling our agricultural sector - starts to make sense. The Deputy Prime Minister showed his colours and dug himself into a hole of his own making earlier this year. In this interview, we also hear that no politician in NZ's Parliament is mentioning Agenda21 and Agenda2030 - or the Great Reset - Why? Because they are gagged from breaking ranks - (Mum's the word). When in February of this year we had the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance walk out of a radio interview on radio Magics Talk Show - with well known national TV news reader and sports host Peter Williams. on: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2021/02/the-great-reset-grant-robertson-pulls-out-of-weekly-slot-on-magic-talk-with-peter-williams-after-shooting-down-conspiracy-theory. Then this very well known broadcaster Peter Williams was accused of being a conspiracy theorist ¦ Listen ¦ Follow this link and you will find that the Deputy PM has created for himself an untenable situation. Because he actually went to the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos in Switzerland, with the Prime Minister in 2019. Follow this link to the World Economic Forum and you hear Prince Charles being used to front a 2 minute video focusing on the degradation of the global environment. The same environment that sustains us all and that all the corporations of the world have either contributed to destroying or let happen on their watch. The World Economic Forum and their financially powerful media machine are now using this cloak off respectability of telling us how they are going to save us all - they want to punish humanity for the situation we are now in, by imposing (a much needed clean up operation) - but have factored humanity out of being helpers and educated participants™ in this equation). They are now going it alone with their top down ideological plan. https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/finance-minister-travels-davos-world-economic-forum-brussels-and-london What comes through in this radio discourse is that our politicians lie and because they have a compliant and obedient mainstream media, (who - according to Heather Meri - have been paid off with a $125 million grant) Have closed ranks and do not criticise the NZ Government anymore. Therefore a great percentage of NZ citizens do not hear or read of these lies. Note - if a country of 5 million people can have their communications system paid off with $125 million. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JB9-uL9o-w VIDEO The great reset - 4 minutes https://rumble.com/vkazvv-graphen-dance.html 1 minute Plus, this planned addition of the Great Reset that the World Economic Forum from Davos in Switzerland is going to superimpose over our planet and civilisation. Is real and it is coming soon with no fan fare from our Government where in Wellington.
This new economic model will cover every survival contingency regarding the well being of the 7.8 billion souls on this planet, including all biota within the biosphere. In closing this very important interview - I wish to emphasise that we as an individual, a family, community, region and as a country can rise to the occasion - as a heart felt unifying spirit of cooperating people. We are now starkly realising that there is a stealthy global control game being enacted - to lock us as a humanity down. Over the last few decades we have been gradually dumbed down by the media - and an education system that teaches us not to question - or to be curious and to wonder! All you have to do is listen to the inane news every hour on all the talkback and music stations NZ wide to hear - 3 minutes of drivel as the saying goes. This can be noticed with Mains Stream Media - with the younger generation not reading a newspaper - be it local or national - or watching the news with TVNZ and TV3 parroting virtually the same continuous rhetoric. We have found ourselves drowning in the semi - censored swamp of sameness. With a media that takes in feeds from overseas that are all multinational corporations pushing the same lockstep agenda. The churches have failed us too - Christianity has taken a major hit in this country just like other western countries, because they virtually bore people to death, with leaders who appear so disconnected to Christ. By failing to call a halt on corrupt practices and stand up for justice. Sadly, you can see this today with near vacant churches across the country. Yet from most religious accounts - we are spiritual beings having an earth experience - that we are far more than we ever thought possible. Huge numbers of people globally have had 'out of the body' or 'near death experiences' - where they have found themselves outside their body looking down on it - in many cases seeing doctors frantically working to keep their body alive. GreenplanetFM.com - has done a number of interviews based on this and what is the soul? There was much more information divulged in this radio show. Best have a listen - and note that this was a one 72 year old man show that ended at 2am in the morning when the radio station shut down all its computers and Tim had to go home - without listening to the final edit. Note: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/ has been taken down - this is censorship. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/ This is a go to web site https://www.globalresearch.ca/ - excellent NZ Websites: www.thebuzz.nz www.therealnews.nz www.Voicesforfreedom.co.nz www.seemorerocks.is https://nzdsos.com NZ Doctors Note that if there was a pandemic - all the homeless would be dying. Note in America no homeless are going down with Covid and there are many of them especially in Democrat cities. Please checkout www.GreenplanetFM.com and https://www.youtube.com/c/OurPlanet/videos Kia kaha and Aroha Stand strong and Love Tim